Pure Acoustics
Nájdených 47 záznamov (zobrazujem 41 až 47)
Cena vrátane DPH
E DIN ISO 389/A1:1993-02 1.2.1993Neplatná norma E DIN ISO 389/A1:1993-02 Acoustics; standard reference zero for the calibration of pure-tone air-conduction audiometers; amendment 1; identical with ISO 389:1985/DAM 1:1991. |
58,90 € |
E DIN EN ISO 389-3/A1:2020-06 1.6.2020Neplatná norma E DIN EN ISO 389-3/A1:2020-06 Acoustics - Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment - Part 3: Reference equivalent threshold vibratory force levels for pure tones and bone vibrators; Amendment 1. |
33,30 € |
ISO 389-3:2016-ed.2.0 4.1.2016Platná norma ISO 389-3:2016-ed.2.0 Acoustics — Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment — Part 3: Reference equivalent threshold vibratory force levels for pure tones and bone vibrators (Acoustique — Zéro de référence pour l´étalonnage d´équipements audiométriques — Partie 3: Nive... |
122,20 € |
ISO 389-2:1994 7.7.1994Platná norma ISO 389-2:1994 Acoustics — Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment — Part 2: Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels for pure tones and insert earphones (Acoustique — Zéro de référence pour l´étalonnage d´équipements audiométriques — Partie 2: Niveaux de... |
81,10 € |
E DIN ISO 7566:1985-02 1.2.1985Neplatná norma E DIN ISO 7566:1985-02 Acoustics; standard reference zero for the calibration of pure-tone bone-conduction audiometers. |
58,90 € |
E DIN EN ISO 389-3:2013-07 1.7.2013Neplatná norma E DIN EN ISO 389-3:2013-07 Acoustics - Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment - Part 3: Reference equivalent threshold force levels for pure tones and bone vibrators. |
102,30 € |
DIN ISO 8253-2:1994-10 1.10.1994Neplatná norma DIN ISO 8253-2:1994-10 Acoustics - Audiometric test methods - Part 2: Sound field audiometry with pure tone and narrow-band test signals; identical with ISO 8253-2:1992. (Akustika. Audiometrické vyšetřovací metody. Část 2: Audiometrie ve zvukovém poli čistými tóny a úzkopásmovými měři... |
61,40 € |
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