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Nájdených viac ako 1000 záznamov (zobrazujem 61 až 80)
Cena vrátane DPH

"King's Felons" ("McGlynn Margaret (Professor of History Professor of History Western University)")

"The King's Felons examines the subtle but intentional development of criminal confinement as an alternative to capital punishment in early Tudor England. As the judicial establishment looked for ways to enhance law and order without provoking political opposition, they increasingly turned to two tr...

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1125 recenzií

171,68 €
5 172 Sk

"State, Society and Islam in the Western Regions of the Sahara: Regional Interactions and Social Change" ("Freire Francisco")

"This open access book takes a deeper and broader perspective of the Hassaniya-speaking groups of the western region of the Sahara. There has been a surge of interest in this region, often centred around sensationalist news reports and policy briefs. But in-depth understanding and analysis remains n...

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1125 recenzií

147,12 €
4 432 Sk

"Postcards from the Western Front: Pilgrims, Veterans, and Tourists After the Great War" ("Connelly Mark")

"Visitors to the battlefields of France and Belgium expressed pain and anguish, pride and nostalgia, and wonder and surprise at what they saw. Postcards from the Western Front chronicles the many ways in which these sites were perceived and commemorated by British people, both during the First World...

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1125 recenzií

51,52 €
1 552 Sk

Western Digital WD Green M.2 480 GB Serial ATA III SLC (WDS480G2G0B)

Western Digital WD Green M.2 480 GB Serial ATA III SLC (WDS480G2G0B)


11 recenzií

53,63 €
1 616 Sk




Model: Western Digital Red Provedení: 3,5” HDD Kapacita: 4 TB Rozhraní: SATA III 6 GB/s Rychlost otáček: 5 400 rpm Vyrovnávací paměť: 256 MB Rozměry: 101 x 26 x 146 mm (Š x V x H) Záruka: 3 roky

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

21 recenzií

132,44 €
3 990 Sk

Presmont.IT - IT riešenia na mieru

Mojkoberec Detský kusový koberec Western - 400x500 cm Viacfarebná

Mojkoberec Detský kusový koberec Western - 400x500 cm Viacfarebná

Kusový detský koberec Wester prináša zlatú horúčku divokého západu. Koberec je plný drevených domčekov, obchodov, bánk, kováční a salónov, medzi ktorými vedú prašné cesty. Koberec je vyrobený z odolného polyamidového slučkového vlákna, čo z neho robí skvelú voľbu pre detské hry. Spodná strana je opa...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

3167 recenzií

331,67 €
9 992 Sk


Western Illusion of Human Nature

Western Illusion of Human Nature

Reflecting the decline in college courses on Western Civilization, Marshall Sahlins aims to accelerate the trend by reducing "Western Civ" to about two hours. He cites Nietzsche to the effect that deep issues are like cold baths; one should get into and out of them as quickly as possible. The deep i...

244 recenzií

19,13 €
576 Sk

"Transformation of the Western Region" ("Stanford Paul")

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1125 recenzií

19,36 €
583 Sk

"Sopwith Camel vs. Fokker Dr I: Western Front 1917-18" ("Guttman Jon")

"Amid the continuous struggle for aerial superiority during World War 1, two aircraft types were at the forefront. Both rotary-engined fighters, the Sopwith Camel and the Fokker Dr I triplane were relatively slow for their time, but were regarded as the most maneuverable machines produced during the...

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1125 recenzií

18,40 €
554 Sk

Beginning of Western Philosophy

Beginning of Western Philosophy

Volume 35 of Heidegger s Complete Works comprises a lecture course given at the University of Freiburg in 1932, five years after the publication of Being and Time. During this period, Heidegger was at the height of his creative powers, which are on full display in this clear and imaginative text. In...

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5111 recenzií

52,99 €
1 596 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

Complete Western Stories, The

Complete Western Stories, The

No one is more evocative of the dusty, gutsy heyday of the American West than Elmore Leonard. And no story about a young writer struggling to launch his career ever matched its subject matter better than the tale behind Leonard`s Western collection. In 1950, fresh out of college - having written tw...

32,86 €
990 Sk


"The Consummation of Right and Wrong" ("David First & The Western Enisphere") (CD / Box Set)

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888 recenzií

21,12 €
636 Sk

Where to Watch Birds in Southern and Western Spain

Where to Watch Birds in Southern and Western Spain

A revised and updated edition of the definitive site guide to this bird-rich Spanish region.Southern Iberia is in the top rank of European birding hotspots, and the fourth edition of this popular book, first published in 1994, continues to

244 recenzií

29,11 €
877 Sk

Myth of the Western

Myth of the Western

Offers re-readings of key classic and contemporary Westerns. This title re-invigorates the debate surrounding the relationship between the Western and frontier mythology, arguing for the importance of the genre's socio cultural, historical and political dimensions. It also features the complexities ...

244 recenzií

36,97 €
1 114 Sk

The Great Books of The Western World (Vol.1 of 2):

The Great Books of The Western World (Vol.1 of 2): " The Great Conversation About Great Ideas "

This 2 volume set gives a synopsis of more than 500 of these Great Books of The Western World by 161 authors which originally consisted of over 6 feet of books in 54 volumes. The Great Books of Western The Western World are books that are thought to consti

244 recenzií

20,85 €
628 Sk

Western Digital Gold 3.5

Western Digital Gold 3.5" 10000 GB Serial ATA III

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1690 recenzií

335,76 €
10 115 Sk


"The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume II: From the Early Christian Era to the age of Discovery" ("000031311")

" In the 1960s, art patron Dominique de Menil founded an image archive showing the ways that people of African descent have been represented in Western art. Highlights from her collection appeared in three large-format volumes that quickly became collector's items. A half-century later, Harvard Univ...

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1125 recenzií

106,20 €
3 199 Sk

"Auriculotherapy Manual: Chinese and Western Systems of Ear Acupuncture" ("Oleson Terry")

" Auriculotherapy Manual: Chinese and Western Systems of Ear Acupuncture provides a comprehensive guide to the practice of Chinese and Western systems of ear acupuncture. This impressive new edition utilizes 3-D models of the external ear, as well as 3-D anatomical images, to demonstrate the somatot...

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1125 recenzií

130,84 €
3 942 Sk

"A Short History of Western Philosophy" ("Hirschberger Johannes")

""First published in English in 1976, Hirschberger's A Short History of Western Philosophy is a condensed history of philosophy from the Pre-Socratics through to the 1960s. This new edition follows the division of the original text into four parts: AncientPhilosophy, Medieval Philosophy, Modern Phil...

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1125 recenzií

42,96 €
1 294 Sk

"Transition on the Western Railways: Hst to Iet" ("Squires Tim")

"The Western Region has been going through a period of great transition, and this book aims to document these changes, such as the rebranding of First Great Western as Great Western Railway and the replacement of the High Speed Train (HST) fleet with the new Hitachi Intercity Express Train (IET) fle...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

1125 recenzií

19,92 €
600 Sk

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