Ted Bundy
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The Enigma Of Ted Bundy: The Questions and Controversies Surrounding Americas Most Infamous Serial Killer (Sullivan Kevin M.)If you want a view into the world that lies behind the Ted Bundy murders, this last work in a series of six books on Bundy, is definitely for you. For within these pages youll read of the many questions still surrounding this fascinating and intricate case, as well as the answers that are only now b... |
12,80 € |
E-kniha Ted Bundy, vrah po mém boku - Ann RuleZákladní kniha žánru true crime. Kniha spisovatelky Ann Rule zpracovává příběh sériového vraha Teda Bundyho, kauzu, která otřásla Amerikou. Děsivě popírá naši zažitou představu, že bychom přece poznali, kdyby mezi námi žilo monstrum, pracovalo vedle nás a tvářilo se, že je jedním z nás. S mrazením s... |
12,00 € |
Enigma Of Ted Bundy |
12,70 € |
Trail of Ted BundyThe Trail of Ted Bundy: Digging Up the Untold Stories, is a journey back in time, to a world when Ted Bundy was killing young women and girls in the Pacific Northwest and beyond. It's told by those who knew him, and you'll hear their revealing stories; many of them coming to light for the first time... |
11,90 € |
Encyclopedia Of The Ted Bundy Murders"Sullivan's A-to-Z coverage of Ted Bundy provides a solid guide to the people and places that define the man and the monster, including some not present in other Bundy narratives. It nicely rounds out his Bundy oeuvre and gives readers an extensive |
12,70 € |
Phantom Prince: My Life with Ted Bundy, Updated and Expanded Edition |
12,20 € |
The Stranger Beside Me: Ted Bundy: The Classic Story of Seduction and Murder (Rule Ann)Ted Bundy was handsome, charming, a brilliant law student, and on the verge of a dazzling career. On January 24, 1989, he was executed for the murders of three young women, having confessed to taking the lives of at least thirty-five more. This is the story of one of the most fascinating killers in... |
29,92 € |
Ted BundyAnn Rule, a New York Times #1 bestsellerszerzője együtt dolgozott, majd éveken át levelezett a később sorozatgyilkosként elítélt Ted Bundyval, így olyan közelről ismerte, mint talán senki más e világon. Magyar nyelven először olvasható kötete a true crimeműfajának igazi klasszikusa!A fiatal édesanya... |
13,52 € |
Serial Killers: Exploring the Horrific Crimes of Jack The Ripper & Ted Bundy2 Manuscripts Jack The Ripper The mystery of Jack the Ripper and the murders he committed in London's East End in the late nineteenth century has horrified and fascinated spectators and readers for over a century |
14,86 € |
Ted Bundy: Conversations with a Killer, 1: The Death Row Interviews (Michaud Stephen G.)In a series of death row interviews done shortly before his execution, infamous serial killer Ted Bundy gave a third-person confession of his many murders. This definitive book on Bundy was recently made into a Netflix documentary. What goes on in the mind of a serial killer? Drawn from more than ... |
15,08 € |
The 1976 Psychological Assessment of Ted BundyThe 1976 Psychological Assessment of Ted Bundy ""Do you think I killed those girls?" Ted Bundy asked me this question after we had completed the final interview. We were standing in the corridor outside my office and Ted was about to return |
18,41 € |
Ted Bundy - DVDTheodore Robert |
2,08 € |
Four Serial Killers: Golden State Serial Killer & My Interviews with Ted Bundy, Charles Manson & Karla HomolkaFOUR SERIAL KILLERS: GOLDEN STATE SERIAL KILLER & MY INTERVIEWS WITH TED BUNDY, CHARLES MANSON & KARLA HOMOLKA by Dr. Paul Dawson exposes the criminal record, traits and arrest of Joseph James DeAngelo, suspected Golden State Killer. This book also reveals |
25,88 € |
Ted Bundy - The Campus Serial Killer (Biography) (Biographiq)Ted Bundy - The Campus Serial Killer is a biography of Ted Bundy, the infamous American serial killer. He is best known for his rampages on college campuses across Washington, Utah, Colorado, and Florida. In his lifetime, Bundy murdered at least 19 and possibly as many as 36 victims. Ted Bundy - The... |
13,16 € |
Four Serial Killers: Golden State Serial Killer & My Interviews with Ted Bundy, Charles Manson & Karla HomolkaFOUR SERIAL KILLERS: GOLDEN STATE SERIAL KILLER & MY INTERVIEWS WITH TED BUNDY, CHARLES MANSON & KARLA HOMOLKA by Dr. Paul Dawson exposes the criminal record, traits and arrest of Joseph James DeAngelo, suspected Golden State Killer. This book also reveals |
25,88 € |
The Phantom Prince: My Life with Ted Bundy, Updated and Expanded Edition (Kendall Elizabeth)The inspiration for the five-part Amazon Original docuseries Ted Bundy: Falling for a Killer. Ted Bundy is one of the most notorious serial killers in American history and one of the most publicized to this day. However, very rarely do we hear from the women he left behind--the ones forgotten as m... |
19,40 € |
Ted Bundy, vrah po mém bokuKniha je naprosto jedinečná ve své ohromující intimitě a popírá stejně děsivě jako v době svého vzniku naši představu, že bychom přece samozřejmě poznali, kdyby mezi námi žilo monstrum, pracovalo vedle nás a tvářilo se, že je jedním z nás.S mrazením stupňujícím se s každou další stránkou sledujeme, ... |
15,21 € |
Ted Bundy: Conversations with a Killer: The Death Row Interviews Volume 1In a series of death row interviews done shortly before his execution, infamous serial killer Ted Bundy gave a third-person "confession" of his many murders. This definitive book on Bundy was recently made into a Netflix documentary. Wh |
15,10 € |
Ted Bundy, vrah po mém boku - Ann RuleKomplexní portrét Teda Bundyho a jeho brutálního případu. Kniha spisovatelky Ann Rule, Ted Bundy, vrah po mém boku, je naprosto jedinečná ve své ohromující intimitě a popírá stejně děsivě jako v době svého vzniku naši představu, že bychom přece samozřejmě poznali, kdyby mezi námi žilo monstrum, pra... |
18,70 € |
Ted Bundy - Rule AnnKompletní portrét nejbrutálnějšího sériového vraha Ameriky. Kniha spisovatelky Ann Rule, ... |
14,40 € |
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