Pax Romana
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"Pax Romana" ("Goldsworthy Adrian")"A groundbreaking and comprehensive history of the Roman Peace, from the bloody conquests of an aggressive Republic through the age of Caesar and Augustus to the golden age of prosperity under Marcus |
14,72 € |
Anno 117: Pax Romana – Xbox Series XNa začiatku nášho letopočtuAnno 117: Pax Romana Xbox Series X vás zavedie do doby vrcholnej moci Rímskej ríše, kedy mier a stabilita rozkvitli pod nadvládou cisárov. Ocitnete sa v roku 117 n. l., kedy Rímska ríša dosiahla svoj najväčší rozsah a ovládala takmer celý známy svet. Vašou úlohou bude spra... |
75,90 € |
Pax Romana: War, Peace and Conquest in the Roman WorldA groundbreaking and comprehensive history of the Roman Peace from one of the leading historians of the ancient world |
22,17 € |
Pax Romana: War, Peace and Conquest in the Roman WorldA groundbreaking and comprehensive history of the Roman Peace from one of the leading historians of the ancient world |
22,17 € |
Pax RomanaWar, Peace and Conquest in the Roman World. A ground-breaking and comprehensive history of the Roman Peace, 'Pax Romana' takes the reader on a journey from the bloody conquests of an aggressive Republic through the age of Caesar and Augustus to the golden age of peace and prosperity under diligent e... |
15,08 € |
Anno 117: Pax Romana – PS5Na začiatku nášho letopočtuAnno 117: Pax Romana PS5 vás zavedie do doby vrcholnej moci Rímskej ríše, kedy mier a stabilita rozkvitli pod nadvládou cisárov. Ocitnete sa v roku 117 n. l., kedy Rímska ríša dosiahla svoj najväčší rozsah a ovládala takmer celý známy svet. Vašou úlohou bude spravovať a ro... |
75,90 € |
Pax RomanaWar, Peace and Conquest in the Roman World. A ground-breaking and comprehensive history of the Roman Peace, 'Pax Romana' takes the reader on a journey from the bloody conquests of an aggressive Republic through the age of Caesar and Augustus to the golden age of peace and prosperity under diligent e... |
15,08 € |
PaxThe third in the epic trilogy narrating the history of the Roman Empire from renowned historian Tom Holland. Pax is the third in a trilogy of books narrating the history of the Roman Empire. The series that began with Rubicon, and continued with Dynasty, now arrives at the period which marks the ap... |
19,89 € |
Pax - Tom HollandThe definitive history of Rome's golden age - antiquity's ultimate superpower at the pinnacle of its greatness. The Pax Romana has long been revered as a golden age. At its peak, the Roman Empire stretched from Scotland to Arabia, and contained perhaps a quarter of humanity. It was the wealthiest a... |
14,41 € |
Pax : War and Peace in Rome's Golden AgeTHE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'Holland, who co-hosts the podcast The Rest Is History, is at his best when having fun with Rome's bloody history' The Times 'A book for lovers of traditional, grand sweep narrative history' Sunday TimesThe definitive history of Rome's golden age - antiquity's ulti... |
39,60 € |
PaxTHE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'Holland, who co-hosts the podcast The Rest Is History, is at his best when having fun with Rome's bloody history' The Times 'A book for lovers of traditional, grand sweep narrative history' Sunday TimesThe definitive history of Rome's golden age - antiquity's ulti... |
15,30 € |
Pax - War and Peace in Rome's Golden AgeThe definitive history of Rome's golden age - antiquity's ultimate superpower at the pinnacle of its greatness. The Pax Romana has long been revered as a golden age. At its peak, the Roman Empire stretched from Scotland to Arabia, and contained perhaps a quarter of humanity. It was the wealthiest an... |
16,61 € |
"Pax: War and Peace in Rome's Golden Age" ("Holland Tom")"The definitive history of Rome's golden age--an ultimate superpower at the pinnacle of its greatness The Pax Romana has long been shorthand for the empire's golden age. Stretching from Caledonia to Arabia, Rome ruled over a quarter of the world's population. It was the wealthiest and most formida... |
24,96 € |
Pax - Tom Holland, Little, Brown Book GroupTHE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'Holland, who co-hosts the podcast The Rest Is History, is at his best when having fun with Rome's bloody history' The Times 'A book for lovers of traditional, grand sweep narrative history' Sunday TimesThe definitive history of Rome's golden age - antiquity's ulti... |
16,10 € |
Beta-Dobrovský&Ševčík LegendyZnovu jsou tady – autoři a jejich světy, jež si získávají miliony dychtivých čtenářů. Opět přicházejí ve dvou svazcích a vracejí se do zvláštních a podmanivých míst, do nichž je zasazen nový příběh, jenž doplňuje a dokresluje jejich nejslavnější díla. Mnoho příběhů se odvíjí v dřívější minulosti těc... |
3,00 € |
111 vánočních koledNejrozsáhlejší komplet klasických vánočních koled! Legendární nahrávky aranžéra a producenta Romana Cejnara a jeho orchestru Conventus Musicorum vycházejí na novém trojalbu a v remasterované podobě. V letech 1995–1998 vyšla postupně tři alba nejznámějších českých koled, která o rok později doplnil v... |
10,48 € |
Úpadek a pád římské říše - Gibbon EdwardÚpadek a pád římské říše Edwarda Gibbona je monumentální mistrovské dílo hodné svého velkého tématu, jež dodnes nepřestává udivovat majestátní rétorikou a břitkým vtipem. Gibbon nejenže podává panoramatický obraz společnosti a dějinných událostí, ale jeho vzývání ztracených ctností římské republiky ... |
23,90 € |
Holnap kitör a VezúvSági György új regénye Pompeji ősi városában játszódik, ahol a mából a múltba tévedt főhős az emberi lét alapkérdéseit vitatja meg újdonsült barátjával, miközben a Vezúv kitörésének vészjósló előjelei árnyékolják be a város lakóinak utolsó napjait. A szerző egyes szám első személyű hangja nem titkol... |
12,42 € |
A Political History of the World - Jonathan Holslag, PelicanA three-thousand year history of the world that examines the causes of war and the search for peaceIn three thousand years of history, China has spent at least eleven centuries at war. The Roman Empire was in conflict during at least 50 per cent of its lifetime. Since 1776, the United States has spe... |
28,45 € |
Political History of the WorldA three-thousand year history of the world that examines the causes of war and the search for peaceIn three thousand years of history, China has spent at least eleven centuries at war. The Roman Empire was in conflict during at least 50 per cent of its lifetime. Since 1776, the United States has spe... |
13,68 € |
Nájdených 43 výsledkov |