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Nájdených viac ako 1000 záznamov (zobrazujem 1 až 20)
Cena vrátane DPH
Making Conflict Work - Peter T. Coleman, Robert FergusonEvery workplace is a minefield of conflict, and all office tension is shaped by power. This book teaches you to identify the nature of a conflict, determine your power position relative to anyone opposing you, and to use the best strategy for achieving your goals. These strategies are equally effect... |
9,00 € |
Pearson Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) History: Dictatorship and Conflict in the USSR, 1924-53 Student Book |
27,63 € |
Shaolin: How to Win Without ConflictTHE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLERDiscover how to win in any situation using the ancient wisdom of the Shaolin monks. The Shaolin monks in China are legendary for their mastery of kung fu, but the secret to their success – their ability to rise to any challenge, handle stress and overcome conflict – l... |
17,92 € |
"It's Time to See Who's Who" ("Conflict") (Vinyl / 12" Album Coloured Vinyl) |
19,88 € |
New GCSE English AQA Poetry Guide - Power & Conflict Anthology inc. Online Edition, Audio & Quizzes (CGP Books)New GCSE English AQA Poetry Guide - Power & Conflict Anthology inc. Online Edition, Audio & |
7,64 € |
Karl Barth: A Life in Conflict (Tietz Christiane)From the beginning of his career, Swiss theologian Karl Barth (1886-1969) was often in conflict with the spirit of his times. While during the First World War German poets and philosophers became intoxicated by the experience of community and transcendence, Barth fought against all attempts to locat... |
24,20 € |
Thomas Heywoods Theatre, 1599-1639: Locations, Translations, and Conflict (Rowland Richard)In this major reassessment of his subject, Richard Rowland restores Thomas Heywood-playwright, miscellanist and translator-to his rightful place in early modern theatre history. Rowland contextualizes and historicizes this important contemporary of Shakespeare, locating him on the geographic and cul... |
49,12 € |
Penn Navijak Conflict II Long Cast 8000Oproti predchádzajúcej verzii je verzia II ľahšia, silnejšia, má hladší chod a celkovo navijak pôsobí viac kompaktnejšie. RR30 telo a rotor je z 30% tvorený z uhlíkových vkláken. Práve týchto 30% zaisťuje onú nízku hmotnosť. CNC prevody 7 + 1 zapuzdrených nerezových ložísk brzda HT-100 s u... |
299,99 € |
26,99 € |
Populism and the European Culture Wars: The Conflict of Values Between Hungary and the Eu (Furedi Frank)Concern and hostility towards populism has become a distinctive feature of contemporary political culture. In Europe such concerns are frequently directed at Eurosceptics, whose opposition to the European Union is often portrayed as a cultural crime. Ancient anti-democratic claims about the gullibil... |
46,08 € |
Post-Conflict Security in South Sudan: From Liberal Peacebuilding to Demilitarization (Wambugu Nyambura)Just eight years after the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and two years after gaining independence, the worlds newest nation state descended once more into violence and civil war. Why have policies of liberal peacebuilding failed to bring lasting stability to the region? And what... |
178,56 € |
The Palestine-Israel Conflict: A Basic Introduction - Fourth Edition (Harms Gregory)The Palestine-Israel conflict is the most notorious and ingrained conflict in living memory. Yet the way it is reported in the media is often confusing, leading many to falsely assume the hostilities stretch continuously back to an ancient period. The Palestine-Israel Conflict provides a balanced, a... |
24,84 € |
Health Inequities in Conflict-Affected Areas: Armed Violence, Survival and Post-Conflict Recovery in the Indo-Bhutan Borderlands (Sinha Samrat)This book provides an insight into the issue of health inequity brought about by the violent conflict in Northeast India. While examining the deep vulnerabilities and loss of well-being suffered by families displaced by conflict in the Indo-Bhutan borderland region, the authors raise fundamental que... |
143,68 € |
Anger Control and Conflict Management for KidsThis learning guide for the elementary grades teaches students how to reduce and control anger and settle disputes in a pro-social manner. The student-tested activities help children understand the dynamics of conflict and anger; improve communication skills; examine the cause and effect of conflict... |
22,23 € |
The Italian Far Right from 1945 to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict (Guerra Nicola)The Italian Far Right from 1945 to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict provides a comprehensive account of the postwar parliamentary and extra parliamentary far right in Italy. This book explores the ideology, movements and activism of the extreme right and neo- fascists. The recent victory in the Italian ... |
54,96 € |
Atlas of World War II: Historys Greatest Conflict Revealed Through Rare Wartime Maps and New Cartography (Hyslop Stephen)This definitive, lavishly illustrated book from National Geographic features an astonishing array of vintage and newly created maps, rare photographs, covert documents, and eyewitness accounts that illuminate the worlds greatest conflict. This magnificent atlas delves into the cartographic history ... |
37,68 € |
GMT Twilight Struggle Red Sea: Conflict in the Horn of AfricaVe hře Twilight Struggle Red Sea: Conflict in the Horn of Africa se postavíta na stranu USA či Sovětského svazu během jejich studenoválečného sporu o nadvládu nad Rudým mořem. Twilight Struggle: Red Sea - Conflict in the Horn of Africa patří pod sérii takzvaných "obědových her" společnosti GMT. V j... |
43,14 € |
Ion Game Design High Frontier 4 All Module 3: ConflictModul Conflict. |
24,90 € |
GMT Games Twilight Struggle: Red Sea - Conflict in the Horn of AfricaTwilight Struggle: Red Sea – Conflict in the Horn of Africa je kartová duleovka, vychádzajúca z kultovej klasiky odohrávajúcej sa počas studenej vojny - Twilight Struggle. Píše sa rok 1974 a Sovietsky zväz a Spojené štáty sú uviaznuté v konflikte na život a na smrť, ktorý rozdeľuje celý svet. Ako sa... |
41,99 € |
Self Struggle & Change: Family Conflict Stories in Genesis and Their Healing Insights for Our Lives (Cohen Norman J.)The stories of Genesis describe situations & relationships very much like our own & still speak to us about the same basic problems we deal with every day. A vibrant cast of characters offers us understanding & healing for ourselves & our |
16,16 € |
Nájdených viac ako 1000 výsledkov |