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Civilization VI

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Civilization VI Leader Pass

Civilization VI Leader Pass

13,80 - 16,91 €
416 - 509 Sk
Civilization VI (Deluxe Edition)

Civilization VI (Deluxe Edition)

59,84 - 82,99 €
1 803 - 2 500 Sk
Civilization VI

Civilization VI

28,90 - 67,90 €
871 - 2 046 Sk
Civilization VI Anthology

Civilization VI Anthology

21,52 - 23,05 €
648 - 694 Sk
Nájdených viac ako 1000 záznamov (zobrazujem 501 až 520)
Cena vrátane DPH

"The Ancient Religion of the Sun: The Wisdom Bringers and The Lost Civilization of the Sun" ("Atwood Lara")

" The ancient Religion of the Sun has been one of the most powerful influencers on human history. It originated in the depths of prehistory, possibly tens of thousands of years ago, and influenced the major civilizations of the ancient world that venerated the sun. It gave rise to many of the world'...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

1112 recenzií

27,48 €
828 Sk

Sid Meier's Civilization V: Brave New World

Sid Meier's Civilization V: Brave New World

Datadisk Brave New World sa zameriava na medzinárodný obchod a diplomaciu. vypnutéDatadisk Brave New World sa zameriava na medzinárodný obchod a diplomaciu. Medzinárodné obchodné trasy pomôžu zabezpečiť prosperitu a šíriť vlastnú kultúru. Svetový kongres umocní dôležitosť mestských štátov rozhodovan...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

102748 recenzií

29,99 €
903 Sk

The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy - Jacob Burckhardt

The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy - Jacob Burckhardt

For nineteenth-century Swiss historian Jacob Burckhardt, the Italian Renaissance was nothing less than the beginning of the modern world - a world in which flourishing individualism and the competition for fame radically transformed science, the arts, and politics. In this landmark work he depicts t...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

25268 recenzií

12,80 €
386 Sk

Civilization VI

Civilization VI

Vládca ríšeSid Meier's Civilization VII Xbox Series X prináša úplne novú, revolučnú kapitolu. Vašou úlohou bude vybudovať najväčšiu ríšu, akú kedy svet zbadal. Strategické rozhodnutia utvárajú jedinečnú kultúrnu líniu ríše, ktorú povediete ako jeden z legendárnych vládcov histórie. Spolupráca alebo ...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

102748 recenzií

67,90 €
2 046 Sk

Folded Space Through the Ages: Příběh civilizace Insert (Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization) (FS-TTA)

Folded Space Through the Ages: Příběh civilizace Insert (Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization) (FS-TTA)

Organizér z paměťové pěny Evacore o tloušťce 5 mm. Kompatibilní s: Through the Ages: Příběh civilizace Zrychluje přípravu a průběh hry a umožňuje bezpečnější skladování herních komponent. Vhodné pro vydání s vnějším rozměrem krabice: 37.0 x 25.7 x 7.4 cm   K sestavení je potřeba PVA lepidlo. V...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

338 recenzií

21,24 €
640 Sk

TLAMA games

Coptic Civilization

Coptic Civilization

Egypt's Copts make up one of the oldest and largest Christian communities in the Middle East. Yet despite the availability of a large number of books on aspects of Coptic culture, including art and architecture, monasticism, theology, and music, there is to date no single volume that provides a comp...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

4960 recenzií

55,39 €
1 669 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

Sumer: The History of the Cities and Culture that Established Ancient Mesopotamia's First Civilization

Sumer: The History of the Cities and Culture that Established Ancient Mesopotamia's First Civilization

*Includes pictures *Includes ancient accounts *Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading When American archaeologists discovered a collection of cuneiform tablets in Iraq in the late 19th century, they were confronted

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

4960 recenzií

18,26 €
550 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

Islamic Civilization in Thirty Lives

Islamic Civilization in Thirty Lives

The religious thinkers, political leaders, law-makers, writers and philosophers of the early Muslim world helped to shape the 1,400-year-long development of today's secondlargest world religion. But who were these people? What do we know of their lives, and the ways in which they influenced their so...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

11851 recenzií

12,69 €
382 Sk


Czech Games Edition Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization EN

Czech Games Edition Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization EN

Preveďte svoj národ celou históriou ľudstva od staroveku až po súčasnosť. Postavte niektoré divy sveta, rozvíjajte ekonomiku, objavujte nové technológie a znalosti, zaberte pre seba nové územia, plánujte udalosti ovplyvňujúce vývoj všetkých civilizácií a nezabúdajte ani na obranu vášho územia pred n...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

6551 recenzií

59,99 €
1 807 Sk

Prospects of Industrial Civilization

Prospects of Industrial Civilization

Argues that industrialism is a threat to human freedom, since it is fundamentally linked with nationalism. This book offers a glimpse into subtleties of the author's political thought.

221 recenzií

38,42 €
1 157 Sk

"Forgotten Civilization: New Discoveries on the Solar-Induced Dark Age" ("Schoch Robert M.")

"A new expanded edition of the groundbreaking investigation into early high cultures and ancient solar outbursts - Updated throughout with recent developments and additional illustrations - Reveals how solar outbursts caused the end of the last ice age, unleashed catastrophe upon ancient advanced ...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

1112 recenzií

21,48 €
647 Sk

"In Search of the Primitive: A Critique of Civilization" ("Diamond Stanley")

" Anthropology is a kind of debate between human possibilities--a dialectical movement between the anthropologist as a modern man and the primitive peoples he studies. In Search of the Primitive is a tough-minded book containing chapters ranging from encounters in the field to essays on the nature o...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

1112 recenzií

49,84 €
1 501 Sk

How The Catholic Church Built Western Civilization

How The Catholic Church Built Western Civilization

In the new paperback edition of bestselling author's Thomas E. Woods, Jr.'s "How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization", Woods describes how and why the Catholic church gave Western Civilization some of its most integral and distinctive characteristics. It comes now with new introduction by...

221 recenzií

15,36 €
463 Sk

"Madness and Civilization" ("Foucault Michel")

" In this classic account of madness, Michel Foucault shows once and for all why he is one of the most distinguished European philosophers since the end of World War II. Madness and Civilization, Foucault's first book and his finest accomplishment, will change the way in which you think about societ...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

1112 recenzií

20,32 €
612 Sk

"Forests: The Shadow of Civilization" ("Harrison Robert Pogue")

"In this wide-ranging exploration of the role of forests in Western thought, Robert Pogue Harrison enriches our understanding not only of the forest's place in the cultural imagination of the West, but also of the ecological dilemmas that now confront us so urgently. Consistently insightful and beau...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

1112 recenzií

31,04 €
935 Sk

Život v počítačových hrách - Paměti od tvůrce Civilization a dalších kultovních videoher - Sid Meier

Život v počítačových hrách - Paměti od tvůrce Civilization a dalších kultovních videoher - Sid Meier

„Kmotr počítačových hier“ spomína na svoju kariéru - čiže na históriu videohier. Videohry predstavujú v súčasnosti najväčšiu časť zábavného priemyslu. Pritom len pred niekoľkými desaťročiami to bola zábava pre pár čudovníkov z technických odborov. Vzostup novej počítačovej zábavy však nezapríčinila ...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

1371 recenzií

13,79 €
415 Sk

Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century

Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century

By examining in detail the material life of pre-industrial people around the world, Fernand Braudel significantly changed the way historians view their subject. Volume I describes food and drink, dress and housing, demography and family structure, energy and technology, money and credit, and the gro...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

4960 recenzií

60,18 €
1 813 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

Blackfire Sid Meier's Civilization: Nový úsvit

Blackfire Sid Meier's Civilization: Nový úsvit

Sid Meier's Civilization: Nový úsvit je nová civilizačná strategická hra, ktorá je po Civilizácii ďalšou konverziou výborných počítačových civilizačných hier pod hlavičkou Sida Meiera, v ktorej hráči ovládajú najvýznamnejšie národy sveta. Počas hry, hráči rozširujú svoje územie, vynaliezajú nové tec...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

6551 recenzií

52,99 €
1 596 Sk

The Crossroads of Civilization: A History of Vienna

The Crossroads of Civilization: A History of Vienna

221 recenzií

22,85 €
688 Sk

"Magnetic Mountain: Stalinism as a Civilization" ("Kotkin Stephen")

"This study is the first of its kind: a street-level inside account of what Stalinism meant to the masses of ordinary people who lived it. Stephen Kotkin was the first American in 45 years to be allowed into Magnitogorsk, a city built in response to Stalin's decision to transform the predominantly a...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

1112 recenzií

47,88 €
1 442 Sk

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