Theatre of War
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Nájdených 520 záznamov (zobrazujem 1 až 20)
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Peninsular War Atlas (Revised)The Peninsular War saw some of the bloodiest fighting of the Napoleonic Wars. Despite the exposure given to this theatre the soldiers who fought there have received little public recognition. As the bicentennial commemorations of this war draw to a climax in 2014, this magnificent book has been re-r... |
49,97 € |
Theatre of War: Collection | PC SteamTheatre of War je hra vytvorená firmou 1C (tvorcovia legendárneho IL-2 Sturmovik a séria Pacific Fighters). Ide o taktickú real-time stratégiu, ktorá predstavuje najdôležitejšie bitky 2. svetovej vojny. Vlastnosti hry: Absolútna úroveň realizmu Viac ako 40 wiernie odwzorowane misje Viac... |
14,98 € |
The Whalebone Theatre - Joanna Quinnová'THE BOOK OF THE SUMMER' Sunday Times'A tour de force' Sarah Winman, author of Still LifeThis is the story of an old English manor house by the sea, with crumbling chimneys, draping ivy and a library full of dusty hardbacks. It's the story of the three children who grow up there, and the adventures ... |
15,62 € |
Submarines of World War II: 1939-45From the very beginning of World War II, the German U-boats proved their worth, attacking Atlantic shipping and imposing a trangulating blockade on Allied supply lines that seriously degraded Britain’s ability to wage war. In the Pacific theatre, US |
20,80 € |
Theatre of War 2: Kursk 1943Theatre of War 2: Kursk1943 je oceňovaná real-time stratégia, ktorá sa zaoberá vojnovými udalosťami bitky pri Kursku, ktorá dodala Červenej armáde patričný impulz, ktorý jej vydržal až do konca vojny. Hráč bude vsadený do úlohy nemeckého, či ruského veliteľa, ktorý bude musieť konať podľa priamych r... |
1,00 € |
War Horse - Michael MorpurgoBefore the Steven Spielberg film, before the National Theatre production, there was the classic children’s novel – War Horse. From the nation’s favourite storyteller, Michael Morpurgo.In the deadly chaos of the First World War, one horse witnesses the reality of battle from both sides of the trenche... |
8,19 € |
National Theatre Playscripts: War Horse - Morpurgo, Stafford |
14,99 € |
Performing the Cold War in the Postcolonial World: Theatre, Film, Literature and Things (Balme Christopher B.)This volume explores how the Cultural Cold War played out in Africa and Asia in the context of decolonization. Both the United States and the Soviet Union as well as East European states undertook significant efforts to influence cultural life in the newly independent, postcolonial world. The diffe... |
168,52 € |
Alarmstart South and Final Defeat: The German Fighter Pilots Experience in the Mediterranean Theatre 1941-44 and Normandy, Norway and Germany 1944-45 (Eriksson Patrick G.)Now in paperback - The personal reminiscences of Luftwaffe veterans and original documents and images give a unique insight into the Mediterranean theatre and late aerial war battles. Alarmstart South completes Patrick Erikssons Alarmstart trilogy on Second World War German fighter pilots, detailin... |
10,96 € |
Peninsular War Atlas (Revised)The Peninsular War saw some of the bloodiest fighting of the Napoleonic Wars. Despite the exposure given to this theatre the soldiers who fought there have received little public recognition. As the bicentennial commemorations of this war draw to a climax in 2014, this magnificent book has been re-r... |
49,97 € |
Second World War Poems -The Second World War has shaped the modern world more than any other single event. This generous and haunting selection of English-language and translated poems includes verse written by servicemen who participated in the war - Keith Douglas, Alun Lewis, Randall Jarrell - as well as by survivors and... |
17,05 € |
The Cambridge Companion to British Theatre of the First World War (Brooks Helen E. M.)This is the first comprehensive guide to British theatres engagement with the First World War over the last century, from 1900 to the Armistice Day centenary in 2018. Considering theatre as both an industry and literary-cultural artform, it provides a contextual grounding in the prelude to the confl... |
28,56 € |
War Horse (Morpurgo Michael)Before the Steven Spielberg film, before the National Theatre production, there was the classic childrens novel - War Horse.From the nations favourite storyteller, Michael |
8,04 € |
World War II US Navy Special Warfare UnitsWith the need for large-scale amphibious landings to decide the outcome of World War II the US Navy developed several types of specialized unit to reconnoitre potential landing areas, degrade the enemy's ability to resist, and assist the landing forces on to the beaches. The Scouts and Raiders were ... |
19,10 € |
Theatre of War 2 Africa 1943Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943 pokrýva udalosti roku 1943 v Tunisku v Severnej Afrike. Nemecké Afrika Korps sa zotavuje zo zničujúce porážky a následného ústupu po Druhej bitke pri El-Alameinu - teraz posilnená a podporovaná Talianskou armádou - sa pripravuje zase raz skrížiť zbrane sa Spojenci. Jedn... |
2,34 € |
Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943 je oceňovaná real-time stratégia, ktorá sa zaoberá udalosťami roku 1943 v Tunisku v Severnej Afrike počas konfliktu 2. svetovej vojny. Jednotky Afrika Corps sa zotavujú zo zničujúce porážky v bitke pri El-Alameinu, avšak teraz, podporované talianskou armádou, sa snaží z... |
1,00 € |
Theatre of War 2: Centauro | PC SteamTento rozširujúci balík je venovaný 131. obrnenej divízii Centauro a bitkám, ktorých sa zúčastnila v severnej Afrike od decembra 1942 do polovice mája 1943. 131. obrnená divízia Centauro (v taliančine: 131ª Divisione Corazzata „Centauro“) bola obrnená divízia talianskej armády počas druhej sveto... |
1,96 € |
Personal Stories in Public Spaces: Essays on Playback Theatre by Its Founders (Fox Jonathan)Playback Theatre is a form of interactive performance and community engagement created in 1975 in the Mid Hudson Valley of New York, and now practiced in 70 countries in a wide range of contexts. Teams of actors and musicians listen to stories told by audience members then act them out without scrip... |
33,24 € |
Theatre of War: Collection (PC) DIGITALPC Theatre of War je hra vytvorená firmou 1C (tvorcovia legendárneho IL-2 Sturmovik a séria Pacific Fighters). Jedná sa o taktickú real-time stratégiu, ktorá predstavuje najdôležitejšie bitky 2. svetovej vojny 78% Theatre of war je jedna z historicky najpresnejších vojnových stratégií. Detailné spra... |
1,39 € |
Gary Grigsby's War in the East 2The Eastern Front, the most decisive theatre of World War II and the largest land battlefield. A fight to the end, Total War between the Third Reich and the Soviet Union, each commanding millions. The legendary wargame team at 2by3 Games has spent years revisiting this titanic conflict to once again... |
65,59 € |
Nájdených 520 výsledkov |