Newell DMW-BLK22
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Nájdených 30 záznamov (zobrazujem 1 až 20)
Cena vrátane DPH
Newell DMW-BLK22 batéria akumulátor pre Panasonic DMW-BLK22Kvalitná, výkonná a bezpečná batéria pre váš fotoaparát za skvelú cenu. Značka Newell - rokmi overená a obľúbená u profesionálov aj amatérov. Typ Li-Ion bez pamäťového efektu. Reálna udávaná kapacita. Kompatibilná s originálnymi aj neoriginálnymi nabíjačkami. Model: DMW-BLK22 Kapacita: 2250mAh... |
29,90 € |
Newell DMW-BLK22 USB-C battery for Panasonic NL3920Newell DMW-BLK22 USB-C is a modern battery replacement designed to work with digital cameras. This model is distinguished not only by its unique color. The integrated USB-C port will open up a whole new range of charging possibilities for you! If you don't have a charger at hand, nothing is wrong. Y... |
51,00 € |
Newell DMW-BLK22Are you a professional photographer and don't want to stop at the wrong moment, or do you take photos as a memento of family events and are afraid of missing out on the most interesting moments? Newell's DMW-BLK22 replacement battery provides high quality, safety and advanced technology, all at an a... |
33,99 € |
Batéria Newell DMW-BLK22 pre LUMIX S5, GH5, GH5S, G9 NL2486Batéria Newell DMW-BLK22 pre LUMIX S5, GH5, GH5S, G9 Newell DMW-BLK22 je vysoko kvalitná náhradná batéria s kapacitou 2250mAh, ktorá poskytuje dlhú výdrž a bezpečné nabíjanie pre vaše zariadenia Panasonic LUMIX S5, GH5, G9 a GH5S. Vďaka lítium-iónovej technológii umožňuje opakované nabíjanie bez pa... |
49,00 € |
Newell DMW-BLK22 |
24,45 € |
Newell charger adapter-plate for DMW-BLK22 batteries for Panasonic NL4113Newell charger adapter-plate for DMW-BLK22 batteries for Panasonic is designed for Newell DC-LCD chargers. Allow you to charge different batteries without having to buy an additional charger. Just slide out the adapter and replace it with the one suitable for our battery. The charger itself will sel... |
18,00 € |
Nabíjačka dvojkanálová Newell DL-USB-C pre Panasonic DMW-BLK22 NL2487Dvojkanálová nabíjačka Newell DL-USB-C pre Panasonic DMW-BLK22 Tam, kde máme obmedzený prístup k elektrickej energii s pomocou prichádza Newell DL-USB-C napájaný z USB portu, malej, profesionálnej nabíjačky, vybavenej dvoma kanálmi a displejom. Kompaktné rozmery Newell DL-USB-C je prenosná nabíja... |
21,60 € |
Newell DMW-BLC12 USB-C battery for Panasonic NL3921Newell DMW-BLC12 USB-C is a modern battery replacement designed to work with digital cameras. This model is distinguished not only by its unique color. The integrated USB-C port will open up a whole new range of charging possibilities for you! If you don't have a charger at hand, nothing is wrong. Y... |
46,00 € |
Newell LCD-PB-SD dual channel charger for DMW-BLK22 batteries for PanasonicNewell LCD dual-channel charger with power bank function and SD card reader is all you need to successfully replenish your DMW-BLK22 batteries primarily for Panasonic devices. The innovative device will allow you to even better organize the photographic accessories that accompany you every day. The ... |
20,69 € |
Newell LCD-PB-SD dual channel charger for DMW-BLK22 batteries for Panasonic. NL4242Newell LCD dual-channel charger with power bank function and SD card reader is all you need to successfully replenish your DMW-BLK22 batteries primarily for Panasonic devices. The innovative device will allow you to even better organize the photographic accessories that accompany you every day. The ... |
36,00 € |
Akumulátor Newell SupraCell Panasonic DMW-BLK22 2300 mAh NL0450Newell SupraCell DMW-BLK22 Newell SupraCell NP-FZ100 je inovatívna náhrada batérie určená pre fotoaparáty Panasonic. Jeho bunky a moderná elektronika uspokoja aj tých najnáročnejších používateľov. Rad SupraCell bol vytvorený špeciálne pre intenzívne používanie, ako aj pre veľmi časté nabíjanie a vy... |
46,80 € |
Newell DL-USB-C dvojkanálová nabíjačka pre batériu DMW-BLK22 NL2487Newell DL-USB-C - USB powered, compact size, professional charger with two charging channels and display. Compact dimensions Newell DL-USB-C is about the size of a credit card and just 2 centimeters thick. With its compact size and 45 grams, you can easily pack it with the rest of your gear and it w... |
37,00 € |
Newell Dual USB-C nabíjačka pre batérie Panasonic DMW-BLK22 powerbank čítačka SDMultifunkčné kompaktné zariadenie ponúka viacero možností použitia: 1) Duálna dvojkanálová USB-C nabíjačka 2) Powerbanka 3) Čítačka SD kariet 4) Ochranné púzdro Vhodné pre batérie Panasonic DMW-BLK22 Nabíjačka USB pre jednoduché nabíjanie z laptopu, powerbanky - akéhokoľvek USB portu. Dva ne... |
24,90 € |
Akumulátor Newell náhrada Panasonic DMW-BLK22 2400 mAh USB-C NL3920Akumulátor Newell náhrada Panasonic DMW-BLK22 2400 mAh USB-C NL3920 Popis Newell DMW-BLK22 USB-C je moderná náhrada batérie určená na prácu s digitálnymi fotoaparátmi. Tento model sa vyznačuje nielen jedinečnou farbou. Integrovaný port USB-C vám otvorí úplne novú škálu možností nabíjania! Ak nemát... |
36,24 € |
Newell DL-USB-C dvojkanálová nabíjačka pre batériu DMW-BLK22Newell DL-USB-C - napájanie cez USB, kompaktná veľkosť, profesionálna nabíjačka s dvoma nabíjacími kanálmi a displejom. Kompaktné rozmery Newell DL-USB-C je veľký približne ako kreditná karta a má hrúbku len 2 centimetre. Vďaka kompaktným rozmerom a 45 gramom ho ľahko zbalíte so zvyškom vašej výbavy... |
24,90 € |
Baterie Newell NEWELL NL3920 Náhradní baterie DMW-BLK22 USB-C pro PanasonicBaterie Newell NEWELL NL3920 Náhradní baterie DMW-BLK22 USB-C pro Panasonic Popis produktu není dostatečný? Našli jste chybu? Napište na objedná děkujeme |
37,13 € |
Newell Supracell DMW-BLK22 batéria akumulátor pre Panasonic DMW-BLK22Špeciálna séria batérií Supracell pre intenzívne používanie. Odolná voči extrémnym teplotám v rozsahu -20 + 60º C Môžete sa spoľahnúť - záruka až 40 mesiacov! Najnovšia technológia pre dlhú životnosť článkov batérie. Obal z nehorľavého materiálu. Značka Newell - rokmi overená a obľúbená u profe... |
49,00 € |
Newell SupraCell Náhradná batéria DMW-BLK22 NL0450Newell SupraCell battery replacement DMW-BLK22 Newell SupraCell DMW-BLK22 is an innovative battery replacement designed for cameras. The cells and modern electronics used in it will satisfy even the most demanding users. The SupraCell line was created especially with a view to intensive use, as well... |
72,00 € |
Newell Plus replacement DMW-BLK22 battery for PanasonicThe Newell Plus replacement DMW-BLK22 battery for Panasonic is part of the Newell Plus series. This is an advanced series of batteries from a well-known and respected manufacturer, featuring the best performance, increased capacity and durability. Increased capacity The large capacity of the battery... |
35,00 € |
Newell Plus replacement DMW-BLK22 battery for Panasonic NL4236The Newell Plus replacement DMW-BLK22 battery for Panasonic is part of the Newell Plus series. This is an advanced series of batteries from a well-known and respected manufacturer, featuring the best performance, increased capacity and durability. Increased capacity The large capacity of the battery... |
50,00 € |
Nájdených 30 výsledkov |