Reality show
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The Last OneA clever, wellexecuted, highconcept, highoctane affair. What makes The Last One such a pageturner is Zoo herself practical, toughminded and appealing Guardian She wanted an adventure. She never imagined it would go this far. TWELVE CONTESTANTS When Zoo agrees to take part in a new reality TV show, I... |
10,25 € |
Rallye smrti 2 DVDAutoři filmů Rallye smrti a Resident Evil vás znovu zavádí do adrenalinem nasáklého světa nejďábelštější televizní reality show na světě – Rallye smrti. Monstrózní auta, kulomety a srážky, při kterých praskají kosti, jsou hlavní lákadla zbrusu nového strhujícího fi lmu s hvězdným hereckým obsazením. ... |
3,99 € |
Sweet Little Lies - Lauren ConradIn TV star Lauren Conrad's delicious, entertaining novel about young Hollywood, the lies are only as sweet as the people telling them. Jane Roberts was the average girl next door until she and her best friend Scarlett Harp landed their own reality show, L.A. Candy. Suddenly they found themselves th... |
9,88 € |
Trick Mirror - Jia TolentinoWe are living in the era of the self, in an era of malleable truth and widespread personal and political delusion. In these nine interlinked essays, Jia Tolentino, the New Yorker's brightest young talent, explores her own coming of age in this warped and confusing landscape. From the rise of the in... |
12,95 € |
Legendary ChildrenA definitive deep-dive into queer history and culture with hit reality show RuPaul's Drag Race as a touchstone, by the creators of the pop culture blog Tom and Lorenzo A New York Times New & Noteworthy bookOne of Logo/New |
14,18 € |
Boston Rob RulebookBoston Rob Mariano gained notoriety from his exploits on the hit CBS reality show "Survivor." The four-time player also gained a great deal of respect for his physical capabilities, social awareness, and his strategic, outside-the-box way of thinking. Now |
15,68 € |
Jump: Take the Leap of Faith to Achieve Your Life of Abundance (Harvey Steve)#1 New York Times bestselling author Steve Harvey helps you engage the Divine Spirit within you to find your lifes desire and use your own imagination to make your lifes vision a reality. At the beginning of each broadcast of his morning radio show, Steve Harvey offers his millions of listeners a f... |
10,84 € |
The Emergence of Minorities in the Middle East: The Politics of Community in French Mandate Syria (White Benjamin Thomas)Why, in the years around 1920, did the concept of minority suddenly become prominent in public affairs worldwide? Within a decade after World War One, the term became fundamental to public understandings of national and international politics, law, and society: minorities (and majorities too) were t... |
32,76 € |
Formula 1 Drive to Survive Unofficial CompanionWhether you are a new or longtime Formula 1 fan, here is your ultimate, unofficial armchair companion to the popular Netflix series Formula 1: Drive to Survive, providing deeper insight into the players, tech, and history that drive the show's plot points. F1 expert Stuart Codling is your guide to a... |
22,58 € |
LANDA, DANIEL - MINOVY POLE (1CD)DANIEL LANDA Minový pole KDO: Daniel Landa je hudební skladatel textař rockový zpěvák a mentální kouč Svoji hudební dráhu započal ve skupině Orlík 1988 – 1991 která se po vydání druhého alba rozešla a Landa od té doby vystupuje jako sólový umělec Na svém kontě má nespočet ocenění v anketách populari... |
13,99 € |
Survivor: Castaway Island (SWITCH)Dokážete prehrať svojich súperov a stať sa posledným preživším?Pripravte sa podstúpiť jedinečný súboj o prežitie v napínavej dobrodružnej hre Survivor: Castaway Island, vytvorenej podľa svetoznámej televíznej reality show! Aby ste zostali v súťaži dlhšie ako všetci ostatní, budete sa musieť spoľahnú... |
37,99 € |
Poslední zkouška - Hans Rosenfeldt; Michael HjorthSebastian Bergman čelí nevyzpytatelnému sériovému vrahovi, který ohrožuje samu existenci kriminálního týmu Hvězda televizní reality show je nalezena v opuštěné školní budově s prostřelenou hlavou. Muž je přivázaný ke školní židli, sedí v koutě se špičatou čepicí na hlavě a na zádech má připnutý něk... |
13,94 € |
Rok v ráji - Goodwin, SarahNa odlehlý skotský ostrov přijíždí osm účastníků reality show. Mají strávit rok mimo civilizaci a vybudovat soběstačnou komunitu. Zpočátku spolu všichni celkem vycházejí, ale pak se skupina začne vyhr |
12,09 € |
Pixel Flesh'I am surrounded by women who are emblems of modern feminism and #Girlboss culture. These same women admit to me in private that the hardest part of the day is getting dressed, that they Facetune their photos, obsess over diets, break down over their appearance and spend thousands on invasive treatm... |
20,88 € |
Pretty Mess (Jayne Erika)NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Without her alter-ego Erika Jayne, Erika Girardi says shed just be another rich bitch with a plane--so get ready for the dishy, tell-all memoir from show-stopping performer, model, singer, and beloved star of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Erika Jayne. Erika Jayne ... |
15,36 € |
Hunger Games (Collins Suzanne)First in the ground-breaking HUNGER GAMES trilogy. In a vision of the near future, a terrifying reality TV show is taking place. Twelve boys and twelve girls are forced to appear in a live event called The Hunger Games. There is only one rule: kill or be killed. But Katniss has been close to death b... |
7,96 € |
You Deserve Better: What Life Has Taught Me about Love, Relationships, and Becoming Your Best Self (Cameron Tyler)From the Bachelorette breakout heartthrob, You Deserve Better will combine Tyler Camerons life story with a guide for both men and women to building healthy relationships in the tricky world of modern dating, proving why hes the male feminist we never knew we needed. Tyler Cameron impressed fans o... |
24,76 € |
I Decided to Live as MeThe million-copy Korean phenomenon on how to find the strength to be yourself.As seen being read by BTS's Jungkook on Bon Voyage, the hit reality TV show following K-pop sensation BTS!Don't be kind to those who aren't kind to you.Remember that no one lives a perfect life.Don't be swayed by what othe... |
17,08 € |
Giuliano Da Empoli: Mág z KremluTento produkt je v češtině. Říkalo se mu Mág z Kremlu. Tajemný Vadim Baranov byl divadelní režisér, producent televizních reality show, nakonec šedá eminence Vladimira Putina řečeného Car. |
13,11 € |
DVD Zora Efekt 2POZOR, MILÉ DÁMY PO 30-ke! Aj VY to s jej účinným cvičebným programom na doma „Efekt“ môžete mať tiež Zora Ochodnická je profesionálna cvičiteľka a odborníčka na chudnutie, spevňovanie tela a zdravú výživu. Rekordný záujem o jej prvé DVD Zora EFEKT viedlo k natočeniu voľného pokračovania DVD ZORA ... |
9,99 € |
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