Head Radical
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Nájdených 350 záznamov (zobrazujem 281 až 300)
Cena vrátane DPH
"This Is Your Mind on Plants" ("Pollan Michael")"From number one New York Times bestselling author Michael Pollan, a radical challenge to how we think about drugs, and an exploration into the powerful human attraction to psychoactive plants--and the equally powerful taboos Of all the things humans rely on plants for--sustenance, beauty, medicine... |
22,84 € |
"The Dreadful History and Judgement of God on Thomas Mntzer: The Life and Times of an Early German Revolutionary" ("Drummond Andrew")"On the 500th Anniversary of the German Peasant Wars, a brilliant portrait of Thomas Munzter - radical millenarian preacher, revolutionary and iconoclast 'The princes are nothing but tyrants who flay the people; they fritter away our blood and sweat on their pomp and whoring and knavery.' These wer... |
27,44 € |
French Women Don't Get Fat - Mireille GuilianoThe book we`ve all (certainly every woman between 25 and 75) been waiting for. Classy, chic, convincing, funny, wise, well-written and very timely. It`s the ultimate non-diet book, which nonetheless shows us how to eat with balance, control and above all pleasure. Chuck out all the radical diet book... |
13,19 € |
"Wings of Empire: The Forgotten Wars of the Royal Air Force, 1919-1939" ("Renfrew Barry")"At the end of the First World War, British power in the colonies was at an all-time low. That was until a ragtag band of visionaries, including Winston Churchill and T.E. Lawrence, proposed that the aeroplane, the wonder weapon of the age, could save the empire. Using the radical strategy of air co... |
28,24 € |
Future of EuropeThe European Union is in crisis. Public unease with the project, Euro problems and dysfunctional institutions give rise to the real danger that the European Union will become increasing irrelevant just as its member states face more and more challenges of a globalised world. Jean-Claude Piris, a lea... |
41,36 € |
Speed 120 2023 squashová raketa balenie 1 ks - 1 ksSquashová raketa HEAD Speed 120 2023 dokonale padne útočným hráčom, ktorí sa vyžívajú v prednej časti kurtu a požadujú väčší cit pre úder. S vylepšenou konštrukciou s technológiou Auxetic získate báječný cit. Raketu odporúčajú aj Saurav Ghosal alebo Olivia Fiechter. Táto raketa bola vyrobená za použ... |
132,45 € |
Being You : A New Science of Consciousness - Anil Seth, Faber & FaberTHE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERA NEW STATESMAN, THE ECONOMIST &,amp, BLOOMBERG BOOK OF THE YEARA GUARDIAN &,amp, FINANCIAL TIMES SCIENCE BOOK OF THE YEARAnil Seth's radical new theory of consciousness challenges our understanding of perception and reality, doing for brain science what Dawk... |
13,25 € |
Graphene 360 Speed 110 squashová raketa balenie 1 ks - 1 ksSiloví hráči preferujúci zadnú časť kurtu teraz do svojej hry môžu získať lepší cit pre úder. Stačí si zaobstarať squashovú raketu HEAD Graphene 360 Speed 110. Raketa má 138 gramov a vďaka technológii Adaptive Fan Pattern si môžete vybrať medzi rovným výpletom, ktorý vám dá väčšiu silu, alebo špeciá... |
87,95 € |
Why Sinead O'Connor Matters - Allyson McCabe, University of Texas PressA stirring defense of Sinead O'Connor's music and activism, and an indictment of the culture that cancelled her. In 1990, Sinead O'Connor's video for ",Nothing Compares 2 U", turned her into a superstar. Two years later, an appearance on Saturday Night Live turned her into a scandal.For many... |
33,20 € |
"Be. More. BrewDog." ("Watt James")" Rip up the rule book the BrewDog way! Iconic, controversial, and hugely colourful, BrewDog has never done business the way other companies do. This snappy staff manual, written by co-founder James Watt, reveals how it thinks, works and makes some of the best loved craft beers in the world like Pu... |
15,92 € |
The Science of HappinessWe all want to be happier, but our brains often get in the way. When we’re too stuck in our heads we obsess over our inadequacies, compare ourselves with others and fail to see the good in our lives. In The Science of Happiness, world-leading psychologist and happiness expert Bruce Hood demonstrates... |
19,55 € |
Pol PotPol Pot was an idealistic, reclusive figure with great charisma and personal charm. He initiated a revolution whose radical egalitarianism exceeded any other in history. But in the process, Cambodia desended into madness and his name became a byword for oppression. In the three-and-a-half years of h... |
17,36 € |
"The Second Brain: The Scientific Basis of Gut Instinct & a Groundbreaking New Understanding of Nervous Disorders of the Stomach & Intest" ("Gershon Michael")" "Persuasive, impassioned... hopeful news [for those] suffering from functional bowel disease." -- New York Times Book Review Dr. Gershon's groundbreaking book fills the gap between what you need to know--and what your doctor has time to tell you. Dr. Michael Gershon has devoted his career to und... |
15,36 € |
"Selfless: The Social Creation of You""" ("Lowery Brian")" Social psychologist and Stanford professor Brian Lowery presents a provocative, powerful theory of identity, arguing that there is no essential self--our selves are social creations of those with whom we interact --exploring what that means for who we can be and who we allow others to be. There'... |
19,72 € |
Tenisová taška Head Radical 9R Supercombi 283511 N/ATenisová taška Head Radical 9R Supercombi Vlastnosti:Tenisová taška HeadRadical9R Supercombi Tenisová taška Head umožňuje jednoduché prenášanie a skladovanie až 9 rakiet bez obalu.Dve priehradky sa otvárajú dvojitým zipsom. Dve vrecká na zips.Technológia CCT+ (Climate Control Technology) poskytuje o... |
99,53 € |
Head Radical JR 21 2023 juniorská tenisová raketaDetská tenisová raketa pre začiatočníkov vo veku 4 – 6 rokov. Dĺžka 21 in, hmotnosť 180 g, hlava 81 in2. |
30,95 € |
Tenisová taška Head Radical 9R Supercombi 283511 |
83,80 € |
Detská tenisová raketa Head Radical 19 2023 - Grip 0000Detská tenisová raketa Head Radical 19 2023 Tenisová raketa Radical 19 2023 pomáha deťom začať tenisové dobrodružstvo tým najpohodlnejším spôsobom. Hliníková raketa má jedinečnú funkciu Damp+, ktorá znižuje vibrácie. Táto tenisová raketa má skvelý nový dizajn s obráteným logom, je to všestranná rak... |
27,00 € |
Head Radical JR 25 2023 juniorská tenisová raketaDetská tenisová raketa pre začiatočníkov vo veku 8 – 10 rokov. Dĺžka 25 in, hmotnosť 240 g, hlava 105 in2. |
38,50 € |
The Future of Management - Gary HamelWhat fuels long-term business success? Not operational excellence, technology breakthroughs, or new business models, but management innovation—new ways of mobilizing talent, allocating resources, and formulating strategies. Through history, management innovation has enabled companies to cross new pe... |
34,53 € |
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