Civilization VII
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Nájdených 958 záznamov (zobrazujem 61 až 80)
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"Early Modern Jewish Civilization: Unity and Diversity in a Diasporic Society. an Introduction" ("Graizbord David")" This collection is an introductory historical survey and selective cultural analysis of the development, coalescence, and eventual waning of a diasporic civilization--that of the Jews of the early modern period (ca. 1391-1789) in Europe, the Ottoman Empire, and key nodes of the Iberian Empires in ... |
48,32 € |
Destiny of CivilizationThis book is based on the lecture series on finance capitalism Michael Hudson presented for the Global University for Sustainability. The book explains why the U.S. and other Western economies have lost their former momentum: A narrow rentier class has gained control and become the new central plann... |
38,02 € |
Civilization VI Gathering Storm DLC | PC SteamTento kľúč je určený výhradne pre zariadenia MAC. Vyžaduje základnú hru Civilization VI. V Gathering Storm, druhom rozšírení Civilization VI, je svet okolo vás živší ako kedykoľvek predtým. Určite cestu k víťazstvu pre svojich ľudí tým, že vyvíjate nové moderné technológie a inžinierske pr... |
38,99 € |
Sid Meier's Starships + Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth (PC) DIGITAL (PC)Tento balíček obsahuje jak Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth, tak i Sid Meier’s Starships.Sid Meier’s Civilization®: Beyond Earth™Sid Meier’s Civilization: Beyond Earth je novým sci-fi přírůstkem do oceňované série Civilizatio... |
39,99 € |
"Western Civilization" ("Spielvogel Jackson J.")"Join the more than 1 million students who have used Spielvogel's texts to succeed in their Western civilization course. There's a reason why WESTERN CIVILIZATION is a bestseller: It makes history come alive. Updated with the most current scholarship, the 11th Edition is packed with primary source f... |
126,24 € |
British CivilizationThoroughly updated and revised, the ninth edition of the highly regarded British Civilization: An Introduction continues to be the ideal textbook on Britain, its country and people, religion, politics and government, international relations, lega |
49,93 € |
Homosexuality and CivilizationHow have major civilizations of the last two millennia treated people who were attracted to their own sex? Presenting the exploration of a rich and terrible past, this book chronicles the lives and achievements of homosexual men and women alongside a darker history of persecution. |
40,82 € |
Sid Meier's Civilization VII | PS5VYBUDUJ RÍŠU, KTORÁ OBSTOJÍ V SKÚŠKE ČASU VEĎ SVOJU RÍŠU RÔZNYMI VEKMI ĽUDSKEJ HISTÓRIE. Každý vek má svoju vlastnú bohatú, vyladenú cestu a ponúka jedinečné hrateľné civilizácie, dostupné zdroje, krajín vhodnú na skúmanie, a dokonca aj celé herné systémy. Práve takto vzniká hlboký, historický, po... |
63,90 € |
"The New Leviathan: Or Man, Society, Civilization and Barbarism" ("Collingwood R. G.")"The New Leviathan, originally published in 1942, a few months before the author's death, is the book which R. G. Collingwood chose to write in preference to completing his life's work on the philosophy of history. It was a reaction to the Second World War and the threat which Nazism and Fascism con... |
82,36 € |
"Treasures from the Oxus: The Art and Civilization of Central Asia" ("Vidale Massimo")" The great river civilization of the Oxus is one of the forgotten jewels of the ancient world. In history, this grand arterial 1,500-mile waterway was always seen as the natural frontier between the northern provinces of the Iranian empires and the outer Turanian lands. It was for centuries central... |
62,28 € |
Sid Meier's Civilization VII Deluxe Edition |
98,89 € |
Civilization VIIDátum vydania 11. február 2025, prijímame predobjednávky.Tovar Vám bude doručený vybranou prepravnou spoločnosťou v deň vydania titulu.V Civilization VII formujú vaše strategické rozhodnutia jedinečnú kultúrnu líniu vašej rozvíjajúcej sa ríše. Vládnite ako jeden z mnohých legendárnych vodcov z ce... |
64,90 € |
Sid Meier's Civilization VII Deluxe Edition | PS5VYBUDUJ RÍŠU, KTORÁ OBSTOJÍ V SKÚŠKE ČASU VEĎ SVOJU RÍŠU RÔZNYMI VEKMI ĽUDSKEJ HISTÓRIE. Každý vek má svoju vlastnú bohatú, vyladenú cestu a ponúka jedinečné hrateľné civilizácie, dostupné zdroje, krajín vhodnú na skúmanie, a dokonca aj celé herné systémy. Práve takto vzniká hlboký, historický, po... |
93,90 € |
Sid Meier’s Civilization VII NSWVládnite legendárnej civilizácii Vráťte sa do doby budovania civilizácie a vymyslite stratégiu pre tú najlepšiu civilizáciu, ktorá ovládne svet ! Oceňovaná stratégia Sid Meier's Civilization sa vracia už so siedmym dielom, ktorý je plný nových funkcií a stratégii pre tú najlepšiu civilizáciu ! ..... |
59,99 € |
HYDOR H2shOw Kit Box Lost CivilizationMýty dávných Aztéků, Mayů a Inků ožívají ve Vašem akváriu! Sada dekorací Lost Civilization od firmy Hydor. |
119,40 € |
Sid Meier's Civilization, Weisheit und Kriegskunst (Spiel-Zubehör)Warnhinweis:§ACHTUNG! Nicht für Kinder unter 3 Jahren geeignet, da verschluckbare Kleinteile enthalten sind.§§ |
38,52 € |
"Heritage of China: Contemporary Perspectives on Chinese Civilization" ("Ropp Paul S.")"The thirteen essays in this volume, all by experts in the field of Chinese studies, reflect the diversity of approaches scholars follow in the study of China's past. Together they reveal the depth and vitality of Chinese civilization and demonstrate how an understanding of traditional China can enr... |
45,72 € |
Poland Games Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization + Expansion UV Print Insert (99397)Organizér z vysoce kvalitní dřevovláknité desky (HDF) je dokonalým doplňkem pro uspořádání velkého množství komponentů. Kompatibilní s: Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization + Expansion Zrychluje přípravu a průběh hry a umožňuje bezpečnější skladování herních komponent. HDF deska je ch... |
43,11 € |
Sid Meier's Civilization VII Deluxe Edition (XONE/XSX)Hra pre XONE/XSX - Oceňovaná franšíza prinášajúca herné stratégie sa vracia s úplne novou, revolučnou kapitolou. Sid Meier's Civilization VII ťa vyzve, aby postavil tú najväčšiu ríšu, akú kedy svet videl! Súčasťou deluxe edície je Deluxe Content Pack a 5-dňový skorší prístup. |
99,99 € |
Angkor and the Khmer CivilizationThe ancient city of Angkor in Cambodia has fascinated scholars and visitors alike since its rediscovery in the mid-19th century. All are wonderstruck by the beauty and multiplicity of the sculptures that adorn its temples and structures and are overwhelmed by the sheer size of Angkor. There is nothi... |
50,43 € |
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