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Nájdených viac ako 1000 záznamov (zobrazujem 981 až 1000)
Cena vrátane DPH
"Monstroso (Pocket Money Puffin)" ("Higson Charlie")"Oscar is not looking forward to Grandad coming to look after him at the weekend - it means he'll have to play endless rounds of chess or Monopoly, instead of war games on his computer. But when he finds Dad's ancient laptop in the study, he can't resist logging on to something called Project X - an... |
5,08 € |
"Hasbro Gaming Ultimate Activity Book: (Hasbro Board Games, Kid's Game Books, Kids 8-12, Word Games, Puzzles, Mazes)" ("Tan Sheri")"This super-fun activity book is chock full of challenging puzzles from Hasbro's classic games like Twister, Monopoly, Operation, and more! Inside the Hasbro Gaming Ultimate Activity Book, kids will discover 80 full-color pages of engaging puzzles, mazes, quizzes, prompts, brain teasers, and challe... |
9,00 € |
Nebezpečná hra - Camilla LäckbergAutor : Camilla Läckberg, Popis : Je silvestr a na souostroví nedaleko Stockholmu se snáší noc. Čtyři dospívající kamarádi Max, Liv, Anton a Martina slaví v domě Maxova otce, zatímco jejich rodiče odešli na party do vedlejšího domu. Alkohol teče proudem a teenageři z legrace začnou hrát monopoly. A ... |
10,51 € |
"The Theory of Industrial Organization" ("Tirole Jean")"The Theory of Industrial Organization is the first primary text to treat the new industrial organization at the advanced-undergraduate and graduate level. Rigorously analytical and filled with exercises coded to indicate level of difficulty, it provides a unified and modern treatment of the field w... |
96,80 € |
"The Rise and Fall of Intelligence: An International Security History" ("Warner Michael")"A century ago, almost any state could be competitive at espionage. Fifty years ago, only the Cold War alliances clustered around the two superpowers could. Today, however, many states can do so once again, and private entities and even individuals can gather secrets and manipulate events around the... |
31,60 € |
Martian Time-Slip - Philip K. DickMars is a desolate world. Largely forgotten by Earth, the planet remains helpless in the stranglehold of Arnie Kott, who as boss of the plumber's union has a monopoly over the vital water supply. Arnie Kott is obsessed by the past; the native Bleekmen, poverty-stricken wanderers, can see into the f... |
13,98 € |
Svět po Covidu - Od krize k příležitostiEpidemie onemocnění covidem-19 změnila ložnice v kanceláře, postavila mladé proti starým a rozšířila propasti mezi bohatými a chudými, červenými a modrými, „rouškaři“ a „nerouškaři“. Některé firmy – třeba Amazon nebo poskytovatel softwaru pro videokonference Zoom – najednou pod návalem klientské pop... |
16,29 € |
Desať najväčších omylov antikapitalistovRainer Zitelmann skúma desať najčastejších výhrad voči kapitalizmu: kapitalizmus vedie k hladu a chudobe, rastúcej nerovnosti, zbytočnej spotrebe, ničeniu životného prostredia, zmene klímy a k vojnám. Kritici tvrdia, že tento systém uprednostňuje zisk pred ľudskosťou, vytvára dominantné monopoly a p... |
13,99 € |
1930s ScrapbookFilled to the brim with images, this scrapbook of the 1930s overflows with nostalgia, for those who remember that extraordinary era. For those who do not, this wealth of imagery provides a vivid insight into a time when sliced bread had just reached the table and Butlin's holiday camps had recently ... |
17,69 € |
Monopolized - Dayen DavidOver the last forty years our choices have narrowed our opportunities have shrunk and our lives have become governed by a handful of very large and very powerful corporations Today practically everything we buy everywhere we shop and every service we secure comes from a heavily concentrated market T... |
41,80 € |
Sexopoly erotická stolná hra ENGVitajte v Sexopoly! Ak máte chuť objaviť o sebe a svojom partnerovi niečo nové, potom je táto hra ako stvorená pre vás a pomôže vám okoreniť váš sexuálny život. Hlavným cieľom Sexopoly je poskytnúť vám a vášmu partnerovi nový a nezabudnuteľný sexuálny zážitok! Hra má podobné, no oveľa príjemnejšie p... |
57,50 € |
Brilliant, Brilliant, Brilliant Brilliant BrilliantA collection of full-throated appreciations, withering assessments, and hard-won lessons by the popular journalist. There are a few things you need to know about Joel Golby. Both his parents are dead. His dad was an alcoholic. He himself has a complicated relationship with alcohol. He once went to k... |
16,17 € |
Instantní ekonomie nejen pro začátečníky - Zemánek JosefEkonomie je pro mnoho laiků věda složená z odborných termínů, pouček, nepochopitelných křivek a vzorců. Tato publikace se snaží provést běžného uživatele světem ekonomie srozumitelně a hlavně „lidsky“, zároveň však tak, aby zachovala vysokou odbornou úroveň podávaných informací. Titul je psán velmi... |
13,01 € |
VERDAD O RETOCuatro amigos éltima noche del año. Los adolescentes Liv, Martina, Max y Anton son mejores amigos desde hace años. Los cuatro están ansiosos por celebrar esta Nochevieja juntos, divirtiéndose, bebiendo y coqueteando, mientras espían a sus padres en la casa vecina.ÿÿCuatro secretosPero ya no son niño... |
17,09 € |
Desať najväčších omylov antikapitalistovRainer Zitelmann skúma desať najčastejších výhrad voči kapitalizmu kapitalizmus vedie k hladu a chudobe, rastúcej nerovnosti, zbytočnej spotrebe, ničeniu životného prostredia, zmene klímy a k vojnám. Kritici tvrdia, že tento systém uprednostňuje zisk pred ľudskosťou, vytvára dominantné monopoly a po... |
8,08 € |
ESD Civilization VI Vietnam & Kublai Khan Pack 7756Elektronická licence určená pro platformu Steam | PC Jedná se o dodatek a je nutné vlastnit základní hru Civilization VI v platforměSteam! Obsahuje vietnamskou civilizaci s Ba Tri?u, jedinečnou jednotku Voi Chi?n a jedinečnou budovu Thanh. Jedinečná schopnost civilizace: Jedinečná schopnost Vietn... |
9,40 € |
Capability Brown and the English Landscape GardenThe name Lancelot 'Capability' Brown has become synonymous with the eighteenth-century English landscape garden: between 1751 and 1783 his consultancy handled over 170 major commissions. Ruthlessly efficient, he could stake out the 'capabilities' of a particular terrain within an hour on horseback. ... |
11,19 € |
"Advanced Microeconomic Theory: An Intuitive Approach with Examples" ("Munoz-Garcia Felix")" An introduction to advanced topics in microeconomics that emphasizes the intuition behind assumptions and results, providing examples that show how to apply theory to practice. This textbook offers an introduction to advanced microeconomic theory that emphasizes the intuition behind mathematical ... |
109,24 € |
Poukładaj to sobie w głowie. 100 maili do Ciebie o rodzicielstwie i partnerstwieKłótnie w związku. Trudności z dziećmi. Stres w pracy, brak czasu na cokolwiek, a tu jeszcze pranie trzeba rozwiesić…I chociaż teoretycznie wiemy, że relacje z bliskimi potrzebują skutecznej komunikacji, otwartości na drugiego człowieka i pracy z własnymi emocjami, to w praktyce… bywa różnie.Aga Rog... |
10,39 € |
"Board Games" ("Polinsky Paige V.")"From chess to Monopoly, board games offer something fun for everyone! This title introduces readers to the history of board games and how they continue to be enjoyed today. Leveled text and vibrant images guide readers through each spread, and fun facts and special features throughout the book info... |
12,36 € |
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