Newell EN-EL15
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Nájdených 46 záznamov (zobrazujem 1 až 20)
Cena vrátane DPH
Battery Pack Adapter Newell BL-5 do NikonThe Newell BL-5 Battery Pack Adapter is the ideal way to extend the versatile capabilities of the Newell MB-D12 grip (and equivalents from other manufacturers) compatible with the Nikon D800 and D800E cameras. This small device will allow you to fit the EN-EL18 battery pack, known from DSLR models s... |
12,49 € |
Newell Dual USB-C nabíjačka pre batérie Nikon EN-EL15 powerbank čítačka SDMultifunkčné kompaktné zariadenie ponúka viacero možností použitia: 1) Duálna dvojkanálová USB-C nabíjačka 2) Powerbanka 3) Čítačka SD kariet 4) Ochranné púzdro Vhodné pre batérie Nikon EN-EL15 / EN-EL15A / EN-EL15B / EN-EL15C Nabíjačka USB pre jednoduché nabíjanie z laptopu, powerbanky - aké... |
24,90 € |
Batéria Newell Plus EN-EL15 NL0956The battery belongs to the Newell Plus series. This is the most advanced series of batteries of well-known and respected manufacturer, characterized by the best working parameters, increased capacity and durability. High capacity High capacity of the battery has been achieved by increasing the densi... |
60,00 € |
Xtra Power Set XL nabíjačka Newell DL-USB-C a dve batérie EN-EL15 pre Nikon NL3013Xtra Power Set XL nabíjačka Newell DL-USB-C a dve batérie EN-EL15 pre Nikon NL3013 Popis: Súprava, ktorá obsahuje dvojkanálovú nabíjačku Newell DL-USB-C a batériu EN-EL15, je všetko, čo potrebujete, aby ste sa s fotoaparátom pripravili na dlhé hodiny. Všade tam, kde máte obmedzený prístup k elektr... |
44,40 € |
Newell DC-USB nabíjačka pre batérie EN-EL15 NL1743Regardless of the capacity and number of batteries used, at some point there will be a need to charge them. This is where the Newell USB charger comes to the rescue - compact, professional and equipped with an LED process status display. Compact dimensions The Newell charger is the smallest of its k... |
27,00 € |
Newell NL0956The battery belongs to the Newell Plus series. This is the most advanced series of batteries of well-known and respected manufacturer, characterized by the best working parameters, increased capacity and durability. High capacity High capacity of the battery has been achieved by increasing the densi... |
44,99 € |
Nabíjačka dvojkanálová Newell DL-USB-C pre Nikon EN-EL15 NL1959Dvojkanálová nabíjačka Newell DL-USB-C pre Nikon EN-EL15 Tam, kde máme obmedzený prístup k elektrickej energii s pomocou prichádza Newell DL-USB-C napájaný z USB portu, malej, profesionálnej nabíjačky, vybavenej dvoma kanálmi a displejom. Kompaktné rozmery Newell DL-USB-C je prenosná nabíjačka s ... |
21,60 € |
Baterie Newell Náhradní baterie Newell Plus EN-EL15Baterie Newell Náhradní baterie Newell Plus EN-EL15 Omlouváme se, pracujeme průběžně na lepším popisu |
26,97 € |
Batéria Newell MB-D14 pre Nikon NL0628The Newell MB-D14 is a great quality grip/battery pack for the Nikon D600. The grip features a two-stage shutter button, setting wheels, directional joystick - just like the original Nikon grip. A light press on the trigger allows you to focus, and pressing it all the way down triggers the shutter ... |
112,00 € |
Batériový grip Newell MB-D16 pre Nikon NL1169Batériový grip Newell MB-D16 pre Nikon NL1169 Newell MB-D16 je robustný, plne vybavený batériový grip pre Nikon D750. Toto zariadenie umožňuje lepšie uchopenie, zvyšuje pohodlie pri fotografovaní vo vertikálnej polohe a predlžuje prácu bez nutnosti výmeny batérií vo fotoaparáte. Prídavný napájací ... |
72,00 € |
Newell Nabíjačka Dual pre dve batérie Nikon EN-EL15Profesionálna dvojkanálová nabíjačka s prehľadným displejom. Dva nezávislé kanály pre bezpečné a rýchle nabitie batérií. Ochrana proti prehriatiu a prebitiu. Možnosť nabíjať z el. siete aj v aute. Možnosť voľby medzi normálnym a rýchlym režimom nabíjania. Prehľadné displeje ukazujú percentuálny... |
49,90 € |
Newell FDL-USB-C dvojkanálová nabíjačka pre EN-EL15 NL2540The Newell FDL-USB-C is a battery charger that will save your photos and videos when you don't have a traditional charging outlet nearby. Thanks to its unique design, the USB cable for connecting the device to the power source will be always with you! If necessary, you can also use the included addi... |
49,00 € |
Newell MB-D780 Grip Battery Pack for NikonThe Newell MB-D780 is an ergonomic grip for the Nikon D780, making shooting with it even more comfortable. The well-thought-out design of the device guarantees a firm grip, and the additional shutter release button placed on the casing makes it easier to take pictures in portrait orientation. The ba... |
145,99 € |
Newell DC-LCD dvojkanálová nabíjačka pre batérie EN-EL15 NL1482Regardless of the capacity and number of batteries you use, at some point you will need to charge them. That's when the Newell DC-LCD comes to the rescue - a professional charger with two charging channels and an easy-to-read display to monitor the process. Power options By default, the device uses ... |
73,00 € |
Batéria Newell MB-D780 Grip pre Nikon NL2604The Newell MB-D780 is an ergonomic grip for the Nikon D780, making shooting with it even more comfortable. The well-thought-out design of the device guarantees a firm grip, and the additional shutter release button placed on the casing makes it easier to take pictures in portrait orientation. The ba... |
146,00 € |
Newell D-Tap napájací adaptér pre EN-EL15 NL2808The Newell D-Tap Power Adapter for EN-EL15 is a device that allows you to externally power your camera from professional V-mount (V-lock) batteries. It's ideal for those who want to increase the maximum runtime of their device on a single charge, or forget about having to change batteries for a long... |
37,00 € |
Newell DL-USB-C dvojkanálová nabíjačka pre EN-EL15 NL1959Where we have limited access to electricity with the help comes Newell DL-USB-C - powered from the USB port, small, professional charger, provided with two channels and a charging display. Compact dimensions Newell DL-USB-C is a portable charger with the size of a credit card and 2cm thickness. The ... |
37,00 € |
Newell EN-EL15 batéria akumulátor pre Nikon EN-EL15Kvalitná, výkonná a bezpečná batéria pre váš fotoaparát za skvelú cenu. Značka Newell - rokmi overená a obľúbená u profesionálov aj amatérov. Typ Li-Ion bez pamäťového efektu. Reálna udávaná kapacita. Kompatibilná s originálnymi aj neoriginálnymi nabíjačkami. Model: EN-EL15 Kapacita: 1950mAh ... |
19,90 € |
Náhradná batéria Newell EN-EL15 pre Nikon NL0572Are you a professional photographer and don't want to interrupt your work at the wrong moment, or do you take photos to commemorate family events and are afraid of missing the most interesting moments? The Newell EN-EL15 battery provides high quality, safety and advanced technology, all at an attrac... |
35,00 € |
Newell Battery Pack MB-D17 for NikonNewell MB-D17 is a robust, full-featured battery grip for Nikon D500. This device allows a better grip improves comfort when taking pictures in vertical and extends the work without having to replace the batteries in the camera. Additional power supply Grip has two basic functions. One of them is th... |
112,49 € |
Nájdených 46 výsledkov |