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Nájdených viac ako 1000 záznamov (zobrazujem 101 až 120)
Cena vrátane DPH
New X-Men Modern Era Epic Collection: E Is for Extinction |
36,09 € |
"Singularity to Extinction" ("Brainoil") (CD / Album) |
15,12 € |
Catastrophic Thinking: Extinction and the Value of Diversity from Darwin to the Anthropocene (Sepkoski David)A history of scientific ideas about extinction that explains why we learned to value diversity as a precious resource at the same time as we learned to think catastrophically about extinction. We live in an age in which we are repeatedly reminded--by scientists, by the media, by popular culture--o... |
31,60 € |
KITT Complete Housing Mirror Covers suitable for Audi A6 4G C7 (2011-2018) Limousine Avant Extinction Aluminium RS6 DesignIntroThese aluminum look mirror covers are meant to add the sporty touch of the RS6 on your Audi A6 4G with standard mirror covers.Suitable forAudi A6 4G C7 (2011-2014) Limousine Avant without SideAssist Audi A6 4G C7 Facelift (2015-2018) Limousine Avant without SideAssistNot suitable forAudi A6 4G ... |
140,90 € |
When Life Nearly Died: The Greatest Mass Extinction of All Time (Benton Michael J.)Today it is common knowledge that the dinosaurs were wiped out by a meteorite impact 65 million years ago that killed half of all species then living. It is far less widely understood that a much greater catastrophe took place at the end of the Permian period 251 million years ago: at least ninety p... |
22,28 € |
How to Clone a Mammoth: The Science of De-Extinction (Shapiro Beth)An insiders view on bringing extinct species back to life Could extinct species, like mammoths and passenger pigeons, be brought back to life? In How to Clone a Mammoth, Beth Shapiro, an evolutionary biologist and pioneer in ancient DNA research, addresses this intriguing question by walking reader... |
15,40 € |
Endling - Extinction is Forever | PC SteamK predobjednávke dostanete originál papierové origami " Foxigami " Podarí sa líščej matke udržať svoje malé mláďatá nažive? V tejto ekologickej dobrodružnej hre zažijete svet spustošený ľudstvom očami poslednej líšky na Zemi. Spoznajte ničivú silu ľudského plemena, ktorá deň za dňom kazí, znečisť... |
24,50 € |
Plagát, Obraz - Megadeth - Countdown to Extinction, 61 × 91.5 cmPlagát Megadeth - Countdown to Extinction sa hodí na každú stenu. Tlačené na kvalitný papier, ľahko zrolovateľné do tuby. Možnosť profesionálneho rámovania a laminácie. Široká ponuka plagátov – viac ako 10 000 motívov na sklade!. Rýchle dodanie a nové produkty každý týždeň. Ideálny ako darček pre vš... |
5,59 € |
The Evolution and Extinction of the Dinosaurs (Fastovsky David E.)Written for non-specialists, this detailed survey of dinosaur origins, diversity, and extinction is designed as a series of successive essays covering important and timely topics in dinosaur paleobiology, such as warm-bloodedness, birds as living dinosaurs, the new, non-flying feathered dinosaurs, d... |
77,92 € |
Extinction Stav hry: Nová |
26,00 € |
The Invaders: How Humans and Their Dogs Drove Neanderthals to Extinction (Shipman Pat)A Times Higher Education Book of the Week Approximately 200,000 years ago, as modern humans began to radiate out from their evolutionary birthplace in Africa, Neanderthals were already thriving in Europe--descendants of a much earlier migration of the African genus Homo. But when modern humans even... |
22,60 € |
Endling - Extinction is Forever (X1)Podarí sa matke líške udržať svoje malé mláďatá nažive? Spoznajte svet spustošený ľudstvom očami poslednej líšky na Zemi v tejto eko-dobrodružnej hre. Objavte ničivú silu ľudskej rasy, ktorá deň čo deň kazí, znečisťuje a drancuje najvzácnejšie a najcennejšie zdroje prírodného prostredia. Preskúm... |
17,30 € |
Extinction: Not the End of the World? (Parker Steve)As part of evolution, extinction of the old allows emergence of the new. It is integral to the Earths continually changing range and richness of life-forms. This book is a highly readable introduction to the causes of extinction, the different types of extinction and how relevant it is to the world ... |
10,32 € |
A. G. Riddle: Pandemie - Pandemic: The Extinction Files, Book 1Tento produkt je v češtině. Loď pobřežní stráže Spojených států objeví na dně Severního ledového oceánu vrak ponorky, která nenese jakékoli výsostné znaky a neodpovídá žádnému oficiálně registrovanému plavidlu. |
14,95 € |
"Blu Eye Extinction" ("Blu Eye Extinction") (Vinyl / 12" Album) |
34,84 € |
River Horse Pacific Rim: Extinction - Otachi ExpansionPacific Rim: Extinction přináší apokalyptické bitvy až na váš stůl! Proti sobě se postaví fantastické miniatury Jaegerů a Kaiju. A to v bitvě, kde jde o cenu nejvyšší - vyhlazení. Jak se to hraje v AJ: |
33,15 € |
Nexomon: Extinction (PS4)Nexomon: Extinction je návratom ku klasickým hrám s chytaním príšeriek, doplnený o nový príbeh, excentrické postavy a viac ako 300 Nexomonov, ktorých treba chytiť a skrotiť.Nexomoni sú na pokraji vyhynutia, pretože mocný Tyrant bojuje o nadvládu nad ľuďmi aj príšerkami. Pridaj sa ku komunite krotite... |
13,80 € |
Extinction and the Human |
37,80 € |
Original Soundtrack - Transformers: Age of Extinction (Limited Edition) (Coloured) (12" Vinyl) |
32,30 € |
Earth, Ice, Bone, Blood: Permafrost and Extinction in the Russian Arctic (Wrigley Charlotte)Exploring one of the greatest potential contributors to climate change--thawing permafrost--and the anxiety of extinction on an increasingly hostile planet Climate scientists point to permafrost as a ticking time bomb for the planet, and from the Arctic, apocalyptic narratives proliferate on the d... |
25,60 € |
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