Puerto Rico
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Nájdených 384 záznamov (zobrazujem 1 až 20)
Cena vrátane DPH
Puerto Rico: Historia de Una Nación / Puerto Rico: A National History |
17,08 € |
Puerto Rico 1897Im Jahr 1897 versucht sich Puerto Rico für die moderne Welt umzugestalten. Als puerto-ricanischer Landwirt konkurrierrst du um das meiste Ansehen.Wir schreiben das Jahr 1897. Puerto Rico versucht sich für die moderne Welt umzugestalten und die Ära des traditionellen Kolonialismus hinter sich zu lass... |
38,16 € |
"(Post-)Colonial Archipelagos: Comparing the Legacies of Spanish Colonialism in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines" ("Burchardt Hans-Jrgen")" The Puerto Rican debt crisis, the challenges of social, political, and economic transition in Cuba, and the populist politics of Duterte in the Philippines--these topics are typically seen as disparate experiences of social reality. Though these island territories were colonized by the same two co... |
107,96 € |
Sunglasses Puerto Rico With Chain - blackŠtýlové dámske slnečné okuliare Urban Classics. |
22,00 € |
Puerto Rico 8Lonely Planet's Puerto Rico is our most comprehensive guide that extensively covers all the country has to offer, with recommendations for both popular and lesser-known experiences. Follow Old San Juan's labyrinthine laneways, laze on the sand at Playa Flamenco, or kayak into the bioluminescent bay ... |
23,03 € |
The Battle For Paradise : Puerto Rico Takes on the Disaster Capitalists - Naomi KleinWe are in a fight for our lives. Hurricanes Irma and Mar?a unmasked the colonialism we face in Puerto Rico, and the inequality it fosters, creating a fierce humanitarian crisis. Now we must find a pat |
16,29 € |
"The News Media in Puerto Rico: Journalism in Colonial Settings and in Times of Crises" ("Subervi-Vlez Federico A.")" The News Media in Puerto Rico offers a synopsis as well as a critical analysis of the Island's news media system, with emphasis on the political and economic factors that most influence how the media operate. The authors also document the impact of Hurricane Maria on the media structures and the... |
48,52 € |
mapa Puerto Rico 1:125 t. NG voděodolná |
16,94 € |
"Ruby A. Black: Eleanor Roosevelt, Puerto Rico, and Political Journalism in Washington" ("Beasley Maurine H.")"This book presents the story of Ruby A. Black, a feminist who broke new ground for women in Washington journalism in the 1920s and 1930s as a correspondent for a Puerto Rican newspaper and the first biographer of Eleanor Roosevelt. It offers access to the secret correspondence that shows how Black ... |
44,16 € |
VLADILA Banco Popular De Puerto Rico - tapetaVLADILA Banco Popular De Puerto Rico - tapeta z kolekcie Art Deco značky VLAdiLA v rozmere šírka - 520 cm x výška - 300 cm vyrobená z hladkého vliesu s digitálnou potlačou. Tapeta sa skladá z 10 roliek veľkosti 52 x 300 cm a v prípade záujmu je možné vyrobiť aj tapetu na mieru presne podľa veľkosti ... |
569,00 € |
Šperky eshop - Patinovaná kľúčenka, hnedý pás syntetickej kože, vlajka, PUERTO RICO Y36.06Prívesok na kľúče s patinovaným povrchom, svetlohnedý pás syntetickej kože so zaokrúhlenou spodnou časťou a potlačou. |
5,35 € |
Plavky tankiny Puerto Rico 2 modrozelené LPlavky Puerto Rico 2 sú vyrobené z kvalitného materiálu, majú zoštíhľujúci vzor a dobre spevňujú poprsie. Plavky sú vyrobené z odolnej plavkoviny talianskej značky Carvico. Majú ochranu UPF 50+. Košíčky sú vystužené a po stranách majú kostice. Ramienka sú nastaviteľné a v prednej časti sa dajú odopn... |
53,70 € |
bg EXPANSIONS Puerto Rico: Upgrade Kit 3dPrint (108 ks)Nádherné 3D komponenty do hry Puerto Rico. |
19,99 € |
Jednodielne plavky Puerto Rico 3 zeleno-modré MJednodielne plavky Puerto Rico majú módny strih aj farebné prevedenie v modro-zelenej farbe. Plavky sú vyrobené z kvalitnej plavkoviny značky Carvico s ochranou UPF 50+. Sú odolné voči opotrebeniu, vyblednutiu. Majú pohodlný strih so zoštíhľujúcim efektom. Na boku majú ozdobnú stuhu. Košíčky sú mi... |
30,20 € |
42,02 € |
Fodor's Puerto Rico |
16,68 € |
Puerto Rico - Dorling KindersleyWhether you're looking for the things not to miss at the top 10 sights, or want to find the best nightspots in Puerto Rico; this book is suitable for you. It offers dozens of top 10 lists - from the top 10 museums to the top 10 unspoiled nature trails. It also includes a list of the top 10 things to... |
11,00 € |
"Puerto Rico: A National History" ("Melndez-Badillo Jorell")" A panoramic history of Puerto Rico from pre-Columbian times to today Puerto Rico is a Spanish-speaking territory of the United States with a history shaped by conquest and resistance. For centuries, Puerto Ricans have crafted and negotiated complex ideas about nationhood. Jorell Melndez-Badillo p... |
29,04 € |
Bacardi Reserva Ocho 8 YO Puerto Rico 40% 0,7l (holá fľaša),,Najjemnejší karibský zlatý rum“. Aby dosiahli čo najvyššiu jemnosť a plnosť chuti, zreje minimálne 8 rokov v malých sudoch z bieleho duba. Má plnú arómu a chuť. Cítiť v ňom tóny sušených sliviek, marhúľ, vanilky a vyzretého dreva. |
27,60 € |
Nájdených 384 výsledkov |