Piano Adventures Theory Book 5
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Piano Adventures - Theory Book 5Piano Adventures - podarená škola hry na klavír, rozdelená do niekoľkých samostatných zošitov v každom roku výučby, ktorá položila nový štandard v kvalite hudobno-náučných publikácií. Táto inovatívna a vzrušujúca metóda výučby hry na piano má veľmi kladné odozvy od učiteľov a žiakov zo všetkých kúto... |
10,20 € |
Piano Adventures, Level 5, Popular RepertoireThe Popular Repertoire Book combines popular hits with imaginative "Activity Pages" that explore rhythm, note reading, and theory fundamentals. Level 5 includes: Butterfly Kisses * Candle in the Wind * Hedwig's Theme, from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone * Over the Rainbow * Summertime * Take ... |
9,14 € |
Piano Adventures, Level 5, Popular RepertoireThe Popular Repertoire Book combines popular hits with imaginative "Activity Pages" that explore rhythm, note reading, and theory fundamentals. Level 5 includes: Butterfly Kisses * Candle in the Wind * Hedwig's Theme, from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone * Over the Rainbow * Summertime * Take ... |
9,14 € |
Piano Adventures All-In-Two Level 4-5Piano Adventures is an exciting, comprehensive piano method that teaches children analysis, creativity and musical expression. This Lesson & Theory Book provides an integrated, step-by-step approach to music reading which includes expressive appealing pieces with teacher duets, musical styles from j... |
15,78 € |
Piano Adventures All-In-Two Level 4-5Piano Adventures is an exciting, comprehensive piano method that teaches children analysis, creativity and musical expression. This Lesson & Theory Book provides an integrated, step-by-step approach to music reading which includes expressive appealing pieces with teacher duets, musical styles from j... |
15,78 € |
Level 2a - Theory Book: Piano Adventures (Faber Nancy)(Faber Piano Adventures ). The 2nd Edition Level 2A Theory Book has thematic tie-in with the Level 2A Lesson Book, inviting students into the pages for deeper understanding. A wide variety of theory activities engage students with eighth notes, phrases, transposition, and 5-finger scales. Composer b... |
9,16 € |
Level 5 - Theory Book: Piano Adventures (Faber Nancy)(Faber Piano Adventures ). Designed to be used in conjunction with the other books in Level 5, this book reinforces theory concepts through writing, sightreading, and ear-training |
9,16 € |
Nájdených 7 výsledkov |