bone health
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Nájdených 197 záznamov (zobrazujem 121 až 140)
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"Menopause: No Need to Panic" ("Bagot Odile")" Every woman wonders what will happen to her body when her periods end and she begins to experience the swings in hormones, the loss of both muscle and bone mass and, of course, the inevitable hot flashes. Menopause, a necessary part of a woman's life, is a much less daunting experience than it... |
15,76 € |
"Nourishing Broth: An Old-Fashioned Remedy for the Modern World" ("Fallon Morell Sally")"The follow-up book to the hugely best-selling Nourishing Traditions, which has sold over 500,000 copies, this time focusing on the immense health benefits of bone broth by the founder of the popular Weston A Price Foundation. Nourishing Broth: An Old-Fashioned Remedy for the Modern World Nour... |
19,96 € |
Yoga for CancerFor those faced with a cancer diagnosis and the journey of doctor-led surgery and treatments, yoga offers a way to regain control of your body and take an active part in your recovery and long-term health. In this easy-to-follow illustrated guide, yoga teacher and cancer survivor Tari Prinster prese... |
17,32 € |
"Fascia, Function, and Medical Applications" ("Lesondak David")" Fascia, Function, and Medical Applications is essential reading for medical and allied health practitioners who want to bring scientific insights of the importance of fascia to human health into their clinical practices. Fascia - the biodynamic tissue that connects every muscle, bone, organ, a... |
75,60 € |
Optima Nova Dog GF Adult large 12kgOPTIMA nova - superprémiové krmivo obsahující 40% čerstvého nikdy nemraženého masa, přidávaného přímo při výrobě pomocí unikátního systému F.M.I.S (Fresh Meat Injection System). Vyrobeno za pomoci holistických ingrediencí s využitím konceptu monoproteinové diety. Krmivo neobsahuje žádné geneticky mo... |
83,51 € |
Primal Body, Primal MindExamining the healthy lives of our pre-agricultural Paleolithic ancestors and the marked decline in stature, bone density and dental health and the increase in birth defects, malnutrition and disease following the implementation of the agricultural lifestyle, Nora Gedgaudas shows how our modern grai... |
19,24 € |
Medical Biochemistry, 6th EditionWritten by carefully selected global experts, practicing physicians, and educators in the various sub-disciplines of biochemistry, Medical Biochemistry, 6th Edition, offers a unique combination of research and clinical practice tailored to today's integrated courses. Covering clinically relevant top... |
73,35 € |
"Supplements Desk Reference: Second Edition" ("O'Sullivan Jen")"The "Supplements Desk Reference - Second Edition" by Jen O'Sullivan, covers all of Young Living's(R) nutrition-based supplements. Each supplement showcases the ingredients and what those ingredients are known to support, so you can be sure if it is the right one for you. It contains specific protoc... |
24,12 € |
"Diabetes & Keeping Fit for Dummies" ("American Diabetes Association")" The fitness guide no person with diabetes should be without Nearly one in 11 people in the United States are affected by diabetes, a staggering number with both personal and social costs. If you're one of these millions of people with diabetes or prediabetes, the American Diabetes Association rec... |
20,80 € |
"How She Did It: Stories, Advice, and Secrets to Success from Fifty Legendary Distance Runners" ("Huddle Molly")"An essential guide for female athletes navigating the world of competitive running, featuring 50 candid interviews with women who've made it How She Did It begins with the kind of prescriptive information that any athlete needs to be healthy and successful in the world of competitive running, with... |
16,72 € |
Feldman and Pike’s Vitamin DFeldman and Pike’s Vitamin D, Fifth Edition is the most comprehensive, authoritative reference available in the field. It presents a comprehensive review of the multifaceted vitamin D and provides investigators, clinicians, and students with a comprehensive, definitive, and up-to-date compendium of ... |
246,59 € |
Tumors of the Bones and Joints - Gunnlaugur Pétur Nielsen, Andrew E. Rosenberg, Judith V.M.G. Bovée, Miriam A. Bredella, Judith A. FerryThis comprehensive volume includes chapters on bone growth and development, bone tumor imaging, molecular genetics, and all classes of bone and joint tumors. This Fascicle is designed for residents, fellows, and practicing physicians in fields that treat and study patients with bone tumors, includin... |
334,42 € |
Junqueira's Basic Histology: Text and Atlas, Seventeenth EditionThis user-friendly text and atlas combination is filled with clear explanations, art, and micrographs to elucidate key concepts and facilitate learningFor five decades, Junqueira's Basic Histology has been considered the hands-down best overview of human tissue structure and function. Accessible yet... |
55,80 € |
Artificial Intelligence in DentistryThis comprehensive book focuses on various aspects of artificial intelligence in dentistry, assisting dentists, specialists, and scientists in advancing their understanding, knowledge, training, and expertise in this field of artificial intelligence.Readers will learn about AI-supported pathways for... |
150,85 € |
Grant`s Atlas of Anatomy, 12/EA cornerstone of gross anatomy since 1943, Grant`s Atlas of Anatomy continues to reach students worldwide with its realistic illustrations, detailed surface anatomy photos, clinical relevance, and muscle tables. Renowned for its accuracy, pedagogy, and clinical relevance, the new edition of this cla... |
53,78 € |
"The Invention of the Restaurant: Paris and Modern Gastronomic Culture, with a New Preface" ("Spang Rebecca L.")" Winner of the Louis Gottschalk Prize Winner of the Thomas J. Wilson Memorial Prize "Witty and full of fascinating details." --Los Angeles Times Why are there restaurants? Why would anybody consider eating alongside perfect strangers in a loud and crowded room to be an enjoyable pastime? To find ... |
27,56 € |
Rebuild Your BonesYour first step on the path to total bone health An osteoporosis diagnosis can feel like a debilitating life sentence--one that leaves you feeling stuck with a future of prescription drugs that only might keep the condition from worsenin |
29,32 € |
"Too Many Pills" ("Le Fanu James")"The number of prescriptions issued by family doctors has soared threefold in just fifteen years with millions now committed to taking a cocktail of half a dozen (or more) different pills to lower the blood pressure and sugar levels, statins, bone strengthening and cardio protective drugs. In Too Ma... |
16,16 € |
Cure Gum Disease NaturallyFree yourself from the downward spiral of scaling, root planing, gum grafts, flap surgery, chemicals, and the inevitable extractions and implants and cure gum disease (periodontitis) naturally. Ramiel Nagel's bestselling guide, Cure Tooth Decay, has inspired tens of thousands of readers to discover ... |
25,18 € |
OPTIMAnova dog MOBILITY - 2 kgOPTIMA nova dog ADULT MOBILITY Kompletné krmivo pre dospelé psy všetkých plemien. Pomáha udržiavať a zlepšovať pohyblivosť kĺbov, z kuraťa a ryže. OPTIMA nova - superprémiové krmivo obsahujúce 40% čerstvého nikdy nemrazeného mäsa, pridávaného priamo pri výrobe pomocou unikátneho systému F.M.I.S (Fr... |
15,50 € |
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