Pro-Ject Clamp it
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Nájdených 56 záznamov (zobrazujem 1 až 20)
Cena vrátane DPH
ProJect Clamp itPrítlačné závažie pre gramofónové platne |
99,90 € |
Pro-Ject Clamp itStabilizátor Pro-Ject Clamp it Materiál: - Hliník a prírodná koža - Priemer: 78mm - Výška: 30mm - Hmotnosť: 120g Najnovší stabilizátor/prítlak analógovej dosky Pro-Ject Clamp it - mimoriadne efektný a funkčný. Kovové telo precízne vyrobené pomocou diamantových nástrojov. Spodná časť, ktorá je v k... |
105,90 € |
Pro-Ject Clamp it - přítlačná svorkaUniverzální přítlačná hliníková clamp svorka |
109,70 € |
Príslušenstvo pre gramofóny Pro-Ject Clamp it (9PCLAMPIT)Univerzálna prítlačná hliníková clamp svorka Zvuk z vinylovej dosky je možné výrazne zlepšiť, ak pri prehrávaní znížite nežiaduce rezonancie medzi doskou a tanierom. Preto by k sebe povrch dosky a taniera mali čo najpevnejšie priliehať. Svorka CLAMP IT je dokonalým riešením. Upínací mecha... |
105,30 € |
Pro-ject Clamp ItDodatočné prítlačné závažie na gramofónové dosky vyrobené z hliníka a zo spodnej strany kožený povrch. Zlepší zvuk na všetkých gramofónoch Znižuje vibrácie pri prehrávaní dosiek Rýchle a jednoduché upevnenie Jednoduché nastavenie prítlačnej sily Materiál: hliník + kožený povrch Priemer: 78 mm Výška:... |
105,00 € |
Pro-Ject Clamp it |
105,90 € |
Pro-Ject 6-Perspex B + Pick it MC3 - akrylDesignový akrylový gramofon s magneticky nadnášeným subšasi a symetrickým výstupem + přenoska Pick it MC3. Pro-Ject 6-PerspeX B je gramofon s unikátním systémem odstínění vibrací pomocí magnetického nadnášení subšasi. Magnetické pole, které toto subšasi nadnáší, zásadně eliminuje negativní vlastnos... |
2 790,00 € |
ProJect Upgrade Set AdvancedUpgrade sada príslušenstva pre gramofóny Pro-Ject - Clamp it, Leather it Black + 4 kusy Damp it |
169,00 € |
Pro-Ject Upgrade Set AdvancedUpgrade sada příslušenství pro gramofony Pro-Ject - Clamp it, Leather it Black + 4 kusy Damp it Ekonomická sada skládající se z přítlačné svorky CLAMP IT, černé kožené podložky pod gramofonovou desku LEATHER IT a 4 kusů podstav DAMP IT z termoplastického elastomeru.Chcete-li upgradovat zvukové kvali... |
169,00 € |
Statív Fotopro X-go HR Pro s guľovou hlavou FPH-52Q - čierny FP3732Fotopro X-Go HR Pro with FPH-52Q ball head is a versatile tripod that will open up whole new possibilities for you. Its unique feature is the ability to instantly adjust the center column to a horizontal position. It is an ideal choice for product photography, culinary photography, macro photography... |
166,00 € |
Fotopro X-Airfly Max Video tripod - orange FP4134The Fotopro X-Airfly Max Video is a revolutionary combination of tripod and monopod functionality, ideal for photography and filming enthusiasts. With a combination of 2 heads - ball and oil - it offers unparalleled versatility, stability and precision performance. The ultra-lightweight 3K carbon fi... |
313,00 € |
Fotopro X-Airfly Max Video Tripod - Gray FP4133The Fotopro X-Airfly Max Video is a revolutionary combination of tripod and monopod functionality, ideal for photography and filming enthusiasts. With a combination of 2 heads - ball and oil - it offers unparalleled versatility, stability and precision performance. The ultra-lightweight 3K carbon fi... |
313,00 € |
Fotopro X-go HR PROFotopro X-Go HR Pro with FPH-52Q ball head is a versatile tripod that will open up whole new possibilities for you. Its unique feature is the ability to instantly adjust the center column to a horizontal position. It is an ideal choice for product photography, culinary photography, macro photography... |
166,49 € |
Fotopro X-Airfly Max VideoThe Fotopro X-Airfly Max Video is a revolutionary combination of tripod and monopod functionality, ideal for photography and filming enthusiasts. With a combination of 2 heads - ball and oil - it offers unparalleled versatility, stability and precision performance. The ultra-lightweight 3K carbon fi... |
312,90 € |
Fotopro X-go Gecko E2 tripod with FPH-42QP ball head FP4269The Photopro X-go Gecko E2 tripod with FPH-42QP head is a versatile tool that combines light weight with strength thanks to solid aluminum. With a max load of 8kg and 5-section legs with T-LOCK locks, it provides stability and comfortable handling. The 3-stage tilt system and the reverse mount of th... |
116,00 € |
Fotopro X-Airfly Max tripod - gray FP4131Fotopro X-Airfly Max is an ideal choice for any photographer and video maker who values the comfort of work and the multiplicity of tripod applications. After all, a few seconds are enough to turn it into a functional monopod. X-Airfly Max is the lightest line of tripods with the "Flip Lock" clamp s... |
279,00 € |
Fotopro X-go Chameleon E2 tripod with FPH-52QP ball headThe Fotopro X-go Chameleon E2 tripod with FPH-52QP ball head is a multifunctional tripod made of aluminum. It is ideal for use with DSLR cameras, mirrorless cameras and camcorders. It comes with the FPH-52Q precision ball head, which allows comfortable and smooth 360° panning. The tripod offers a wo... |
126,80 € |
Fotopro X-Airfly Max VideoThe Fotopro X-Airfly Max Video is a revolutionary combination of tripod and monopod functionality, ideal for photography and filming enthusiasts. With a combination of 2 heads - ball and oil - it offers unparalleled versatility, stability and precision performance. The ultra-lightweight 3K carbon fi... |
312,99 € |
Fotopro X-Airfly MaxFotopro X-Airfly Max is an ideal choice for any photographer and video maker who values the comfort of work and the multiplicity of tripod applications. After all, a few seconds are enough to turn it into a functional monopod. X-Airfly Max is the lightest line of tripods with the "Flip Lock" clamp s... |
278,80 € |
Fotopro X-go Gecko E2 tripod with FPH-42QP ball headThe Photopro X-go Gecko E2 tripod with FPH-42QP head is a versatile tool that combines light weight with strength thanks to solid aluminum. With a max load of 8kg and 5-section legs with T-LOCK locks, it provides stability and comfortable handling. The 3-stage tilt system and the reverse mount of th... |
116,10 € |
Nájdených 56 výsledkov |