Dark Souls
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Nájdených 859 záznamov (zobrazujem 361 až 380)
Cena vrátane DPH
Ještě jeden level - Ondřej TrhoňAutor : Ondřej Trhoň, Popis : Jak videohry zobrazují konec světa? Proč jsou tak populární simulátory chození? Jak gamifikujeme každodennost pomocí aplikací z rodu Pokémon Go? Jak se z masově hraných her jako Fortnite stal prostor pro virtuální koncerty a reklamu? Co nacházíme ve hrách, které se tak ... |
15,38 € |
Butcher and Blackbird - Brynne WeaverDiscover the serial killer romance thriller everyone is talking about! This viral TikTok friends-to-lovers dark romantic comedy full of murder, chaos, and sizzling chemistry is unlike anything you've read before . . . Even serial killers deserve a meet-cute.When a chance encounter sparks an unlikely... |
14,75 € |
Elden Ring [PS5]Zažite napínavé dobrodružstvá a podieľajte sa na osude ohromného sveta, ktorý je plný intríg a temných síl. Vďaka charakteristickému spôsobu boja, budete musieť nájsť na každého protivníka tú správnu stratégiu. Vstaň, poškvrnený a nechaj sa viesť milosťou, aby si ovládol moc Elden Ring-u a stal sa E... |
38,51 € |
Black Bird Oracle'Haunting in every way. A story thick with family secrets, human heartache, and the kind of deep magic only Harkness can conjure. You will be enchanted' LEIGH BARDUGO'The Black Bird Oracle deftly explores the nexus of memory, history, and parenthood - the magic, pain, and promises mothers pass onto ... |
28,32 € |
Elden Ring - Shadow of the Erdtree Edition (XSX)RPG titul Elden Ring vzniká v štúdiu From Software, ktoré má za sebou také úspešné kúsky, ako je séria Dark Souls alebo kupříkladu Bloodborne. Všetko prebieha v spolupráci pánov Hidetaka Miyazaki a George R.R. Martin. Ten je známy pre svoje fascinujúce dielo Pieseň ľadu a ohňa, podľa ktorého vznikol... |
67,46 € |
Soulbound (McMaster Bec)A dark force is rising in London... Sebastian Montcalm knows freedom for the first time in his life, but it has come at the cost of his fathers soul. If he can learn to harness his uncontrollable sorcery then he might be able to save his father from a demons grip, but every move he makes leads to ... |
17,16 € |
One Piece: Odyssey (Collector’s Edition)Collectors Edition obsahuje: Hru One Piece Odyssey. Figúrku Luffyho a Lima (23 x 21 cm) Exkluzívny Steelbook. Exkluzívne pohľadnice. Zberateľský box sa môže otvoriť a stať sa pozadím pre figúrku zo zberateľskej edície! Deluxe Pack - obsahuje špeciálny, exkluzívny Traveling outfit pre Usoppa a 2 ďal... |
189,90 € |
Love's Melody LostA secretive artist with a haunted past and a young woman escaping a life that has proved to be a lie find their destinies entwined. A fragile melody of love is played between these damaged souls, a song made sweeter and stronger by the day... but will their blossoming romance be destroyed by an outs... |
14,90 € |
RimWorld - Anomaly (DLC) (Steam) (PC)Darkness stirs on the rim. Survive flesh infestations, cultist attacks, shambling undead, blood rains, invisible hunters, and other sanity-shredding perils. Capture and study entities to harness the power of the void. Conduct psychic rituals and awaken an evil machine god.RimWorld - Anomaly is ... |
36,99 € |
The Autobiography of an Extraterrestrial Saga: I Am Thyron (Campobasso Craig)A citizen in The Galacterian Alignment of Space Peoples and Planets, Thyron is an ExtraTerrestrial Titan with a highly evolved soul, but born with a duality disorder. In this parable of the souls journey towards perfection and rebirth, Thyron must merge his Light and Dark to evolve into a Being spir... |
33,76 € |
Ještě jeden level - Ondřej TrhoňJak videohry zobrazují konec světa? Proč jsou tak populární simulátory chození? Jak gamifikujeme každodennost pomocí aplikací z rodu Pokémon Go? Jak se z masově hraných her jako Fortnite stal prostor pro virtuální koncerty a reklamu? Co nacházíme ve hrách, které se tak podobají práci a simulují nám ... |
20,85 € |
Elden Ring (PS5)RPG titul Elden Ring vzniká vo štúdiu From Software, ktoré má za sebou také úspešné kúsky, ako je séria Dark Souls alebo napríklad Bloodborne. Všetko prebieha v spolupráci pánov Hidetaka Miyazaki a George R.R. Martin. Ten je známy pre svoje fascinujúce dielo Pieseň ľadu a ohňa, pričom podľa neho vzn... |
35,26 € |
Motherless Oven?The Weather Clock said knife o?clock, so I chained Dad up in the shed.?//In Scarper Lee?s world, parents don?t make children ? children make parents. Scarper?s father is his pride and joy, a wind-powered brass construction with a billowing sail. His mother is a Bakelite hairdryer. In this world, it... |
15,00 € |
Bloodborne (PS4)Bloodborne je akčné RPG od renomovaných japonských vývojárov z FromSoftware, tvorcov série Dark Souls. Toto RPG vychádza exkluzívne pre Playstation 4. Postavte sa vášmu strachu a hľadajte odpovede v starobylom meste Yharnam, v ktorom sa šíri podivná choroba rýchlosťou požiaru. Nebezpečenstvo, smrť ... |
19,99 € |
Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Deluxe Edition – PC DIGITALVitajte v mýtickom svete Elden RinguVo svete „Lands Between“ došlo k strašnej udalosti. Mocný prsteň, Elden Ring, je zničený a jeho fragmenty majú v moci potomkovia kráľovnej Mariky, ktorí vďaka nim zošaleli. Na scénu nastupujete vy, „skrotený“ hrdina – ani živý, ani mŕtvy a pokúsite sa získať úlomk... |
102,90 € |
Butcher and Blackbird - Brynne WeaverDiscover the serial killer romance thriller everyone is talking about! This viral TikTok friends-to-lovers dark romantic comedy full of murder, chaos, and sizzling chemistry is unlike anything you've read before . . . Even serial killers deserve a meet-cute.When a chance encounter sparks an unlikely... |
16,44 € |
Star Trek: Mirror Universe: Shards and Shadows (Palmieri Marco)Fractured history. Broken lives. Splintered souls. Since the alternate universe was first glimpsed in the classic episode Mirror, Mirror, something about Star Treks dark side has beckoned us, called to us, tempted us -- like forbidden fruit on the |
22,64 € |
The Stricken (Shamy Morgan)The Stricken will keep you guessing with new twists on every page. --Rosalyn Briar, USA Today bestselling author What if our spirits walk to another life while our bodies sleep? Every day in Claras world, a dark cloud descends upon her town. The storm comes like clockwork, erasing everyones memori... |
29,48 € |
The InquisitorThe Inquisitor is a story-driven, dark fantasy adventure game with action elements, that compels you to face difficult moral choices. The game is set in an alternative version of (religious) reality. Inspired by bestselling Inquisitor book series by Jacek Piekara. Once nailed to the cross and near d... |
27,71 € |
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