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The Collected Poems of Elizabeth Barrett Browning - Elizabeth Barrett Browning
174 - 193 Sk
Ordinary Men : Reserve Police Battalion 11 and the Final Solution in Poland - Browning Christopher R.
301 - 471 Sk
Nájdených viac ako 1000 záznamov (zobrazujem 861 až 880)
Cena vrátane DPH
Cobi 5866 II WW Hawker Hurricane Mk. I, 1:48, 145 kPostavte si model najpopulárnejšej britskej stíhačky z 2. svetovej vojny. V akcii si viedol veľmi dobre, čelil nemeckým Messerschmittom. Výzbroj tvorilo osem guľometov Browning kalibru 7,7 mm. Náš model má kamufláž odkazujúcu na operácie v severnej Afrike a Stredomorí v roku 1940 a je v mierke 1:48.... |
18,06 € |
Americký ozbrojený terénny automobil Jeep Willys MB & Trailer COBI 3132 - World War II 1:35Stavebnica modelu legendárneho terénneho úžitkového automobilu vyvinutého pre americkú armádu Willys MB 4x4 v zelenej kamufláži s guľometom Browning upevnenom na otočnom stojane. Súčasťou stavebnice je aj prívesný vozík M-100 a muničná debna. Model má sklopný rám čelného skla, vyslobodzovaciu lopatu... |
23,84 € |
American Gods, TV tie-in - Neil GaimanThe highly acclaimed, epic novel from international bestseller Neil Gaiman. Now a major TV series. American Gods, the extraordinary, highly acclaimed epic novel from storytelling genius and international bestseller Neil Gaiman, comes vividly to life in a major new TV series on Amazon Prime Video sta... |
9,63 € |
Creative Coloring MandalasDiscover the esoteric power of the mandala with 30 relaxing and creative art activities. Talented artist Valentina Harper opens up a world of sacred circles in this inspiring coloring book for grown-ups. You don t need to have the skills of an artist to personalize these rich, intricate drawings. Va... |
6,30 € |
Food52 Mighty SaladsA collection of 60 recipes for turning ordinary salads into one-dish worthy meals. Does anybody need a recipe to make a salad? Of course not. But if you want your salad to hold strong in your lunch bag or carry the day as a one-bowl dinner, dressing on lettuce isn't going to cut it.Make way for Migh... |
21,31 € |
"NYJO: Out of Hamelin/The Pied Piper of Hamelin" ("") (DVD)Paul Hart's 'Out of Hamelin' was commissioned by the BBC for the National Youth Jazz Orchestra's 2000 Prom concert. The work draws largely from the lyricism and rhythyms of Irish folk music. Recorded live at the Royal Albert Hall, the performance also includes a reading of Robert Browning's poem 'Th... |
21,04 € |
Their Finest Film Tie InNow a major film starring Gemma Arterton, Sam Claflin and Bill Nighy. It's 1940. In a small advertising agency in Soho, Catrin Cole writes snappy lines for Vida Elastic and So-Bee-Fee gravy browning. But the nation is in peril, all skills are transferable and there's a place in the war effort for th... |
9,00 € |
MG23K3515AW/EO MIKROVLNNÁ TROUBA SAMSUNGDigitální mikrovlnnná trouba s grilem Výkon mikrovlnky 800 W Výkon grilu 1100 W Velký vnitřní objem 23l Keramický vnitřní povrch: antibakteriální povrch, lehké čištění, vysoká odolnost proti poškrábání, zachovává stálou barvu a lehké čištění TDS – trojitá distribuce mikrovln – zabezpečuje stejnou t... |
185,23 € |
Sanctum DVDAlister Grierson directs this James Cameron-produced, subterranean action adventure about a group of divers whose expedition turns into a fight for survival. While exploring the world\'s largest and most remote cave system in the South Pacific, a sudden storm forces veteran diver Frank McGuire (Rich... |
4,37 € |
Turning Point - autor neuvedenýFrom San Francisco to Paris, four talented trauma doctors are given a life-changing opportunity in this highly-charged and gripping medical drama by the world's favourite storyteller. In Danielle Steel's powerful novel, four San Francisco trauma doctors confront their greatest challenge yet. Bill Br... |
9,45 € |
Lemony Snicket: Řada nešťastných příhodRodinná černá komedie Řada nešťastných příhod byla natočena podle knih Zlý začátek (Kniha1), Temné terárium (Kniha 2) a Široké okno (Kniha 3) vypravěče Lemony Snicketa. Film plný originální směsi inteligence, ironie a humoru okouzlí nejen mladé diváky. Příběh pojednává o třech dětech a jejich více n... |
5,99 € |
Bomann TA 1371 CB, hriankovačHriankovač Bomann TA 1371 CB je vyrobený z vysoko kvalitnej nehrdzavejúcej ocele a môže súčasne upiecť až dva plátky toastu. S pomocou funkcie centrovanie to vždy funguje hladko a bez problémov. Žemle sú príliš veľké pre slot? Žiadny problém, pretože vďaka nástavcami na rožky ho môžete jednoducho po... |
34,53 € |
What July Knew - Emily KochJuly knows 18 things about her mother. But not the truth.Summer, 1995. On her tenth birthday, July's teacher sets the class a project to find out about a relation they don't know. It's easy for July to choose her subject. She doesn't remember her mother, who died when she was small, and her father r... |
14,06 € |
Elizas Babes (Bolam Robyn)This comprehensive anthology celebrates four centuries of womens poetry, covering over 100 poets from the English-speaking world. The poets range from queens and ladies of the court. Bloody Mary and her sister Elizabeth I, to a religious martyr, a spy, a young slave, a milkmaid, laborers, servants, ... |
11,28 € |
Gunpowder Green (Childs Laura)Tea shop owner Theodosia Browning knows that somethings brewing in the high society of Charleston--something other than her newest tea... The Indigo Tea Shop, Charlestons favorite spot of tea, has just come out with its latest flavor: Gunpowder Green. Theodosia Browning cannot wait to hear its prai... |
7,84 € |
Joy of ZentangleZentangle[registered] is an easy-to-learn method of pattern drawing that reduces stress while promoting creativity. This book will introduce readers to the basic theory of Zentangle and provide instructions for drawing over 100 tangle patterns from such Certified Zentangle Teachers as Suzanne McNeil... |
17,21 € |
Science of Cooking: Understanding the Biology and Chemistry Behind Food and CookingWritten as a textbook with an online laboratory manual for students and adopting faculties, this work is intended for non-science majors / liberal studies science courses and will cover a range of scientific principles of food, cooking and the science of taste and smell. Chapters include: The Scienc... |
75,06 € |
William Morris: A Life for Our TimeRegarded as one of the greats of the 19th century, the full extent of his genius has rarely been explored. As well as a designer still known today, he was also the founder of a socialist movement, and was a poet who ranked alongside Tennyson and Browning. MacCarthy looks at all facets of his charact... |
39,83 € |
Penguin's Poems for LoveHere are poems to take you on a journey from the 'suddenly' of love at first sight to the 'truly, madly, deeply' of infatuation and on to the 'eternally' of love that lasts beyond the end of life, along the way taking in flirtation, passion, fury, betrayal and broken hearts. Bringing together the gr... |
12,80 € |
Creative Coloring Mandalas: Art Activity Pages to Relax and Enjoy! (Harper Valentina)Discover the esoteric power of the mandala with 30 relaxing and creative art activities. Talented artist Valentina Harper opens up a world of sacred circles in this inspiring coloring book for grown-ups. You dont need to have the skills of an artist to personalize these rich, intricate drawings. Val... |
6,28 € |
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