Quick Draw
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Nájdených 286 záznamov (zobrazujem 161 až 180)
Cena vrátane DPH
California Crazy - Jim Heimann, TASCHENAt the dawn of the automobile age, Americans’ predilection for wanderlust prompted a new wave of inventive entrepreneursto cater to this new mode of transportation. Starting in the 1920s, attention-grabbing buildingsbegan to appear that would draw in passing drivers for snacks, provisions, souvenirs... |
45,55 € |
Talking it Over - Julian BarnesAutor : Julian Barnes, Popis : Shy banker Stuart has trouble with women, until he meets Gillian, and they marry. But Stuart's best friend Oliver is his exact opposite, and it isn't long before their friendship starts to change. 'Scintillating... It's funny, quick on the draw and knows when to soften... |
9,78 € |
AVTECH AVH2109AX - NVR zariadenie, 9 kanálovAVTECH AVH2109AX je 9-kanálové NVR záznamové zariadenie pre IP kamerové systémy AVTECH. HLAVNÉ FUNKCIE Kompresná technológia H.265 Nahrávacia kapacita je výrazne vylepšená, rovnako ako úspora šírky pásma pre lepšiu účinnosť a výkon ako systémy využívajúce iné kompresné formáty. Siete P2P Cloud E... |
413,58 € |
A Fearless Man (Greenwood Leigh)USA Today Bestselling author Leigh Greenwood takes us back to the lawless days of the Wild American West in this sweeping, epic story about: - A loner turned gunslinger, working on the right side of the law - A desperate woman and her helpless son - A danger only the bravest hero can face - A reck... |
7,28 € |
Figure Drawing for Artists: Making Every Mark Count (Huston Steve)Figure Drawing for Artists: Making Every Mark Count is not a typical drawing instruction book; it explains the two-step process behind juggernauts like DreamWorks, WB and Disney. Though there are many books on drawing the human figure, none teach how to draw a figure from the first few marks of th... |
19,16 € |
Bodybuilding: Nutrition to Stimulate Maximal Muscle Growth (The Complete Blueprint to Building Muscle With Weight Lifting) (Lirette Lavon)The content covered in this book will provide you with all of the tools you need to start your own muscle-building journey, and make gains in a quick yet healthy manner. Youll impress your friends and family with your transformation, without putting your body at unnecessary risk. Heres what you lea... |
16,04 € |
The Planets Are Very, Very, Very Far Away: A Journey Through the Amazing Scale of the Solar System (Vago Mike)The solar system unfolds before your eyes in this cheeky, myth-busting book (grounded in real math)! Quick: Picture the solar system. Do you see nine planets on tidy rings around the Sun? Then you have been lied to! Its not without reason: We have to draw the solar system that way to fit it on a... |
13,12 € |
GROHE Eurosmart 33265003Typ: Waschtischarmatur Výška (mm): 201 Vysunutí (mm): 109 Typ připojení: Hochdruck Montageart: Standmontage Montagelöcher: 1 Serie: Eurosmart Bedienung: Einhebelmischer Barva: stříbrná Povrch: Chrom Materiál: Kov Ausführung: Glänzend Grohe Eurosmart S-Size single-lever basin mixer, 1/2 The Grohe ... |
83,64 € |
Figure It Out! Human ProportionsWhen the proportions are right, the drawing looks right! Most artists whose work features the human head and figure don't have the time or opportunity to draw directly from models, so it's essential that they acquire the skills and tools to draw them accurately without using direct reference. Now, t... |
17,40 € |
Aputure Power Station - V-mountThe Aputure - V-mount station is a special converter that allows one unit to be powered by two V-mount batteries simultaneously. The device provides DC 48 V and is compatible with lamps with a maximum power of up to 480 W. Lightweight design, compact size, built-in mounting plate, and the use of an ... |
266,49 € |
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (Brown Robert)The Mental Capacity Act 2005 and its accompanying Codes of Practice continue to have a huge impact on mental health professionals working with some of the most vulnerable people throughout England and Wales. Whether you are a Social Worker, Best Interest Assessor, Mental Health Nurse, Doctor, Psychi... |
54,40 € |
TP-Link Tapo L530E Smart, 8,7 W, E27, viacfarebná, 2ks Tapo L530E 2-packTapo L530E(2-pack) Múdra Wi-Fi žiarovka, viacfarebná Viacfarebná – Ľahko navrhujte scenáre pre svoju každodennú rutinu alebo aktivity prispôsobením jasu, teploty svetla a farieb – s výberom 16 000 000 odtieňov. Ekvivalent 60W – LED žiarovka produkuje biely jas až 806 lúmenov a má rozsah stmievania o... |
22,05 € |
Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (Second Edition)Spoločenská hra Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game je v angličtine a tento jazyk je na jej hranie potrebný, preto aj popis uvádzame v anglickom jazyku: Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game is a tactical ship-to-ship combat game in which players take control of powerful Rebel X-wings and nimble Imperial ... |
49,99 € |
The Intruders (Johnstone William W.)Johnstone Country. Draw Quick, Aim True. Pinkerton. Sheriff. Lawman. Buck Trammel has spent his life fighting for justice. Now, he must defend a town against corrupt businessmen and scurrilous outlaws from turning it into a bloody battleground. FAMILY FEUD Blackstone, Wyoming, belongs to King Cha... |
8,24 € |
Womenswear MemopadThe memopad is designed for idea mapping and to work in harmony with Fashionary sketchbooks & tools The flexibility of the memo pad allows you to create your idea-mapping wall, laying out all the designs as well as allowing mixing, matching and rearranging. Developing your collection will be much ea... |
12,29 € |
Game Factory Lucky Numbers (mult)Typ: Hlavolamy Doporučený věk: Od 8 let Počet hráčů: 1 - 4 Game Factory Lucky Numbers Luck has to be learned! Draw tiles from the centre and try to be the first to complete your game board in ascending order. A matter of luck? Sometimes! But here every player is the architect of his own luck. Pl... |
18,50 € |
The Cardboard Kingdom #2: Roar of the Beast (Sell Chad)Perfect for fans of Raina Telgemeier and Alls Faire in Middle School, this sequel to the Eisner Award-nominated The Cardboard Kingdom follows the kids as they solve the mystery of a new neighborhood monster. A mystery is afoot in the Cardboard Kingdom. Vijay, the Beast, renounces his title after b... |
13,16 € |
Thule Portage 819Thule Portage 819001 je univerzálny nosič na bezpečnú prepravu kanoe. Nosič Thule 819 je veľmi praktický a jednoduchý na obsluhu. Nosič Thule Portage 819 má zošikmené hrany, aby uľahčil nakládku a chránil kanoe pred poškodením Všetky dosadacie plochy sú vybavené ochrannou mäkčenou vrstvou Bezpečnost... |
114,00 € |
Figure It Out! Human ProportionsWhen the proportions are right, the drawing looks right! Most artists whose work features the human head and figure don't have the time or opportunity to draw directly from models, so it's essential that they acquire the skills and tools to draw them accurately without using direct reference. Now, t... |
17,40 € |
"Trigun: Complete Collection" ("Satoshi Nishimura") (DVD / Box Set)All 26 episodes of the sci-fi Japanese anime series set in the desolate wastelands of the planet Gunsmoke and following the adventures of gunslinger Vash the Stampede voice of Masaya Onosaka, a misunderstood outlaw with a 60 billion price on his head. The episodes are 'The 60 Billion Man', 'Truth of... |
41,48 € |
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