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West of Dead

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Nájdených 575 záznamov (zobrazujem 21 až 40)
Cena vrátane DPH
Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster - Special Edition (XSX)

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster - Special Edition (XSX)

Povedzte syr! Obľúbený fotoreportér Frank West, ktorý loví zombie, sa vracia do akcie v nádherne remastrovanej hre Dead Rising™ Deluxe Remaster. HraDead Rising Deluxe Remaster, od základov oživená pomocou enginu RE od spoločnosti Capcom, je definitívnym remasterom klasiky Dead Rising z roku 2006, ...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

2151 recenzií

50,40 €
1 518 Sk


Tibetan Book of the Dead

Tibetan Book of the Dead

The most graceful English translation of this masterpiece of world literature - prepared with the participation of the Dalai Lama and eminent contemporary masters of this tradition appointed by the Dalai Lama. One of the greatest works created by any culture and one of the most influential of all Ti...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

5253 recenzií

13,26 €
399 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

Dead Rising 4 (PC)

Dead Rising 4 (PC)

V městečku Willamette v americkém Coloradu je právě období Vánoc, když tu najednou Willamette Memorial Megaplex Mall a okolí zaplaví smrtelně nebezpeční vetřelci.Fotoreportér Frank West se vrací zpět po 16 letech od událostí v Dead Rising. Jakožto obyčejný člověk, který se ocitne v neobyčejných situ...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

3272 recenzií

9,99 €
301 Sk

Dead Rising 4 Franks Big Package

Dead Rising 4 Franks Big Package

V Dead Rising 4 sa hráči ocitnú uprostred sezónnych osláv mesta Willamette vo štátu Colorado a stanú sa svedkami prepuknutiu záhadné choroby, ktorej epicentrum je lokalizované v nákupnom stredisku Willamette Memorial Megaplex Mall a dochádza k jej rýchlemu šíreniu okolitým mestom. Reportér Frank Wes...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

206 recenzií

15,84 €
477 Sk


The Dead of Appin (Martin Allan)

The Dead of Appin (Martin Allan)

Just outside Oban, within sight of the Connel Bridge, theres a burnt out car containing the charred remains of a human body. A woman is missing - but is the body hers? In a high stakes game of business and politics, what secret does the bustling port of Oban hide that is worth killing for? Comple...

1140 recenzií

10,44 €
315 Sk

The Tibetan Book of the Dead: Buddhist Teachings on Death and Dying (Lingpa Karma)

The Tibetan Book of the Dead: Buddhist Teachings on Death and Dying (Lingpa Karma)

The classic text describing Tibetan Buddhist beliefs about death and the afterlife, presented in a high-quality, Chinese-bound format. First revealed by a Tibetan monk in the fourteeenth century, Bardo Thodol--known more commonly as The Tibetan Book of the Dead--describes the experience of human c...

1140 recenzií

20,20 €
609 Sk

Tibetan Book of the Dead

Tibetan Book of the Dead

The most graceful English translation of this masterpiece of world literature - prepared with the participation of the Dalai Lama and eminent contemporary masters of this tradition appointed by the Dalai Lama. One of the greatest works created by any culture and one of the most influential of all Ti...

264 recenzií

13,26 €
399 Sk



Vianočná sezóna vo Willamette, štát Colorado je v plnom prúde. V centre obchodu, nákupnom komplexe Willamette Pamätná Megaplexu Mall a v okolí, vypukla záhadná epidémia meniaca všetkých na nebezpečných a smrtiacich predátorov. Uprostred chaosu, sa fotoreportér Frank West vracia, 16 rokov po udalost...

312 recenzií

7,40 €
223 Sk


Dead or Alive - Tom Clancy, Grant Blackwood, Penguin

Dead or Alive - Tom Clancy, Grant Blackwood, Penguin

The world's number-one terrorist is about to unleash a holy war. Only one agency, one man, can stop him . . . The Campus was secretly created by President Jack Ryan to covertly eliminate terrorists. Now it faces its greatest threat: a sadistic killer known as the Emir. Mastermind of countless horrif...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

9807 recenzií

7,13 €
215 Sk

The Tibetan Book of the Dead: First Complete Translation (Dorje Gyurme)

The Tibetan Book of the Dead: First Complete Translation (Dorje Gyurme)

One of the greatest works created by any culture and overwhelmingly the most significant of all Tibetan Buddhist texts in the West, The Tibetan Book of the Dead has had a number of distinguished translations, but none encompassed the work in its entirety. Now, in one of the years most important publ...

1140 recenzií

33,60 €
1 012 Sk

Hra na konzole Red Dead Redemption - PS4 (5026555435680)

Hra na konzole Red Dead Redemption - PS4 (5026555435680)

Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Epické dobrodružství západu Red Dead Redemption PS4/PS5 je zpět Americký západ čeká na vás ve hře Red Dead Redemption PS4/PS5, která přináší rozsáhlá území Mexika v kombinaci se zombie hororovými prvky Undead Nightmare. K dispozici bude řada autentických ...

563 recenzií

43,09 €
1 298 Sk

BScom s.r.o.

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster (Special Edition)

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster (Special Edition)

Populárny fotoreportér Frank West, ktorý loví zombie, sa vracia do akcie v nádherne remastrovanej hre Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, oživený RE enginom od Capcomu, je definitívnym remasterom klasiky Dead Rising z roku 2006, ktorá priniesla nový pohľad na zombie žáner s...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

1673 recenzií

46,80 €
1 410 Sk

Diary of a Dead Officer: Being the Posthumous Papers of Arthur Graeme West (West Arthur Graeme)

Diary of a Dead Officer: Being the Posthumous Papers of Arthur Graeme West (West Arthur Graeme)

1140 recenzií

13,96 €
421 Sk

Dead Rising 4 (X1) (Obal: EN)

Dead Rising 4 (X1) (Obal: EN)

V malom mestečku Willamette v americkom štáte Colorado sú Vianoce, keď zrazu obchodné centrum Willamette Memorial Megaplex a jeho okolie obsadia smrtiaci votrelci. - Fotoreportér Frank West sa vracia 16 rokov po udalostiach z knihy Dead Rising. Ako obyčajný človek, ktorý sa ocitá v neobyčajných s...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

2151 recenzií

37,70 €
1 136 Sk


Unglorious RPG - Lead of the Dead - Simone Aces Morini

Unglorious RPG - Lead of the Dead - Simone Aces Morini

Lead of the Dead je príručka pre Unglorious, the Necro-fantasy RPG, ktoré < strong>začína tam, kde ostatní končia – smrťou tvojho hrdinu. Staň sa nemŕtvym pištoľníkom v prostredí inšpirovanom Divokým západom! Príručka je v angličtine. The rays of a hot sun caress the russet sand of the desert. In th...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

1407 recenzií

21,41 €
645 Sk

Tibetan Book of the Dead

Tibetan Book of the Dead

The most prominent expert on Tibetan Buddhism in the West offers a translation of this essential book of Tibetan philosophy that captures the true spirit and poetry of the original work--a profound book that reveals the nature of the mind and its manifestations and offers pure enlightenment.

264 recenzií

17,39 €
524 Sk

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Digital Deluxe (PC)

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Digital Deluxe (PC)

Contents:Main GameCostumes & BGM: Willamette Parkview Mall PackCostumes & BGM: Resident Evil Heroes PackCostumes & BGM: Resident Evil Villains PackCostumes & BGM: Mega Man PackCostumes & BGM: Capcom Fighters Pack*Costumes can be changed at the closet in the Security Room in the g...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

3272 recenzií

48,99 €
1 476 Sk

Dead at First Sight (James Peter)

Dead at First Sight (James Peter)

A man waits at a London airport for Ingrid Ostermann, the love of his life, to arrive. Across the Atlantic, a retired NYPD cop waits in a bar in Floridas Key West for his first date with the lady who is, without question, his soulmate. The two men are about to discover theyve been scammed out of alm...

1140 recenzií

10,20 €
307 Sk

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster - Special Edition (PC)

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster - Special Edition (PC)

Povedzte syr! Obľúbený fotoreportér Frank West, ktorý loví zombie, sa vracia do akcie v nádherne remasterovanej hre Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.Ak ste posledných 18 rokov žili pod kameňom alebo boli uväznení v nákupnom centre, Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster vám predstaví fotoreportéra na voľnej nohe Fr...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

3272 recenzií

58,99 €
1 777 Sk

Hidden History of the Tibetan Book of the Dead

Hidden History of the Tibetan Book of the Dead

In 1927, Oxford University Press published the first western-language translation of a collection of Tibetan funerary texts (the Great Liberation upon Hearing in the Bardo) under the title The Tibetan Book of the Dead. Since that time, the work has established a powerful hold on the western popular ...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

5253 recenzií

81,44 €
2 453 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

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