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0,83 - 3,99 €
25 - 120 Sk
Populous: the Beginning

Populous: the Beginning

6,99 - 29,00 €
211 - 874 Sk


19,00 €
572 Sk
Nájdených 295 záznamov (zobrazujem 241 až 260)
Cena vrátane DPH
Exiles in Sepharad

Exiles in Sepharad

The dramatic one-thousand-year history of Jews in Spain comes to life in Exiles in Sepharad . Jeffrey Gorsky vividly relates this colorful period of Jewish history, from the era when Jewish culture was at its height in Muslim Spain to the horrors of the Inquisition and the Expulsion. Twenty percent ...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

5253 recenzií

23,72 €
715 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

Main Line Passenger Trains in and Around London (Squibbs Jamie)

Main Line Passenger Trains in and Around London (Squibbs Jamie)

A complex web of train tracks weave through and around the capital city, transporting people and goods in perpetual motion. This colorful pictorial book provides a detailed account of each train operator working in the most populous region of the country, including main line and district line provid...

1140 recenzií

15,72 €
474 Sk

Celestial Harmonies

Celestial Harmonies

The Esterházys, one of Europe's most prominent aristocratic families, are closely linked to the rise and fall of the Hapsburg Empire. Princes, counts, commanders, diplomats, bishops, and patrons of the arts, revered, respected, and occasionally feared by their contemporaries, their story is as compl...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

5253 recenzií

18,39 €
554 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

The Oxford History of Modern China (Wasserstrom Jeffrey N.)

The Oxford History of Modern China (Wasserstrom Jeffrey N.)

excellent LSE Review of Books China is the worlds most populous country and newest superpower, whose place on the international stage can only be understood through the lens of its modern history. The Oxford History of Modern China is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand this risin...

1140 recenzií

15,00 €
452 Sk

From Mud-Flat Cove to Gold to Statehood: California 1840-1850

From Mud-Flat Cove to Gold to Statehood: California 1840-1850

Documenting the people, events, and milestones that forged the nation's most populous state, this dynamic examination provides a full history of California's founding. From the stories of great men such as John Sutter, John Bidwell, Samuel Brannan, Thomas O. Larkin, the Revered Walter Colton, and Jo...

264 recenzií

14,97 €
451 Sk

The Fear of Chinese Power: An International History (Crean Jeffrey)

The Fear of Chinese Power: An International History (Crean Jeffrey)

The real and potential power of China, the worlds most populous nation, has long been seen as a threat by its smaller neighbors and global powers alike. The Fear of Chinese Power provides a history of this perceived threat from the 1880s to the present day, and offers rich historical context to an e...

1140 recenzií

77,84 €
2 345 Sk

ESD Populous The Beginning

ESD Populous The Beginning

Elektronická licencia určená pre platformu Ide o dodatok a je nutné vlastniť základnú hru Populous v platforme GOG! Šamane, pred tebou je položená cesta. Vaším osudom je stať sa bohom! Nebude to ale jednoduché. Nie pre vás a nie pre vašichnasledovníkov. Aby ste sa stali božstvom, musíte dob...

5,08 €
153 Sk


ESD Populous

ESD Populous

Elektronická licencia určená pre platformu Origin | PC Veľmi zaujímavými hrami sú tie z pohľadu boha. Na celý svet sa tak hráč pozerá ešte viac zhora ako kedykoľvek predtým. Vedomie, že len na ňom je, ako sa bude alebo nebude vyvíjať populácia, znie lákavo. Ostatne aj preto máte tento typ hier takú...

2,19 €
66 Sk


ESD Populous

ESD Populous

Elektronická licencia určená pre platformu Origin | PC Veľmi zaujímavými hrami sú tie z pohľadu boha. Na celý svet sa tak hráč pozerá ešte viac zhora ako kedykoľvek predtým. Vedomie, že len na ňom je, ako sa bude alebo nebude vyvíjať populácia, znie lákavo. Ostatne aj preto máte tento typ hier takú...

2,18 €
66 Sk


Confucius – In a Nutshell (EN) - Neil Wenborn (mp3 audiokniha)

Confucius – In a Nutshell (EN) - Neil Wenborn (mp3 audiokniha)

Confucius stands alone among the world’s great thinkers. Perhaps no other teacher has exerted so powerful a hold over so many people for so long. For two and a half millennia his sayings, preserved and developed by generations of his followers, have shaped the cultural and political life of the worl...

6,50 €
196 Sk


Living in China T25

Living in China T25

Dating back more than six thousand years, China is the world’s oldest civilization and most populous nation. With its remarkable history, rich culture, and diversity of ethnic groups, China is an endlessly fascinating country. Sneaking a peek at an array of different homes, from ancient to modern,&n...

11,55 €
348 Sk

China and Russia

China and Russia

A compelling, expansive history of the relationship between China and Russia, from the seventeenth century to the present Russia and China, the largest and most populous countries in the world, respectively, have maintained a delicate relationship for four centuries. In addition to a four-thousand-k...

32,50 €
979 Sk



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2,16 €
65 Sk

Rebels Rising - B. L. Carp

Rebels Rising - B. L. Carp

The cities of eighteenth-century America packed together tens of thousands of colonists. They met each other in back rooms, plotted political tactics, debated the issues of the day in taverns, and mingled together on the wharves or in the streets. In this fascinating work, historian Benjamin L. Carp...

34,58 €
1 042 Sk



Elektronická licence určená pro platformu Origin | PC Velmi zajímavými hrami jsou ty z pohleduboha. Na celý svět se tak hráč dívá ještě víceshora než kdy dříve. Vědomí, že jen naněm je, jak se bude nebo nebude vyvíjetpopulace, zní lákavě. Ostatně i proto mátento typ her takovou oblíbenost. Hráčse ...

4,17 €
126 Sk

The Family Tree Historical Atlas of American Cities - Allison Dolan

The Family Tree Historical Atlas of American Cities - Allison Dolan

Journey to the big city! Explore your ancestors' hometowns! This book guides you through American history by looking at the United States' sixteen most populous and historically influential cities, such as New York, Chicago, Boston, New Orleans, and Baltimore. Each section features beautiful, full-c...

37,07 €
1 117 Sk

ESD Populous

ESD Populous

Elektronická licencia určená pre platformu Origin | PC Veľmi zaujímavými hrami sú tie z pohľadu boha. Na celý svet sa tak hráč pozerá ešte viac zhora ako kedykoľvek predtým. Vedomie, že len na ňom je, ako sa bude alebo nebude vyvíjať populácia, znie lákavo. Ostatne aj preto máte tento typ hier takú...

2,37 €
71 Sk

PC Saloon

Party of One

Party of One

Party of One: The Rise of Xi Jinping and the Superpower Future of China shatters the many myths and caricatures that shroud one of the world's most secretive political organisations and its leader. Many observers misread Xi's intentions during his early years in power, projecting onto him their own ...

21,95 €
661 Sk

ESD Populous The Beginning

ESD Populous The Beginning

Elektronická licencia určená pre platformu Ide o dodatok a je nutné vlastniť základnú hru Populous v platforme GOG! Šamane, pred tebou je položená cesta. Vaším osudom je stať sa bohom! Nebude to ale jednoduché. Nie pre vás a nie pre vašichnasledovníkov. Aby ste sa stali božstvom, musíte dob...

5,10 €
154 Sk


Shrines of Gaiety

Shrines of Gaiety

From the inimitable bestselling author, Kate Atkinson, a mesmerising novel set in the glittering world of Soho in the 1920s - a place of gangsters and showgirls, Bright Young Things and one remarkable woman. 'Atkinson on her finest form. A marvel of plate-spinning narrative knowhow, a peak performan...

13,95 €
420 Sk

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