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Netgear PLW1000-100PES

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Netgear PLW1000-100PES

Netgear PLW1000-100PES

104,24 - 136,70 €
3 140 - 4 118 Sk
Nájdených 21 záznamov (zobrazujem 21 až 21)
Cena vrátane DPH
Netgear Powerline 1000Mbps AC650 1PT GbE Adapters Bundel + WiFi (PLW1000) PLW1000-100PES

Netgear Powerline 1000Mbps AC650 1PT GbE Adapters Bundel + WiFi (PLW1000) PLW1000-100PES

OVERVIEW Extend Your WiFi Network at 1000 Mbps Speeds Use your existing electrical wiring to extend your WiFi Internet access to any room in your house. Just plug the Powerline Adapter into your modem or router, then plug in the companion PowerLINE WiFi access point to an electrical outlet. It’s th...

109,00 €
3 284 Sk


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Nájdených 21 výsledkov

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