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Nájdených 33 záznamov (zobrazujem 1 až 20)
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Biped | PC Steam

Biped | PC Steam

Dvaja biped roboti Aku a Sila sa vydajú na dobrodružnú a zábanú cestu, poďte sa na ňu vydať spolu s nimi.

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

887 recenzií

12,48 €
376 Sk



Elektronická licence určená pro platformu Steam Dva malí dvounozí roboti, Aku a Sila, půjdou bok po boku a vydají se na zábavnoua poutavou cestu. Návod na aktivaci elektronického klíče pro Steam: 1. Nainstalujte si program Steam – ke stažení zde: a kl...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

2383 recenzií

3,70 €
111 Sk

"Biped (Bryars/harris/woodrow/kosugi)" ("") (CD / Album)

894 recenzií

17,76 €
535 Sk

ACEBOTT Bionic Biped Robot Kit for ESP32

ACEBOTT Bionic Biped Robot Kit for ESP32

ACEBOTT Bionic Biped Robot Kit for ESP32 STEM robotika pre začiatočníkov: Súprava dvojnohého robota ACEBOTT je hliníková zliatina založená na platforme ESP32, študenti si môžu zostaviť a naprogramovať súpravu dvojnohého robota, aby sa mohli začať učiť robotiku a elektronické inžinierstvo a získať p...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

577 recenzií

44,80 €
1 350 Sk


ESD Biped ESD_9416

ESD Biped ESD_9416

Elektronická licence určená pro platformu Steam Dva malí dvounozí roboti, Aku a Sila, půjdou bok po boku a vydají se na zábavnoua poutavou cestu. Návod na aktivaci elektronického klíče pro Steam: 1. Nainstalujte si program Steam – ke stažení zde: a kli...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

3668 recenzií

4,93 €
149 Sk

Extreme Computers

Biped (Voucher - Kód na stiahnutie) (PC) (Digitální platforma: Steam, Jazyk hry: EN)

Biped (Voucher - Kód na stiahnutie) (PC) (Digitální platforma: Steam, Jazyk hry: EN)

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

2151 recenzií

4,70 €
142 Sk




Two little bipedal robots, Aku and Sila, will walk side by side and embark on a fun and bonding journey.MASTER INNOVATIVE AND SIMPLE CONTROLSYou control the robot's two legs using two sticks or left and right mouse buttons. This allows you to perform various moves—from simple walking and slidin...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

206 recenzií

3,26 €
98 Sk


Biped [Steam]

Biped [Steam]

Dva malé dvojnohé roboty, Aku a Sila, budú kráčať bok po boku a vydajú sa na zábavnú a pútavú cestu. INOVATÍVNE A JEDNODUCHÉ OVLÁDANIE Dve nohy robota ovládate pomocou dvoch páčok alebo ľavého a pravého tlačidla myši. To vám umožňuje vykonávať rôzne pohyby – od jednoduchej chôdze a kĺzania až po po...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

12180 recenzií

3,99 €
120 Sk

One Year on a Bike

One Year on a Bike

The title says it all: one man, one bike, one long ride, the adventure, the pleasure, and the pain. It is simultaneously a travelogue and visual journey.Martijn Doolaard traded the convenience of a car and the distractions of daily life for a cross-continental cycling journey: a biped adventure that...

264 recenzií

47,35 €
1 426 Sk

One Year on a Bike - Martijn Doolaard

One Year on a Bike - Martijn Doolaard

The title says it all: one man, one bike, one long ride, the adventure, the pleasure, and the pain. It is simultaneously a travelogue and visual journey. Martijn Doolaard traded the convenience of a car and the distractions of daily life for a cross-continental cycling journey: a biped adventure tha...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

25712 recenzií

44,20 €
1 332 Sk

Lego Mindstorms Ev3 Laboratory

Lego Mindstorms Ev3 Laboratory

The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Laboratory introduces the EV3 and covers the essentials of making robots with the kit. Inside you will find complete instructions for creating five robots: the obstacle-avoiding ROV3R vehicle; a remote control SUP3R CAR; the BLAST3R DROID, a walking tripod with reciprocating ...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

5253 recenzií

29,05 €
875 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

Lego Mindstorms Ev3 Laboratory

Lego Mindstorms Ev3 Laboratory

The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Laboratory introduces the EV3 and covers the essentials of making robots with the kit. Inside you will find complete instructions for creating five robots: the obstacle-avoiding ROV3R vehicle; a remote control SUP3R CAR; the BLAST3R DROID, a walking tripod with reciprocating ...

264 recenzií

29,05 €
875 Sk

An Essential Introduction to Maya Character Rigging (Briggs Cheryl)

An Essential Introduction to Maya Character Rigging (Briggs Cheryl)

While some rigging books focus too much on the theory of rigging and provide little instruction, others do the exact opposite and offer no reasoning behind the button-pushing. An Essential Introduction to Maya Character Rigging, 2nd Edition, however, offers a perfect balance. Cheryl Briggs text is b...

1140 recenzií

53,60 €
1 615 Sk

One Year on a Bike

One Year on a Bike

The title says it all: one man, one bike, one long ride, the adventure, the pleasure, and the pain. It is simultaneously a travelogue and visual journey.Martijn Doolaard traded the convenience of a car and the distractions of daily life for a cross-continental cycling journey: a biped adventure that...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

5253 recenzií

47,35 €
1 426 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

Bipedal Robots - Christine Chevallereau a kol.

Bipedal Robots - Christine Chevallereau a kol.

This book presents various techniques to carry out the gait modeling, the gait patterns synthesis, and the control of biped robots. Some general information on the human walking, a presentation of the current experimental biped robots, and the application of walking bipeds are given. The modeling is...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

25712 recenzií

176,00 €
5 302 Sk

BE-A Walker

BE-A Walker

STORYDying Earth is overpopulated and humanity searches for new planets to colonize and to extract much needed resources. Eldorado is an Earth-like planet covered with huge jungles and mountains full of rare minerals and it is an ideal option for colonization. But two things are making colonization ...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

206 recenzií

7,50 €
226 Sk


The Lego Mindstorms Robot Inventor Activity Book: A Beginners Guide to Building and Programming Lego Robots (Benedettelli Daniele)

The Lego Mindstorms Robot Inventor Activity Book: A Beginners Guide to Building and Programming Lego Robots (Benedettelli Daniele)

A playful project-based introduction to robot building and programming using the new LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor Kit. This introduction to the LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor Kit is a great way to enter the world of robotics--no previous programming experience necessary! Seven cool projects guide...

1140 recenzií

33,20 €
1 000 Sk

One Year on a Bike: From Amsterdam to Singapore (Doolaard Martijn)

One Year on a Bike: From Amsterdam to Singapore (Doolaard Martijn)

The title says it all: one man, one bike, one long ride, the adventure, the pleasure, and the pain. It is simultaneouslya travelogue and visual journey. Martijn Doolaard traded the convenience of a car and the distractions of daily life for a cross-continental cycling journey: a biped adventure that...

1140 recenzií

44,12 €
1 329 Sk

Biped (PC) klíč Steam

Biped (PC) klíč Steam

Pre zariadenia:PC.

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

68 recenzií

4,18 €
126 Sk

ABCOM Košice s.r.o. - online predajňa

ESD Biped

ESD Biped

Elektronická licencia určená pre platformu Steam Dvaja malí dvojnohí roboti, Aku a Sila, pôjdu bok po boku a vydajú sa na zábavnú a pútavú cestu. Návod na aktiváciu elektronického kľúča pre Steam: 1. Nainštalujte si program Steam – na stiahnutie tu: a ...

3,23 €
97 Sk


1 2 Další »

Nájdených 33 výsledkov

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