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Pilates for LifeGet the body you want with Darcey Bussell's "Pilates for Life". Firm, slim stomach. Fantastic posture. Strong, lean muscles. Clear, relaxed mind. Just four of the amazing results you will see and feel if you take up Pilates. And who better to introduce you to this fabulous form of exercise than a wo... |
18,83 € |
The Pilates BibleThe Pilates Bible is the most authoritative and comprehensive book on Pilates matwork ever written and demonstrates why this hugely popular exercise has gone from cult status to an essential part of our modern lifestyle. Drawing on the latest medical research, the authors have updated old.. |
20,24 € |
Hack Your Low Back With Pilates Reformer StretchingA hack is an innovative and unorthodox way to crack a big problem. Although stretching is not a new prescription for managing and alleviating chronic low back pain, doing it on a Pilates reformer, with precision cues and 3D images is definitely novel. The |
20,95 € |
Bezpečnostná obuv Cofra PILATES BLUE S1 P SRC Veľkosť topánky: 41Nízka pracovná obuv Cofra PILATES BLUE S1 P SRC - Horná časť: semišová koža a priedušná látka - Vnútorná časť: 100% polyesterová tkanina DRYFRESH, trojrozmerná, priedušná, absorbuje a uvoľňuje vlhkosť, odolná proti oderu - Stielka: SALUS preformovaný, dierovaný, vyrobený z antistatické expandovanej... |
85,90 € |
"Fusion Workouts: Fitness, Yoga, Pilates, and Barre" ("Vanderburg Helen")" Combine fitness, Pilates, yoga, and barre, and what do you get? An incredible workout that will engage you, challenge you, and change the way you exercise. Welcome to Fusion Workouts: Fitness, Yoga, Pilates, and Barre, the program shaped around your preferences, needs, and goals. You'll discov... |
21,40 € |
Pilates BibleThe Pilates Bible appeals to readers who want a comprehensive understanding of this exercise method--its origin, principles, key concepts, and benefits--in addition to detailed instructions, complete with beautiful step-by-step color pictures, |
17,12 € |
Príručka Pilates - Herdman AlanTáto kniha uvádza začiatočníka na správnu cestu a ponúka zrozumiteľný úvod do tohto obľúbeného cvičenia s jednoduchými návodmi a fotografiami v piatich prehľadne členených oddieloch: základy, centrum sily, chrbát , posilňovanie končatín, cvičebný program. Slovenský preklad Martin Lukáč |
9,84 € |
Pajama Pilates - Maria MankinBrimming with engaging exercise tips and colorful illustrations, this fun-to-read guide makes it easy to do pilates in your pajamas. Improve your strength, tone your body, and increase your flexibility with these 40 easy-to-follow exercises that you can do at home. Written by certified Pilates instr... |
15,26 € |
"Return to Life Through Contrology" ("Pilates Joseph H.")"2014 Reprint of 1945 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition. Not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. "Return to Life Through Contrology" is essential Pilates reading. In this one small book, Joseph Pilates conveys the breadth and power of the Pilates method. Covering philosophy a... |
9,80 € |
Gaiam Pilates, súprava pre začiatočníkovNaša sada Pilates pre začiatočníkov je to pravé, ak začínate s cvičením. Sada obsahuje: loptu, posiľňovaciu gumu, a inštruktážne DVD cvičenia, ktoré vám pomôžu začať s Pilates. Lopta zapája dolné brušné a stehenné svaly, zatiaľ čo posiľňovacia guma zintenzívňuje váš tréning pre dosiahnutie čo najrýc... |
31,19 € |
Pilates for Everyone |
13,39 € |
Postnatal PilatesA postnatal recovery program aimed at all mothers, offering a Pilates regimen based on up-to-date research on pelvic floor and abdominal healing.This is a straight-talking, woman-to-woman postnatal recovery guide with a twist: based around |
19,84 € |
"Pilates Evolution - The 21st Century" ("Pilates Joseph")"This new Revision of the popular Pilates Primer contains all of the original Pilates Primer content and materials (copies of both of Joseph Pilates original two books: Contrology and Your Health) and another almost 100 pages with significant writings on the latest developments in the Pilates world ... |
15,88 € |
49,66 € |
Gorilla Sports Mini lopta na pilates, 28 cm, oranžováSlúži na na širokú škálu cvikovAko vybavenie na jógu, pilates, aerobik, gymnastiku, rehabilitáciu, fyzioterapiu, kondičný tréningIdeálna masáž svalovDostupná v prevedeniach : 18 cm, 23 cm ,28 cmFarby : modrá, žltá, ružová, oranžová, červená, fialováBalenie obsahuje rúrku na rýchle nafúkanieVysoko kv... |
6,59 € |
2skin Legíny PILATES sivo-fialové Veľkosť: SLegíny s vysokým pásom – kombinácia štýlu, pohodlia a funkčnosti. Tieto legíny sú navrhnuté tak, aby perfektne sedeli a poskytovali maximálne pohodlie. Vysoký pás tvaruje postavu a pružná látka sa prispôsobí telu ako druhá koža. Priedušný materiál účinne odvádza vlhkosť a zanecháva svieži pocit aj p... |
39,90 € |
Jóga/pilates lopta 25 cm TUNTURI Rondoballmalá nafukovacia lopta vysokej kvality silná a pevná stena maximálny priemer: 25 cm |
7,90 € |
Pilates pre deti - MatysPilates je fyzická aktivita, ktorá spája štyri disciplíny, a to jogu, tanec, fitnes a kineziológiu. Pozostáva z cvičebného programu, ktorého cieľom je dosiahnuť rovnováhu svalov a podporiť spojenie tela, mysle a ducha. Pilates má mnoho výhod: podporuje koncentráciu, schopnosť relaxovať, flexibilitu,... |
7,19 € |
A pilates tudománya |
17,12 € |
"Pajama Pilates: 40 Exercises for Stretching, Strengthening, and Toning at Home" ("Mankin Maria")"Brimming with engaging exercise tips and colorful illustrations, this fun-to-read guide makes it easy to do pilates in your pajamas. Improve your strength, tone your body, and increase your flexibility with these 40 easy-to-follow exercises that you can do at home. Written by certified Pilates ins... |
13,12 € |
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