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Vixen SXD2WL AX103S Telescope Set

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Vixen SXD2WL AX103S Telescope Set

Vixen SXD2WL AX103S Telescope Set

6 899,00 - 6 956,95 €
207 839 - 209 585 Sk
Nájdených 1 záznamov (zobrazujem 1 až 1)
Cena vrátane DPH
Vixen SXD2WL AX103S Telescope Set

Vixen SXD2WL AX103S Telescope Set

Complete Telescope Set SXD2WL AX103S with Wifi-GoTo Mount, Tripod, and Eyepieces This high-quality apochromatic refractor telescope set impresses with its intricate 103mm Triplet ED lens construction. The telescope is made in Japan and stands out for its excellent workmanship, sharpness, and contras...

47 recenzií

6 899,00 €
207 839 Sk

Sonata Optics

Nájdených 1 výsledkov

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