Dead Space
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Nájdených 383 záznamov (zobrazujem 101 až 120)
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Jesus from Outer SpaceThe earliest Christians believed Jesus was a celestial being who put on a bodysuit of flesh, died at the hands of dark forces, and then rose from the dead and ascended back into the heavens. The idea that Jesus toured Galilee and visited Jerusalem arose a |
24,93 € |
Teens in Space ENDobrodružná hra Teens in Space, ktorú napísali a vytvorili slávni herní dizajnéri Jon Gilmour (Dead of Winter, Kids on Bikes) & Doug Levandowski (Gothic Doctor, Kids on Bikes) so sugestívnym výtvarným spracovaním Heather Vaughan (Beneath Nexus, Kids on Bikes), je príbehovým systémom s jednoduchými p... |
29,69 € |
Hra na konzole Dead Island 2: PULP Edition - PS5 (4020628623609)Vyrazte do Města Andělů Akční adventura Dead Island 2: PULP Edition PS5 vás vezme do virem zamořeného Los Angeles. Armáda je už dávno pryč a zombie jsou všude. Naštěstí pro vás patříte mezi vyvolené, které virus nesklátil a tak se nyní vydáváte vstříc hrozbám mrtvého města. Podívejte se v Dead Islan... |
38,07 € |
Still DeadAfter Colin Reiver is acquitted of responsibility for killing a child in a car accident he sets out on a sea cruise in the hope that it might ease local feeling and the voice of his own conscience. But when a few days after his departure Colin is found dead by the roadside, Miles Bredon, investigato... |
48,97 € |
Dead Island 2: Day One Edition (PS5)Los Angeles sa šíri smrtiaci vírus, ktorý mení obyvateľov na dravých zombíkov. Mesto je v karanténe a armáda sa stiahla. Si uhryznutý, nakazený, ale viac než imúnny a učíš sa využívať svoje vnútorné zombie. Budúcnosť Los Angeles (a ľudstva) je v rukách len teba a hŕstky ďalších chvastúňov, kto... |
22,50 € |
Soviets in Space: The People of the USSR and the Race to the Moon (Turbett Colin)The victory over Nazi Germany in 1945, in which the Soviet Union played both the greatest part and suffered the greatest losses, found the country in a state of devastation. Military strength could not compensate for the damage wreaked by war, especially in the western areas of the USSR. Within jus... |
25,16 € |
Illustrated Guards! Guards!This is where the dragons went. They lie . . . not dead, not asleep, but . . . dormant. And although the space they occupy isn't like normal space, nevertheless they are packed in tightly. They could put you in mind of a can of sardines, if you thought sardines were huge and scaly. And presumably, s... |
30,24 € |
From Here to Eternity - Caitlin Doughty, W. W. Norton & CompanyFascinated by our pervasive fear of dead bodies, mortician Caitlin Doughty set out to discover how other cultures care for the dead. From Here to Eternity is an immersive global journey that introduces compelling, powerful rituals almost entirely unknown in America. In rural Indonesia, she watches a... |
25,60 € |
Newell NL2547The Newell FDL-USB-C is a battery charger that will save your photos and videos when you don't have a traditional charging outlet nearby. Thanks to its unique design, the USB cable for connecting the device to the power source will be always with you! If necessary, you can also use the included addi... |
33,99 € |
Occidental Mythology (the Masks of God, Volume 3) (Campbell Joseph)The third volume in Campbells monumental four-volume series, The Masks of God, traces the mythological underpinnings of Western religion: the shift from female-centered to male-dominated mythology Once upon a time in the West, the focal figure of all mythology and worship was the bountiful Goddess... |
25,76 € |
MartianTHE MARTIANtells the story of wisecracking astronaut Mark Watney, a crew member on the third manned mission to Mars. After an epic dust storm threatens the crew's ascent, they are forced to abort the mission. Watney, separated from the rest of the team, is unintentionally abandoned, with the rest of... |
23,73 € |
Project Hail MaryNEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER From the author of The Martian, a lone astronaut must save the earth from disaster in this propulsive (Entertainment Weekly), cinematic thriller full of suspense, humor, and fascinating science in development as a major motion picture starring Ryan Gosling.ONE OF THE YEAR ... |
21,62 € |
VoyagerFrom the author of the breathtaking bestsellers "Outlander and "Dragonfly in Amber, the extraordinary saga continues. Their passionate encounter happened long ago by whatever measurement Claire Randall took. Two decades before, she had traveled back in time and into the arms of a gallant eighteenth-... |
30,04 € |
Newell FDL-USB-C dvojkanálová nabíjačka pre NP-W235 NL2538The Newell FDL-USB-C is a battery charger that will save your photos and videos when you don't have a traditional charging outlet nearby. Thanks to its unique design, the USB cable for connecting the device to the power source will be always with you! If necessary, you can also use the included addi... |
49,00 € |
Principle of MomentsTHE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'My favourite kind of grand space opera'BEN AARONOVITCH6066: In Emperor Thracin's brave new galaxy, humans are not citizens but indentured labourers, working to repay the debt they unwittingly incurred when they settled on Gahraan - a desert planet already owned by... |
21,82 € |
Time And Navigation - autor neuvedenýIf you want to know where you are, you need a good clock. The surprising connection between time and placeis explored inTime and Navigation: The Untold Story of Getting from Here to There, the companion book to the National Air and Space Museum exhibition of the same name.Today we use smartphones an... |
23,99 € |
Hra na konzole The Callisto Protocol - Day One Edition - PS4 (811949034335)Prežite! The Callisto Protocol PS4 je hororová akčná adventúra kráčajúca v stopách kultovej série Dead Space. V koži väzňa sa v nej pustíte do prežívania vo vnútri rozsiahleho koridoru plného strašných monštier a iných nečakaných hrôz. Utečte v The Callisto Protocol PS4 z väzenia Vypravte sa v rámci... |
32,23 € |
ROGER LUCKHURST - GothicOver the centuries the Gothic has been revived and rewritten to reflect the anxieties of each era. It encompasses the weird, the feared and the uncanny; haunted places and people; and monsters that act as mirrors to ourselves and society. In this lavishly illustrated volume Roger Luckhurst explores ... |
30,24 € |
Seven Stones to Stand or FallNEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - A magnificent collection of Outlander short fiction-including two never-before-published novellas-featuring Jamie Fraser, Lord John Grey, Master Raymond, and many more, from Diana Gabaldon"The Custom of the Army" begins with Lord John Grey being shocked by an electric eel... |
24,93 € |
Dark Horse Monsters Are My BusinessO komikse v slovenčine: Spoznaj Tannera "Griza" Grishoma. Spolu s prefíkaným nekromancerom, ktorý ho chce mŕtveho, a medvedíkom koala s motorovou pílou menom Cuddles, vedúc krvavú vojnu proti nočným morám z času a priestoru. Je to nevďačná práca, ale niekto to musí robiť. A keď skupina vládnych zho... |
21,11 € |
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