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Batman Arkham Asylum

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Nájdených 272 záznamov (zobrazujem 181 až 200)
Cena vrátane DPH
DC Comics Batman: Knightfall 1 Omnibus (New Edition)

DC Comics Batman: Knightfall 1 Omnibus (New Edition)

O komikse v slovenčine: Všetci najväčší nepriatelia Temného rytiera ušli z Arkham Asylum a lovia v Gotham City. Batman so svojim mestom v obliehaní posúva svoje telo na hranice možností, keď sa postaví Jokerovi, Bláznivému klobúčnikovi, Poison Ivy, Killer Crocovi, Riddlerovi a Scarecrowovi. Ale s...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

693 recenzií

153,59 €
4 627 Sk

Batman: Knightwatch (Torres J.)

Batman: Knightwatch (Torres J.)

After a massive breakout at Arkham Asylum, Batman and his team are on a mission to bring all the escapees back. Follow along as Batman hunts down Clayface, Penguin, Mad Hatter, Firefly, and more! Batman: Knightwatch collects Batman: Knightwatch issues

1147 recenzií

14,80 €
446 Sk

USAopoly Talisman: Batman Super-Villains Edition

USAopoly Talisman: Batman Super-Villains Edition

V této přepracované verzi hry Talisman se plížíš, bojuješ a hledáš cestu k vítězství. Hráči, kteří kteří hrají padouchy mají před sebou mnoho překážek, procházejí Arkham Asylum, aby se vyhnuli ošetřovatelům, policistům a Batmanovi, Robinovi a Batgirl, osvobodili vězně a stali se králem nebo královno...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

366 recenzií

58,05 €
1 749 Sk

TLAMA games

DC Comics Batman 3: I Am Bane (Rebirth) New Edition

DC Comics Batman 3: I Am Bane (Rebirth) New Edition

He is not a fairy tale or a circus act, a broken friend or a regretful mentor. He is no rich boy pretending to be a knight. He is Bane. The Batman invaded his home, scarred his mind and broke his back. Now Bane has returned to Gotham City for a single purpose: break the Batman once and for all. B...

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25895 recenzií

15,00 €
452 Sk

Batman/The Maxx

Batman/The Maxx

The Dark Knight faces the strangest and most bizarre adventure of his career, as he meets comics' strangest and most bizarre hero, The Maxx A devious new doctor at Arkham Asylum is conducting unconventional experiments into the human psyche, an

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

5320 recenzií

21,36 €
643 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

Batman Eternal (Volume 3) - Scott Snyder

Batman Eternal (Volume 3) - Scott Snyder

Batman’s city is burning. In the months since Commissioner Jim Gordon fell from grace, criminal empires have risen. Martial law has been declared. Arkham Asylum has been emptied. Bruce Wayne has been bankrupted. And Gotham City has been torn apart. Batman and his allies have fought their way up the ...

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25895 recenzií

19,00 €
572 Sk

DC Comics Batman: Sins of the Father

DC Comics Batman: Sins of the Father

O komikse: The story of the hit Telltale game continues here! Batman: The Telltale Series introduced fans to a bold new version of the Batman mythos--one in which Bruce Wayne's mission as Batman was placed in jeopardy when he discovered that his father was one of the most twisted and evil men Got...

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693 recenzií

12,47 €
376 Sk

DC Comics Batman 3: I Am Bane (Rebirth) New Edition

DC Comics Batman 3: I Am Bane (Rebirth) New Edition

O komikse v slovenčine: Nie je vtip. Nie je hádanka. Nie je vták ani mačka ani tučniak, nie je strašiak ani rastlina ani bábka. Nie je rozprávka ani cirkusová atrakcia, zlomený priateľ ani ľutujúci mentor. Nie je to žiadny bohatý chlapec, ktorý sa vydáva za rytiera. Je to Bane. Batman vnikol do ...

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693 recenzií

18,23 €
549 Sk

Batman: Nightwalker - Marie Lu

Batman: Nightwalker - Marie Lu

Returning home from his lavish eighteenth birthday party, Bruce Wayne stops a criminal's getaway - disobeying the police and crashing his car during the chase. Sentenced to community service in Gotham City's Arkham Asylum, he encounters some of the the city's most dangerous and mentally disturbed cr...

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25895 recenzií

8,00 €
241 Sk

DC Comics novels - Harley Quinn

DC Comics novels - Harley Quinn

The definitive story of Harley Quinn by her co-creator, Paul Dini, and Pat Cadigan, revealing the secrets of her history even as she seeks to kill Batman. When she was only seven years old, Harleen Quinzel witnessed her father being beaten up by thugs, and then arrested by the police. That night she...

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12590 recenzií

12,95 €
390 Sk


DC Comics Joker Compendium

DC Comics Joker Compendium

Arkham Asylum has been attacked! All eyes are on the Joker. A mysterious benefactor hires former Gotham City Police Commissioner Jim Gordon to go on a global manhunt to catch, and possibly even kill, the Clown Prince of Crime! But nothing with the Joker comes easy. What Gordon finds and what the J...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

25895 recenzií

55,00 €
1 657 Sk



VERBOTENE LIEBEDie Psychologin Dr. Harleen Quinzel ist dem Joker verfallen, dem gefährlichsten Insassen der Irrenanstalt Arkham Asylum. Harleen beschützt den eingesperrten Killerclown sogar vor Batman. Doch dann plant der irre Harvey Dent einen Überfall auf Arkham, und Harleen und der Joker müssen z...

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5320 recenzií

14,14 €
426 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

Brian Azzarello,Lee Bermejo - Joker

Brian Azzarello,Lee Bermejo - Joker

The Joker has been mysteriously released from Arkham Asylum, and he's none too happy about what's happened to his Gotham City rackets while he's been "away." Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo bring you arguably the most terrifying Joker tale ever written! The scourge of Gotham City reaches new levels ...

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25895 recenzií

11,00 €
331 Sk

DC Comics Joker: DC Compact Comics Edition

DC Comics Joker: DC Compact Comics Edition

O komikse v slovenčine: Grafické romány na čítanie kdekoľvek: DC Compact Comics zbierajú najpredávanejšie, najikonickejšie príbehy DC v novej veľkosti! Batmanov najväčší nepriateľ dosahuje nové úrovne zložitosti a intenzity v tomto jedinečne vytvorenom príbehu od najpredávanejšieho a oceňovaného (...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

693 recenzií

10,55 €
318 Sk

Killing Joke

Killing Joke

Faced with overwhelming poverty and a pregnant wife, a tragic, struggling comedian is forced to turn to crime. In his first heist, he is immersed in toxic chemicals that disfigure him bizarrely, driving him mad and thus giving birth to The Joker.For years, the Clown Prince of Crime has been caught i...

274 recenzií

9,62 €
290 Sk

DC Comics Absolutely Everything You Need To Know - Liz Marsham, Melanie Scott, Landry Walker, Stephen Wiacek, DK, Dorling Kindersley Ltd

DC Comics Absolutely Everything You Need To Know - Liz Marsham, Melanie Scott, Landry Walker, Stephen Wiacek, DK, Dorling Kindersley Ltd

All the facts that really matter about the heroes and villains of the DC Comics Universe. And then some!Discover Superman's strangest powers and Batman's top death-defying escapes! Find out who wins when Wonder Woman and Cheetah go head to head. Check out the Joker's best-and worst-days! Explore Aqu...

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9902 recenzií

22,75 €
685 Sk

"DC Animated Film Collection: Volume 1" ("Ethan Spaulding;Sam Liu;Jay Oliva;") (Blu-ray / 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray (Boxset))

Collection of five animated features based on the DC Comics characters. 'Batman The Killing Joke' 2016 follows Batman voice of Kevin Conroy as he tries to apprehend his nemesis the Joker Mark Hamill while exploring the origins of his most famous foe. After escaping from prison, the Joker targets the...

895 recenzií

68,24 €
2 056 Sk

Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Multiverse Who Laughs

Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Multiverse Who Laughs

A Multiverse chock-full of your worst nightmares!The DC Multiverse is a collection of alternate-realtiy worlds where anything is possible. Each world tells the tale of a possible split in reality, or shows how lives vary depending on a single, solitary decision. But now that the Multiverse has been ...

274 recenzií

21,86 €
659 Sk

The Joker Vol. 1 (Tynion IV James)

The Joker Vol. 1 (Tynion IV James)

Batman: The Joker War was only the beginning! Arkham Asylum has been attacked and all eyes are on the Joker. A mysterious benefactor hires former Gotham City Police Commissioner Jim Gordon to go on a global manhunt to catch...and possibly kill...the Clown Prince of Crime! But nothing with the Joke...

1147 recenzií

14,40 €
434 Sk

Dark Horse DC Comics Absolutely Everything You Need To Know

Dark Horse DC Comics Absolutely Everything You Need To Know

O knihe v slovenčine: Všetky skutočne dôležité fakty o hrdinoch a zloduchoch zo sveta DC Comics. A ešte viac! Objavte Supermanove najčudesnejšie schopnosti a Batmanove najväčšie úniky pred smrťou! Zistite, kto zvíťazí, keď sa Wonder Woman a Cheetah postavia proti sebe. Pozrite sa na Jokerove najle...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

693 recenzií

21,98 €
662 Sk

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