Resistance Retribution
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Nájdených 8 záznamov (zobrazujem 1 až 8)
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Resistance Retribution |
20,68 € |
PSP hra - Resistance: Retribution PS719218319Dej Vás zavedie v úlohe Jamesa Graysona do roku 1951. Budete jedným z posledných nenakazených ľudí v Európe, ktorý sa zaviazal očistiť Starý kontinent od hniezd Chiméry, v ktorých Chiméra mutuje ľudí. Bohužiaľ ste tiež zavinil smrť vlastného brata a za to ste bol zatknutý, ale v kriminále ste si dlh... |
9,47 € |
Resistance and Revenge: The Armenian Assassination of Turkish Leaders Responsible for the 1915 Massacres and Deportations (Chaliand Gerard)Initially published in French under the title Operation Nemesis, this revealing work is a study of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation and the individuals responsible for the execution of Turkish leaders involved in the Armenian Genocide of 1915. Derogys rigorous research and detective work bring ... |
59,28 € |
Europe on Trial: The Story of Collaboration, Resistance, and Retribution During World War II (Deak Istvan)In Europe on Trial, acclaimed historian Istv�De�explores the history of collaboration, retribution, and resistance during World War II. These three themes are examined through the experiences of people and countries under German occupation, as well as Soviet, Italian, and other military rule. Those ... |
56,60 € |
The Politics of Retribution in EuropeThe presentation of Europe's immediate historical past has quite dramatically changed. Conventional depictions of occupation and collaboration in World War II, of wartime resistance and post-war renewal, provided the familiar backdrop against which the chronicle of post-war Europe has mostly been to... |
27,22 € |
Fools Crow (Welch James)The 25th-anniversary edition of a novel that in the sweep and inevitability of its a major contribution to Native American literature. (Wallace Stegner) In the Two Medicine Territory of Montana, the Lone Eaters, a small band of Blackfeet Indians, are living their immemorial life. The me... |
14,84 € |
The August Trials: The Holocaust and Postwar Justice in Poland (Kornbluth Andrew)The first account of the August Trials, in which postwar Poland confronted the betrayal of Jewish citizens under Nazi rule but ended up fashioning an alibi for the past. When six years of ferocious resistance to Nazi occupation came to an end in 1945, a devastated Poland could agree with its new So... |
48,96 € |
Resistance: Retribution (PSP)Válka za opětovné získání evropského kontinentu začala. Příběh se odehrává několik týdnů po prvním titulu Resistance: Fall of Man a vypráví osud Jamese Graysona, bývalého britského námořníka a jeho osobní pomsty. Přísahal si, že zničí každé konverzní centrum, které najde. Když zjistí, že jeho úsilí ... |
19,46 € |
Nájdených 8 výsledkov |