Aliens Colonial Marines
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Aliens: Colonial Marines (Voucher - Kód na stiahnutie) (PC) (Jazyk hry: EN, PL) |
5,10 € |
49,00 € |
Aliens Colonial Marines Season PassSeason Pass dá svojim majiteľom prístup k unikátnemu hernému obsahu kampane, k multiplayerovým mapám, novým módom, možnostiam úprav postáv a iným vychytávkam. Nákupom tohto produktu získate prístup ku všetkým DLC pre túto hru. Pre aktiváciu produktu je nutné vlastniť základnú hru. |
3,93 € |
Aliens: Colonial Marines Technical ManualA must for all "Aliens" fans, this detailed manual is the official guide to the equipment and organization of the United States Colonial Marine Corps and is packed with never-before-published diagrams, technical schematics and plans. |
16,78 € |
Aliens Colonial Marines Season Pass | PC SteamSeason Pass dá svojim majiteľom prístup k unikátnemu hernému obsahu kampane , k multiplayerovým mapám , novým módom , možnostiam úprav postáv a iným vychytávkam . Nákupom tohto produktu získate prístup ku všetkým DLC pre túto hru . Pre aktiváciu produktu je nutné vlastniť základnú hru . |
7,13 € |
Aliens: Colonial Marines Technical ManualA must for all "Aliens" fans, this detailed manual is the official guide to the equipment and organization of the United States Colonial Marine Corps and is packed with never-before-published diagrams, technical schematics and plans. |
16,78 € |
Aliens: Colonial Marines Technical Manual (Brimmicombe-Wood Lee)The United States Colonial Marines. Ultimate troubleshooters equipped with state-of-the-art firepower, capable of power projection across the vast expanse of deep space. They can sharpshoot a man at a thousand meters or obliterate an entire world from the safety of orbit. They reckon they are unbeat... |
16,16 € |
Aliens: Colonial Marines Steam PCAlien: Colonal Marines je first-person střílečka vyvinutá studiem Gearbox Software a vydána Segou. Hra je inspirována filmovou sérií Vetřelec, takže najdete známé postavy a kreatury. Příběh hry je jakési pokračování filmu Jamese Camerona: Vetřelci. Děj se odehrává přímo po událostech filmu. Ve hře ... |
2,07 € |
Aliens: Colonial MarinesPripojíte sa k jednotke americkej koloniálnej námornej pechoty, ktorá sa chystá čeliť útoku mimozemšťanov, intenzívnejšiemu a strašlivejšiemu ako kedykoľvek predtým. Gearbox v spolupráci so Segou prináša originálny príbeh z pera uznávaných autorov Bradleyho Thompsona a Davida Weddlea, ktorý sa vyzna... |
3,93 € |
Aliens: VasquezA groundbreaking Latinx Aliens novel by a rising star Latina author, featuring the fan-favorite character PFC Jenette Vasquez from the hit movie Aliens and the family she is forced to leave behind. Even before the doomed mission to Hadley's Hope, Jenette Vasquez had to fight to survive. Born to an i... |
18,19 € |
Aliens: Vasquez - V. CastroA groundbreaking Latinx Aliens novel by a rising star Latina author, featuring the fan-favorite character PFC Jenette Vasquez from the hit movie Aliens and the family she is forced to leave behind. Even before the doomed mission to Hadley s Hope, Jenette Vasquez had to fight to survive. Born to an i... |
16,93 € |
Aliens: Bishop (Napper T. R.)A direct sequel to Aliens and Alien 3--Weyland-Yutani, the Colonial Marines, and Bishops creator all pursue the android for the deadly Xenomorph data contained in his brain. Written by T. R. Napper, author of the acclaimed 36 Streets, whose explosive work explores the artificial intelligence and wha... |
17,84 € |
Aliens: The Official Movie Novelization (Foster Alan Dean)In the sequel to the 1979 film Alien, Ellen Ripley is forced to return to planet LV-426, where her crew encountered the hostile Alien creature. There they discovered hundreds of eggs, and just one slaughtered everyone but Ripley. This time shes accompanied by a unit of Colonial Marines, but even the... |
9,04 € |
Aliens: Vasquez - V. CastroA groundbreaking Latinx Aliens novel by a rising star Latina author, featuring the fan-favorite character PFC Jenette Vasquez from the hit movie Aliens and the family she is forced to leave behind. Even before the doomed mission to Hadley's Hope, Jenette Vasquez had to fight to survive. Born to an... |
17,04 € |
Aliens: Bug HuntEighteen brand new stories--exclusive to this collection-- featuring the Colonial Marines in bloody conflict with the deadly Aliens. ALIENS: BUG HUNT will send the marines into deep space, to alien worlds, to derelict space settlements, and into the nests of the universe's most dangerous monsters. |
11,35 € |
Marvel Aliens Epic Collection: The Original Years 1O komikse v slovenčine: Najstrašnejšie bytosti v galaxii prichádzajú na Zem! Roky po prvých dvoch filmoch série Alien útokXenomorfov vo vesmíre vedie Koloniálnych mariňákov k akcii. Čoskoro sa ťažko zjazvený Hicks a teraz dospelá Newt ocitnú v nebezpečnej misii na vypátranie a zničenie domovskej pl... |
43,19 € |
Aliens: The Official Movie NovelizationReturned to Earth, Ellen Ripley learns that a colony has been established on LV-426, the planet where the crew of the Nostromo found the original Alien. But contact with the colonists has been lost, so she must accompany a unit of Colonial Marines to discover their fate. And to destroy any Aliens fo... |
9,24 € |
Aliens - Lee Brimmicombe-WoodThe Aliens Colonial Marines Technical Manual is your official guide to the equipment and organisation of the United States Colonial Marine Corps as featured in the hit film Aliens. Packed with never-before-published diagrams, technical schematics and plans, the manual takes a detailed look at the gu... |
15,67 € |
Aliens: Vasquez - V. CastroA groundbreaking Latinx Aliens novel by a rising star Latina author, featuring the fan-favorite character PFC Jenette Vasquez from the hit movie Aliens and the family she is forced to leave behind. Even before the doomed mission to Hadley's Hope, Jenette Vasquez had to fight to survive. Born to an... |
17,00 € |
Aliens: VasquezA groundbreaking Latinx Aliens novel by a rising star Latina author, featuring the fan-favorite character PFC Jenette Vasquez from the hit movie Aliens and the family she is forced to leave behind. Even before the doomed mission to Hadley's Hope, Jenette Vasquez had to fight to survive. Born to an i... |
18,19 € |
Nájdených 70 výsledkov |