Civilization VI
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Cena vrátane DPH
British CivilizationThoroughly updated and revised, the ninth-edition of the highly-regarded British Civilization: An Introduction continues to be the ideal textbook on Britain, its country and people, religion, politics and government, international relations, legal system, economy, education, media and culture for st... |
43,55 € |
Hydor H2Show Lost Civilization Pyramid / pyramída- Imitácia pyramídovej dekorácie - ľavá dekorácia - kombinácia Bubble Maker a farebného LED osvetlenia na dosiahnutie jedinečnej atmosféry |
31,84 € |
Sid Meier's Civilization VII | PCVYBUDUJ RÍŠU, KTORÁ OBSTOJÍ V SKÚŠKE ČASU VEĎ SVOJU RÍŠU RÔZNYMI VEKMI ĽUDSKEJ HISTÓRIE. Každý vek má svoju vlastnú bohatú, vyladenú cestu a ponúka jedinečné hrateľné civilizácie, dostupné zdroje, krajín vhodnú na skúmanie, a dokonca aj celé herné systémy. Práve takto vzniká hlboký, historický, po... |
63,90 € |
"Comet Madness: How the 1910 Return of Halley's Comet (Almost) Destroyed Civilization" ("Goodrich Richard J.")" In Comet Madness, author and historian Richard J. Goodrich examines the 1910 appearance of Halley's Comet and the ensuing frenzy sparked by media manipulation, bogus science, and outright deception. The result is a fascinating and illuminating narrative history that underscores how we behave in th... |
19,52 € |
Civilization of the Middle AgesNow completely revised and expanded, this comprehensive general history of the Middle Ages centers on medieval culture and religion rather than on political history, and retains the powerful narrative flow that made the earlier edition so accessible and exciting. |
15,56 € |
Sid Meier's Civilization: Nový úsvit - Terra Incognita - Tony FanchiCivilizace: Nový úsvit - Terra Incognita je rozšírenie civilizačnej hry Sid Meier's Civilization: Nový úsvit. S týmto rozšírením získate desať nových vodcov reprezentujúcich nové civilizácie (Anglicko, Čína, Indonézia, Osmanská ríša a Inkovia), nové terény, nové divy, distrikty pre Vaše mestá, zmena... |
43,70 € |
"Sociology of Freedom: Manifesto of the Democratic Civilization, Volume III" ("calan Abdullah")"When scientific socialism, which for many years was implemented by Abdullah calan and the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), became too narrow for his purposes, calan answered the call for a radical redefinition of the social sciences. Writing from his prison cell, he offered an astute new analysis of... |
25,04 € |
Sacred Number and the Origins of CivilizationSacred numbers and ratios can be found throughout history, influencing everything from art and architecture to the development of religion and secret societies. From Solomon's Key to the Templar design for Washington D.C. as New Jerusalem, Richard Heath reveals the origins, influences, and deeper me... |
19,06 € |
ADC Blackfire Sid Meier's Civilization: Nový úsvitSid Meier’s Civilization: Nový úsvit prináša úspešnú videohernú sériu do podoby strategickej stolovej hry. V tejto rýchlej a prístupnej adaptácii vedú hráči svoje národy v honbe za územiami, technológiami a hru meniacimi divmi sveta. |
44,90 € |
Marshall, E: Women's Influence on Classical CivilizationThis volume explores how women in antiquity influenced cultural spheres usually thought of as male, such as politics, economics, science, law, and the arts. The contributors look at examples from around the ancient world, asking how far traditional definitions of culture describe male spheres of a... |
25,16 € |
"Judaism as a Civilization: Toward a Reconstruction of American Jewish Life" ("Kaplan Mordecai M.")" "...This classic work is widely considered the genesis of the Reconstructionist Movement, and remains one of the most original and stimulating contributions to modern Jewish thought."-- International Journal of Jewish Education Research Judaism as a Civilization is widely considered the genesis ... |
54,04 € |
TLAMA Games Civilization: A New Dawn: Insert ()Insert pro hru Civilization: A New Dawn a rozšíření Terra Incognita. Jedná se pouze o sestavitelný úložný systém, neobsahuje žádný herní materiál. |
19,68 € |
War before CivilizationThe myth of the peace-loving "noble savage" is persistent and pernicious. Indeed, for the last fifty years, most popular and scholarly works have agreed that prehistoric warfare was rare, harmless, unimportant, and, like smallpox, a disease of civilized societies alone. Prehistoric warfare, accordin... |
24,65 € |
America Before: The Key to Earth's Lost Civilization - Graham Hancock, Hodder & Stoughton***THE SUNDAY TIMES TOP TEN BESTSELLER***'Hancock's books provide a fascinating, alternative version of prehistory. America Before, detailed and wide-ranging, turns what was myth and legend into a new story of the past.' Daily MailWas an advanced civilization lost to history in the global cataclysm ... |
18,95 € |
Sid Meier's Civilization III (Voucher - Kód na stiahnutie) (PC) (Digitální platforma: Steam, Jazyk hry: EN) |
21,10 € |
Ethiopia And The Origin Of Civilization Hardcover |
20,35 € |
Madness and CivilizationIn this classic account of madness, Michel Foucault shows once and for all why he is one of the most distinguished European philosophers since the end of World War II. Madness and Civilization,Foucault's first book and his finest accomplishment, will change the way in which you think about society. ... |
28,17 € |
Civilization VI (PS4)Sid Meier's Civilization VI, legendárna budovateľská stratégia, je teraz prvýkrát k dispozícii pre PlayStation 4 a Xbox One. Sid Meier's Civilization VI ponúkne hráčom nové spôsoby interakcie s okolitým svetom, rozšírenie ich ríše po celej mape, rozvoj ich kultúry a boj proti najslávnejším vodcom v ... |
20,30 € |
Sid Meier's Civilization VPiaty diel jednej z najúspešnejších a najuznávanejších stratégií, tentoraz s parádny 3D grafikou, so sebou prináša novinku, ktorou je zmena hracích políčok z štvorcov na šesťuholníky alebo tiež šesťuholníkov.Piaty diel jednej z najúspešnejších a najuznávanejších stratégií, tentoraz s parádnou 3D gra... |
29,99 € |
Sid Meier's Civilization V: Gods & Kings (MAC)Sid Meier' s Civilization V: Gods and Kings je prvým rozširujúcim balíčkom pre Civilization V – hru roku 2010 na PC. VypnutéSid Meier' s Civilization V: Gods and Kings je prvým rozširujúcim balíčkom pre Civilization V – hru roku 2010 na PC. Toto obsiahle rozšírenie pokrýva obdobie od stavby prvých c... |
29,99 € |
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