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Indiánsky miešanec Keoma (Franco Nero) sa vracia po občianskej vojne domov. Opäť sa stretáva so svojím adoptívnym otcom (William Berger), so svojím životným učiteľom a radcom Georgom (Woody Stroode) a so svojimi nevlastnými bratmi, s ktorých strany na jeho adresu vždy smerovala rasová antipatia. Po ...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

2810 recenzií

2,99 €
90 Sk


Rebel Homemaker: Food, Family, Life (Barrymore Drew)

Rebel Homemaker: Food, Family, Life (Barrymore Drew)

Drew Barrymore has always done things in her own unique way--including how she cooks, lives, and finds happiness at home. In her first lifestyle and cookbook, Drew shares recipes, stories from her life, and personal photos that show how she lives a healthy, delicious, and joyful life through her own...

1147 recenzií

29,44 €
887 Sk

Pasta Queen

Pasta Queen

TikTok sensation and beloved home cook Nadia Caterina Munno, a.k.a. The Pasta Queen, presents a cookbook of never-before-shared recipes featuring the signature pasta tips and tricks that are 100% authentic to Italian traditions—and just as gorgeous as you are.In the first-ever cookbook from TikTok s...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

5320 recenzií

24,85 €
749 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

The Pasta Queen

The Pasta Queen

TikTok sensation and beloved home cook Nadia Caterina Munno, a.k.a. The Pasta Queen, presents a cookbook of never-before-shared recipes featuring the signature pasta tips and tricksthat are 100% authentic to Italian traditions—and just as gorgeous as you are.In the first-ever cookbook from TikTok st...

276 recenzií

24,75 €
746 Sk

Pizza & pizza. Napoletana e nel mondo

Pizza & pizza. Napoletana e nel mondo

A Napoli la pizza da sempre suscita grande amore nei napoletani: in passato, consentiva di lenire i morsi della fame, recentemente è diventata un must dell'alimentazione a Napoli e nel mondo, soprattutto da quando nel 2017 l'Unesco l'ha riconosciuta come patrimonio immateriale dell'umanità, tuteland...

276 recenzií

24,25 €
731 Sk

Korean Made Easy

Korean Made Easy

An easy guide to Korean cooking, by mix and matching seven essential ingredients, along with some easy-to-find additions. Korean ingredients such as kimchi, gochujang and sesame oil are ubiquitous in kitchens worldwide and continuing to grow in popularity. But Korean food has a reputation of being l...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

12599 recenzií

28,95 €
872 Sk


Mosh Potatoes

Mosh Potatoes

MOSH POTATOES is simply the heaviest cookbook ever, featuring recipes, anecdotes and photos from the biggest rock/metal musicians in the world. Whether it's Motley Crue's famous Pepper Jack Steak, Zakk Wylde's spaghetti and meatballs, or Trans-Siberian Orchestra's Sheppard's Pie, one thing is certai...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

5320 recenzií

14,96 €
451 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

Encyclopedia of Pasta

Encyclopedia of Pasta

Spaghetti, gnocchi, tagliatellea, ravioli, vincisgrassi, strascinati - pasta in its myriad forms has been a staple of the Mediterranean diet longer than bread. This beautiful volume is the first book to provide a complete history of pasta in Italy, telling its long story via the extravagant variety ...

276 recenzií

32,93 €
992 Sk

What the Dog Saw (Gladwell Malcolm)

What the Dog Saw (Gladwell Malcolm)

Covering everything from criminology to spaghetti sauce to show how the most ordinary subjects can illuminate the most extraordinary things about ourselves and our world. The author explores the underdogs, the overlooked, the curious, the miraculous and the disastrous, and reveals how everyone and e...

1147 recenzií

10,60 €
319 Sk

Malý velký muž - Thomas Berger

Malý velký muž - Thomas Berger

„Jako obvykle jsem měl největší problém rozhodnout se, jestli jsem běloch, nebo indián…“ Když jejich karavanu na cestě do žírné Kalifornie roku 1852 přepadnou Čejeni a zmasakrují ji, nezbývá malému Jacku Crabbovi než přidružit se k jejich kmeni. Adoptivní rodiče, náčelník Stará stanová kůže a jeho s...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

7493 recenzií

19,96 €
601 Sk

Modrá Crew 11: Hrobař 1+2

Modrá Crew 11: Hrobař 1+2

O komikse: Vstupte do světa ryzího spaghetti westernu - na vyprahlou půdu, po které se kodrcá kočár s chlápkem v černém. Hrobařem. Chlápkem s temnou minulostí, který pohřbívá mrtvé... a občas, když je to nutné, střílí živé. Westernový svět je plný zabijáků, podrazů, pastí a psychopatů. Někdy je vý...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

697 recenzií

10,55 €
318 Sk

Salente DigiChef, kuchyňský robot 6v1, mísa 6 litrů, celokovový, digitální displej MRS-DIGICHEF

Salente DigiChef, kuchyňský robot 6v1, mísa 6 litrů, celokovový, digitální displej MRS-DIGICHEF

Salente DigiChef, kuchyňský robot 6v1, mísa 6 litrů, celokovový, digitální displej • Prémiový celokovový design • Patentovaný 3D planetární systém míchání • 2 hnětací háky a bohaté příslušenství • Extra velká 6 litrová mísa z nerezové oceli • Kapacita 2,7 kg těsta • Výkonný motor 1200 W • Digitální...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

4195 recenzií

277,34 €
8 355 Sk


Indian-Ish: Recipes and Antics from a Modern American Family (Krishna Priya)

Indian-Ish: Recipes and Antics from a Modern American Family (Krishna Priya)

A witty and irresistible celebration of one very cool and boundary-breaking moms Indian-ish cooking--with accessible and innovative Indian-American recipes Indian food is everyday food This colorful, lively book is food writer Priya Krishnas loving tribute to her moms Indian-ish cooking--a trove o...

1147 recenzií

24,64 €
742 Sk

The Shortcut Cook All in One: One-Dish Recipes and Ingenious Hacks to Make Faster and Tastier Food (Reynolds Rosie)

The Shortcut Cook All in One: One-Dish Recipes and Ingenious Hacks to Make Faster and Tastier Food (Reynolds Rosie)

A cookbook that makes recipes, faster, easier, tastier and simpler through cooking in one pot, pan or tray. The second title in Rosie Reynolds The Shortcut Cook series, All in One shows people how to cook the food and flavors that they love, but without being tied to the oven - or sink - for hours l...

1147 recenzií

17,00 €
512 Sk

Temná veža: Pištoľník - King Stephen

Temná veža: Pištoľník - King Stephen

Muž v čiernom unikal cez púšť a pištoľník kráčal v jeho stopách. Roland Deschain z Gileadu, posledný pištoľník v Stredsvete, samotár putujúci po ceste dobra a zla, stopuje tajuplného mága so schopnosťou oživovať mŕtvych, známeho iba ako muž v čiernom. Na svojej výprave po Mohainskej púšti zamorenej...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

9906 recenzií

11,82 €
356 Sk

The Great complotto. L'antologia definitiva della straordinaria scena punk di Pordenone. Con CD-Audio

The Great complotto. L'antologia definitiva della straordinaria scena punk di Pordenone. Con CD-Audio

Quella del Great Complotto č una storia fantastica, una di quelle che tutti vorrebbero vivere... anche dopo trent'anni. Una tipica storia della provincia italiana, Pordenone, che a raccontarla oggi ci dimostra quanto le idee e la voglia di essere siano fonte inesauribile di energia creativa e quanto...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

5320 recenzií

15,96 €
481 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

Lauben Kitchen Machine 1200WT LBNKM1200WT

Lauben Kitchen Machine 1200WT LBNKM1200WT

Lauben Kitchen Machine 1200BC – Kuchynský robot s príslušenstvom Lauben Kitchen Machine 1200BC – Kuchynský robot s príslušenstvom Váš kuchynský superhrdina Lauben Kitchen Machine 1200BC je kuchynský robot s bohatým príslušenstvom, vďaka ktorému sa miesto vás hravo postará o množstvo kuchynských prá...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

3704 recenzií

232,81 €
7 014 Sk

Extreme Computers

JoyFull - Radhi Devlukia-Shetty

JoyFull - Radhi Devlukia-Shetty

A passionate cook and nutritionist, Radhi Devlukia-Shetty’s JoyFull is abundant and inviting. With over 125 plant-based recipes, it is designed to balance health and satisfaction; her wide-ranging dishes bring vibrant flavours to every meal of the day and rely on accessible ingredients. This beaut...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

5339 recenzií

21,21 €
639 Sk

Allergy-Proof Recipes for Kids: Quick and Easy Wheat-Free, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Recipes Kids and the Whole Family Will Love (Hammond Leslie)

Allergy-Proof Recipes for Kids: Quick and Easy Wheat-Free, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Recipes Kids and the Whole Family Will Love (Hammond Leslie)

Take the guesswork out of cooking for kids with allergies with more than 95 delicious recipes that are free of gluten and the eight most common allergens, and low in sugar too. Feeding your kids well when they have food allergies can be a struggle at best--and a nightmare at worst. But with Allerg...

1147 recenzií

13,20 €
398 Sk

The All-American Cowboy Cookbook: Home Cooking on the Range (Beck Ken)

The All-American Cowboy Cookbook: Home Cooking on the Range (Beck Ken)

Whether they are riding the range under a blazing Texas sun or a cool Montana moon, or working on a hollywood sound stage, cowboys and cowgirls can work up a hearty appetite. Real cowboys can ride, shoot, rope...and cook! The All-American Cowboy Cookbook is filled to the brim with favorite recipes ...

1147 recenzií

14,80 €
446 Sk

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