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Real construction

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Nájdených 764 záznamov (zobrazujem 1 až 20)
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Real construction náhradní šrouby

Real construction náhradní šrouby

Úžasná kolekce pro malé kutily. Nyní si můžeš bezpečně hrát s pilkou, kladívkem, šroubovákem a prkénky, hranoly nebo kulatinou a vyrobit si třeba židličku, budku pro ptáčky, robota nebo plachetnici. Pozor! Veškerá prkénka, hranolky a kulatina jsou vyrobeny z materiálu KID WOOD, který byl vyvinut t...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

1396 recenzií

15,21 €
458 Sk

Real construction náhradní šrouby

Real construction náhradní šrouby

Úžasná kolekce pro malé kutily. Nyní si můžeš bezpečně hrát s pilkou, kladívkem, šroubovákem a prkénky, hranoly nebo kulatinou a vyrobit si třeba židličku, budku pro ptáčky, robota nebo plachetnici. Pozor! Veškerá prkénka, hranolky a kulatina jsou vyrobeny z materiálu KID WOOD, který byl vyvinut tak...

276 recenzií

11,11 €
335 Sk

Real construction náhradní šrouby

Real construction náhradní šrouby

Popis : Úžasná kolekce pro malé kutily. Nyní si můžeš bezpečně hrát s pilkou, kladívkem, šroubovákem a prkénky, hranoly nebo kulatinou a vyrobit si třeba židličku, budku pro ptáčky, robota nebo plachetnici. Pozor! Veškerá prkénka, hranolky a kulatina jsou vyrobeny z materiálu KID WOOD, který by...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

184 recenzií

12,27 €
370 Sk

Real construction náhradní šrouby

Real construction náhradní šrouby

Úžasná kolekce pro malé kutily. Nyní si můžeš bezpečně hrát s pilkou, kladívkem, šroubovákem a prkénky, hranoly nebo kulatinou a vyrobit si třeba židličku, budku pro ptáčky, robota nebo plachetnici. Pozor! Veškerá prkénka, hranolky a kulatina jsou vyrobeny z materiálu KID WOOD, který byl vyvinut tak...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

5324 recenzií

11,11 €
335 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

Real construction náhradní šrouby

Real construction náhradní šrouby

Úžasná kolekce pro malé kutily. Nyní si můžeš bezpečně hrát s pilkou, kladívkem, šroubovákem a prkénky, hranoly nebo kulatinou a vyrobit si třeba židličku, budku pro ptáčky, robota nebo plachetnici. Pozor! Veškerá prkénka, hranolky a kulatina jsou vyrobeny z materiálu KID WOOD, který byl vyvinut t...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

5339 recenzií

12,99 €
391 Sk

Real construction náhradní šrouby

Real construction náhradní šrouby

Popis : Úžasná kolekce pro malé kutily. Nyní si můžeš bezpečně hrát s pilkou, kladívkem, šroubovákem a prkénky, hranoly nebo kulatinou a vyrobit si třeba židličku, budku pro ptáčky, robota nebo plachetnici. Pozor! Veškerá prkénka, hranolky a kulatina jsou vyrobeny z materiálu KID WOOD, který by...

1785 recenzií

12,27 €
370 Sk


Wood in Construction - How to Avoid Costly Mistakes

Wood in Construction - How to Avoid Costly Mistakes

Wood in Construction -- How to Avoid Costly Mistakes focuses on the basic principles and appropriate use of wood in construction and illustrates how to avoid or minimise problems, to ensure that wood performs as expected when used in a construction application. Based on the author's extensive experi...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

5324 recenzií

59,57 €
1 795 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

Wobler Salmo Minnow Floating 2 3/4

Wobler Salmo Minnow Floating 2 3/4" - Holo Real Minnow

Český překlad připravujeme.Despite the fact that this is one of the oldest lures in the Salmo family, anglers around the world are still mesmerized by this classic. Using a fairly narrow and high frequency action, this universal lure can be fished in many ways to suit the angler’s preference. Ideal ...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

437 recenzií

9,35 €
282 Sk


Real Mathematical Analysis

Real Mathematical Analysis

Based on an honors course taught by the author at UC Berkeley, this introduction to undergraduate real analysis gives a different emphasis by stressing the importance of pictures and hard problems. Topics include: a natural construction of the real numbers, four-dimensional visualization, basic poin...

276 recenzií

64,38 €
1 940 Sk

Wobler Salmo Slider Sinking 4 3/4

Wobler Salmo Slider Sinking 4 3/4" - Real Hot Perch

Český překlad připravujeme.This first European glider is a truly legend. The award-winning Slider has received rave reviews from anglers from all over the globe. Designed from the ground up, the Slider truly began a new era in artificial lures. Both the unique shape (often imitated but never truly d...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

437 recenzií

16,15 €
487 Sk


Real Mathematical Analysis

Real Mathematical Analysis

Based on an honors course taught by the author at UC Berkeley, this introduction to undergraduate real analysis gives a different emphasis by stressing the importance of pictures and hard problems. Topics include: a natural construction of the real numbers, four-dimensional visualization, basic poin...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

5324 recenzií

64,38 €
1 940 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

Real Estate Development - 5th Edition

Real Estate Development - 5th Edition

This comprehensive book covers each stage of the real estate development process, explaining the basics of idea conception, feasibility, planning, financing, market analysis, contract negotiation, construction, marketing, and asset management. Widely used

276 recenzií

140,99 €
4 247 Sk

Maths and English for Construction Multi-Skills (Spencer Andrew (teaches secondary education in New South Wales and South Australia.))

Maths and English for Construction Multi-Skills (Spencer Andrew (teaches secondary education in New South Wales and South Australia.))

Helps students improve their Maths and English skills and help prepare for Level 1 and Level 2 Functional Skills exams. This book includes real-life questions that are all written with a Construction Multi-Skills context to help students find essential Maths and English theory understandable, engagi...

1147 recenzií

19,12 €
576 Sk

Construction Simulator (PC)

Construction Simulator (PC)

Construction Simulator is back – bigger and better than ever! Get back to work with a vehicle fleet whose size will knock your socks off. Beyond brands like Caterpillar, CASE and BELL that are already familiar in the Construction Simulator series, you can get behind the wheel of new licensed m...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

3280 recenzií

29,99 €
903 Sk

Manhattan Review GRE Analytical Writing Guide: Answers to Real AWA Topics (Meissner Joern)

Manhattan Review GRE Analytical Writing Guide: Answers to Real AWA Topics (Meissner Joern)

The Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) section is a challenge for many takers of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). An added challenge is the lack of preparation material available, especially with regard to a detailed strategy for the issue segment and thorough explanations of certain categori...

1147 recenzií

12,48 €
376 Sk

Leadership in Construction: Principles of Exceptional, Exemplary and Excellent Industry Leadership (Moshe Elinor)

Leadership in Construction: Principles of Exceptional, Exemplary and Excellent Industry Leadership (Moshe Elinor)

It all starts and ends with leadership. Yet, right now, the construction industry and the world as a whole are experiencing a severe leadership crisis. How did it all end up like this? For it is only exemplary leadership now, which is a total rejection of mediocrity which has permeated every cre...

1147 recenzií

19,28 €
581 Sk

Introduction to Private Equity, Debt and Real Assets: From Venture Capital to Lbo, Senior to Distressed Debt, Immaterial to Fixed Assets (DeMaria Cyril)

Introduction to Private Equity, Debt and Real Assets: From Venture Capital to Lbo, Senior to Distressed Debt, Immaterial to Fixed Assets (DeMaria Cyril)

Fully revised and updated to reflect changes in the private equity sector Building on and refining the content of previous editions, Introduction to Private Equity, Debt and Real Assets, Third Edition adopts the same logical, systematic, factual and long-term perspective on private markets (private...

1147 recenzií

47,04 €
1 417 Sk

Living Construction (Dade-Robertson Martyn)

Living Construction (Dade-Robertson Martyn)

Modern biotechnologies give us unprecedented control of the fundamental building blocks of life. For designers, across a range of disciplines, emerging fields such as synthetic biology offer the promise of new sustainable materials and structures which may be grown, are self-assembling, self-healing...

1147 recenzií

34,80 €
1 048 Sk

Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality (Fausto-Sterling Anne)

Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality (Fausto-Sterling Anne)

Now updated with groundbreaking research, this award-winning classic examines the construction of sexual identity in biology, society, and history. Why do some people prefer heterosexual love while others fancy the same sex? Is sexual identity biologically determined or a product of convention? In ...

1147 recenzií

32,76 €
987 Sk

The Commercial Real Estate Revolution: Nine Transforming Keys to Lowering Costs, Cutting Waste, and Driving Change in a Broken Industry (Miller Rex)

The Commercial Real Estate Revolution: Nine Transforming Keys to Lowering Costs, Cutting Waste, and Driving Change in a Broken Industry (Miller Rex)

As it currently operates, the commercial real estate construction industry is a disaster full of built-in waste. Seventy-percent of all projects end over budget and late. The buildingSMART Alliance estimates that up to fifty-percent of the process is consumed in waste. Almost every project includes ...

1147 recenzií

30,80 €
928 Sk

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