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Dungeons Dragons Explorer s Guide to Wildemount

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Cena vrátane DPH
Dungeons & Dragons: Explorer's Guide to Wildemount EN

Dungeons & Dragons: Explorer's Guide to Wildemount EN

Create your own Critical Role campaigns with this sourcebook for the world's greatest roleplaying game!Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount provides everything you need to play Dungeons & Dragons on the continent of Wildemount (set within the world of Exandria)—a land of war, betrayal, and swashbuckli...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

766 recenzií

45,95 €
1 384 Sk


Dungeons & Dragons: Explorer's Guide to Wildemount

Dungeons & Dragons: Explorer's Guide to Wildemount

Delve through the first Dungeons & Dragons book to let players experience the game as played within the world of Critical Role, the world’s most popular livestreaming D&D showUncover a trove of options usable in any D&D game, featuring subclasses, spells, magic items, monsters, and more, rooted in t...

276 recenzií

51,80 €
1 561 Sk

Wizards of the Coast Dungeons & Dragons: Explorer's Guide to Wildemount

Wizards of the Coast Dungeons & Dragons: Explorer's Guide to Wildemount

Dungeons&Dragons Explorer's Guide to Wildemount je rozšiřující příručka pro světově známou hru na hrdiny Dungeons and Dragons. Naleznete v ní vše potřebné pro hru na kontinentu zvaném Wildemount. Příručka je v angličtině, má 304 stran.

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

367 recenzií

47,68 €
1 436 Sk

TLAMA games

Dungeons & Dragons: Explorer's Guide to Wildemount

Dungeons & Dragons: Explorer's Guide to Wildemount

Delve through the first Dungeons & Dragons book to let players experience the game as played within the world of Critical Role, the world’s most popular livestreaming D&D showUncover a trove of options usable in any D&D game, featuring subclasses, spells, magic items, monsters, and more, rooted in t...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

5320 recenzií

51,80 €
1 561 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

Wizards of the Coast D&D: Explorer's Guide to Wildemount (Wizards of the Coast) - poškodený obal

Wizards of the Coast D&D: Explorer's Guide to Wildemount (Wizards of the Coast) - poškodený obal

Pre koho? - Pre hráčov, ktorí radi riadia príbehy skrze svoju fantáziu - Pre fanúšikov Dungeons and Dragons a Critical Úloha. Prečo? - Dungeons and Dragons je hra na hrdinov, v ktorej jeden hráč (Dungeon master, rozprávač) popisuje ostatným hráčom svet, v ktorom sa nachádza. Ostatní hráči mu hovo...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

428 recenzií

43,90 €
1 323 Sk


Wizards of the Coast D&D RPG 5E Adventure Explorer's Guide to Wildemount

Wizards of the Coast D&D RPG 5E Adventure Explorer's Guide to Wildemount

Kniha rozširuje hru na hrdinov D&D 5th edition. Vytvorte si svoju vlastnú kampaň vo svete jednej z najúspešnejších online show Critical Role. Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount Vám poskytne všetko, čo potrebujete na hranie Dungeons & Dragons RPG na kontinente Wildemount vo svete Exandria, kde vojna, zra...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

6727 recenzií

39,99 €
1 205 Sk

Dungeons & Dragons Explorer's Guide to Wildemount

Dungeons & Dragons Explorer's Guide to Wildemount

Create your own Critical Role campaigns with this sourcebook for the world's greatest roleplaying game! Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount provides everything you need to play Dungeons & Dragons on the continent of Wildemount (set within the world of Exandria)—a land of war, betrayal, and swashbuckling...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

14 recenzií

42,13 €
1 269 Sk

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