Piano Adventures Technique Artistry 2A
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Nájdených 4 záznamov (zobrazujem 1 až 4)
Cena vrátane DPH
Piano Adventures - Technique & Artistry 2APiano Adventures - podarená škola hry na klavír, rozdelená do niekoľkých samostatných zošitov v každom roku výučby, ktorá položila nový štandard v kvalite hudobno-náučných publikácií. Táto inovatívna a vzrušujúca metóda výučby hry na piano má veľmi kladné odozvy od učiteľov a žiakov zo všetkých kúto... |
10,20 € |
Level 2a - Technique & Artistry Book: Piano Adventures (Faber Nancy)(Faber Piano Adventures ). The 2nd Edition Level 2A Technique & Artistry Book features effective Technique Secret exercises which train students in firm fingertips, light thumb, fast fingers, hands together coordination, and wrist float-off. An Artistry Magic piece at the end of each unit explores e... |
9,16 € |
Accelerated Piano Adventures, Book 2, Technique & Artistry Book: For the Older BeginnerTechnique & Artistry Book 2 combines "Technique Secrets" from levels 2A and 2B with new exercises and "Artistry Magic" pieces that correlate with Accelerated Piano Adventures Lesson Book 2. These elegantly simple "technique secrets" build a solid technical foundation for the older beginner and are u... |
10,65 € |
Accelerated Piano Adventures, Book 2, Technique & Artistry Book: For the Older BeginnerTechnique & Artistry Book 2 combines "Technique Secrets" from levels 2A and 2B with new exercises and "Artistry Magic" pieces that correlate with Accelerated Piano Adventures Lesson Book 2. These elegantly simple "technique secrets" build a solid technical foundation for the older beginner and are u... |
10,65 € |
Nájdených 4 výsledkov |