Dark Souls
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Nájdených 857 záznamov (zobrazujem 321 až 340)
Cena vrátane DPH
Of Popes and UnicornsThis is the story of John Draper, Andrew White, and the conflict thesis: a centuries-old misconception that religion and science are at odds with one another. Renowned scientist John William Draper (1811-1882) and celebrated historian-politician Andrew Dickson White (1832-1918) were certain that Enl... |
55,95 € |
Bloodborne Game Of The Year EditionHľadáte Bloodborne Game Of The Year Edition? U nás za skvelú cenu 555,00 Sk! Neváhajte a nakúpte u profesionálov. GOTY edícia obsahuje základnú hru a vynikajúce DLC rozšírenie The Old Hunters. DLC je obsiahnutých na disku.ROZŠÍŘENÍ THE OLD HUNTERS OBSAHUJEnové zbraněnové zbrojenovou lokacinové bossy... |
22,70 € |
Haunted House Short StoriesAnother dark tome of terror to follow in the footsteps of our wildly successful Gothic Fantasy deluxe edition short story compilations, including Supernatural Horror, Dystopia Utopia, Murder Mayhem and Lost Souls. Contains a potent mix of classic and brand new writing, with budding new authors from ... |
22,51 € |
Lost Gods (Brom)In Lost Gods, Brom, the artist and author of The Child Thief and Krampus, brings readers into a dark, fantastical, masterful mix of brilliant illustrations and dazzling prose. A young man descends into Purgatory to save his wife and unborn child in this gorgeous, illustrated tale of wonder and terr... |
15,52 € |
Good Faeries, Bad Faeries"Once upon a time, I thought faeries lived only in books, old folktales, and the past. That was before they burst upon my life as vibrant, luminous beings, permeating my art and my everyday existence, causing glorious havoc..." In the long-awaited sequel to the international bestseller "Faeries", ar... |
26,82 € |
Butcher and Blackbird - Brynne WeaverDiscover the serial killer romance thriller everyone is talking about! This viral TikTok friends-to-lovers dark romantic comedy full of murder, chaos, and sizzling chemistry is unlike anything you've read before . . . Even serial killers deserve a meet-cute.When a chance encounter sparks an unlikely... |
15,62 € |
Lies of P PS4O hre Hra Lies of P, inšpirovaná známym príbehom o Pinocchiovi, je akčná RPG v štýle Dark Souls zasadená do krutého, temného sveta čerpajúceho svojím spracovaním z historického obdobia Belle Époque. Ako bábka P sa prepletajte ulicami spustošeného mesta Krat, vyrábajte zbrane z nájdených materiálov ... |
42,99 € |
Ještě jeden level - Ondřej TrhoňJak videohry zobrazují konec světa? Proč jsou tak populární simulátory chození? Jak gamifikujeme každodennost pomocí aplikací z rodu Pokémon Go? Jak se z masově hraných her jako Fortnite stal prostor pro virtuální koncerty a reklamu? Co nacházíme ve hrách, které se tak podobají práci a simulují nám ... |
15,40 € |
Of Popes and UnicornsThis is the story of John Draper, Andrew White, and the conflict thesis: a centuries-old misconception that religion and science are at odds with one another. Renowned scientist John William Draper (1811-1882) and celebrated historian-politician Andrew Dickson White (1832-1918) were certain that Enl... |
55,95 € |
Shadow Gambit: Zagan’s Ritual (PC)Avast, ye brave souls! Set the Red Marley's sails for the DLC expansion Shadow Gambit: Zagan's Ritual and plunge into a new adventure to conduct a dark experiment with the goal to unveil the secrets behind the Inquisition's holy flame.The Shadow Gambit: Zagan's Ritual DLC present... |
14,99 € |
SoulyMe (Rapelyea Regina)Life is an endless cycle of Birth, Death, and Rebirth in our Souls journey from dark to light. Every individual has a mission and soul contract in reaching a higher sense of consciousness and illumination. The Journey of Life always starts within. It is the exploration and evolution in finding our... |
19,72 € |
Desolations of Devil's AcreInstant #1 bestseller!The epic conclusion to the #1 bestselling Miss Peregrine s Peculiar Children series by Ransom Riggs.Jacob and his friends will face deadly enemies and race through history s most dangerous loops in this thrilling page-turner. The Desolations of Devil's Acre is the newest instal... |
19,21 € |
COLE CARIAN - TIED"Holy dark and delicious angst. Carian Cole did not hold back. I dare you not to shed a tear."?L.J. Shen, USA Today & Wall Street Journal bestselling author of VICIOUSMy innocence was stolen when I was abducted at five years old. For eleven years I held on by clinging to childhood fairytales. I wait... |
15,61 € |
Lana Walked on the Shore: A post-Soviet trip through the looking glass. (Echols William)Moscow. 1998. On the edge of winter in a sleeping district slum, a little girl runs away from a family unhappy in its own way. Seeking shelter in a snow-melt world, she stumbles upon a curious little bird being chased by a dark force. On the run, they stumble through a portal into post-Soviet ... |
15,60 € |
Elden Ring [PS4]Zažite napínavé dobrodružstvá a podieľajte sa na osude ohromného sveta, ktorý je plný intríg a temných síl. Vďaka charakteristickému spôsobu boja, budete musieť nájsť na každého protivníka tú správnu stratégiu. Vstaň, poškvrnený a nechaj sa viesť milosťou, aby si ovládol moc Elden Ring-u a stal sa E... |
38,51 € |
Elden Ring (PS4)RPG titul Elden Ring vzniká vo štúdiu From Software, ktoré má za sebou také úspešné kúsky, ako je séria Dark Souls alebo napríklad Bloodborne. Všetko prebieha v spolupráci pánov Hidetaka Miyazaki a George R.R. Martin. Ten je známy pre svoje fascinujúce dielo Pieseň ľadu a ohňa, pričom podľa neho vzn... |
31,65 € |
Elden Ring - Shadow of the Erdtree Edition (XSX)RPG titul Elden Ring vzniká v štúdiu From Software, ktoré má za sebou také úspešné kúsky, ako je séria Dark Souls alebo kupříkladu Bloodborne. Všetko prebieha v spolupráci pánov Hidetaka Miyazaki a George R.R. Martin. Ten je známy pre svoje fascinujúce dielo Pieseň ľadu a ohňa, podľa ktorého vznikol... |
67,46 € |
Bloodborne PS4Od Hidetaka Miyazakiho a FromSoftware, tvorcov legendárnych RPG Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls a Dark Souls 2 prichádza hra Bloodborne, úplne nová, akciou nabitá RPG prekypujúca nemilosrdnou, neutíchajúcou hrôzou, vyvinutá exkluzívne pre platformu PlayStation 4. Postavte sa čelom svojmu strachu pri hľad... |
18,39 € |
SoulsticeThe balance of the Holy Kingdom of Keidas is compromised when powerful, feral creatures known as “Wraiths” invade from the other side of the Veil, threatening to consume the living. Wraiths corrupt their victims and can even possess their bodies, turning into unstoppable monsters that prey upon the ... |
38,87 € |
One Piece Odyssey (PS4) (Obal: NL)One Piece Odyssey je RPG projekt plný jedinečných prvkov dobrodružstva One Piece, po ktorých fanúšikovia volali. Pridajte sa k tejto úplne novej RPG hre s novými návrhmi postáv a príšer, ktoré vytvoril tvorca One Piece Eiichiro Oda. Hra obsahuje aj nádhernú hudbu od Motoia Sakurabu, skladateľa známe... |
41,60 € |
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