bungo stray dogs
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Nájdených 664 záznamov (zobrazujem 1 až 20)
Cena vrátane DPH
Bungo Stray Dogs, Vol. 1Having been kicked out of the orphanage, a despairing young man by the name of Atsushi Nakajima rescues a strange man from a suicide attempt--Osamu Dazai. Turns out that Dazai is part of an armed-detective agency staffed by individuals whose supernatural powers take on a literary bent! |
13,00 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs: Another Story 1 - Kafka Asagiri, Sango Harukawa (ilustrátor), Oyoyo (ilustrátor)When a request flies in from the government enlisting the help of Yukito Ayatsuji, a top-ranked skill user and detective notorious for his deadly skill, and Mizuki Tsujimura, a devoted newbie agent from the Special Ability Agency, the unusual duo find themselves with more than just an open-and-shut ... |
14,00 € |
Yen Press Bungo Stray Dogs 21O komikse (manga) v slovenčine: Aby sa zastavila globálna kríza s upírmi, ktorá sa šíri, je z Európy do Japonska transportovaná zapečatená špeciálna zbraň. Detektívna agentúra spustila zúfalý plán, aby zabránila dostaniu sa do rúk Fukuchiho! O komikse (manga) v angličtine: To stop the spreadin... |
14,39 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs 13Sie tragen feine Anzüge. Brutale Fälle sind ihr Spezialgebiet. Und irgendwie haben sie alle eine Schraube locker: Das Büro der wehrhaften Detektive greift ein, wenn die Polizei nicht weiter weiß. Zum Beispiel wenn ein weißer Tiger durch die Straßen streift, der größer ist als ein Kleinlaster...Band ... |
6,80 € |
Bungó Stray Dogs Toulaví literáti - Kafka Asagiri, Sango HarukawaAcušiho Nakadžimu vyhnali ze sirotčince a nohy ho nakonec zavedly do Jokohamy, kde z řeky vytáhne muže, který se neúspěšně pokusil o sebevraždu. Z neznámého se vyklube Osamu Dazai – člen Zvláštní detektivní kanceláře zaměstnávající lidi se schopnostmi. Ta se specializuje na násilné a nebezpečné příp... |
13,02 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs, Volume 1 (Asagiri Kafka)Having been kicked out of the orphanage, a despairing young man by the name of Atsushi Nakajima rescues a strange man from a suicide attempt--Osamu Dazai. Turns out that Dazai is part of a detective agency staffed by individuals whose supernatural powers take on a literary |
12,48 € |
CREW Bungó Stray Dogs - Toulaví literáti 3O komikse (manga) v slovenčine: Kjóka Izumi tak dlho bojovala v područí mafie, až si siahla na život... Acušimu sa ju však podarilo zachrániť a pozýva ju na tofu, aby z nej dostal cenné informácie. Akutagawa následne rozbieha podlý plán, a náš meňavec tak konečne padá do ich rúk. Zajatý Dazai sa me... |
10,55 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs 01Manche Fälle sind einfach zu gefährlich für die Polizei. Wenn ein Tiger herumstreunt, der größer ist als ein Kleinlaster oder ein Typ auftaucht, dessen Mantel sich in eine mordlustige Bestie verwandeln kann, freut sich der japanische Streifenpolizist, dass es die Armed Detectives gibt. Eine wilde Tr... |
6,80 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs, Vol. 20Atsushi stands together with his rival, Akutagawa, before Fukuchi Ouchi—veteran of innumerable battles, friend to President Fukuzawa…and leader of the Decay of the Angel. If the two defeat him, they can clear the agency’s name and bring the whole incident to a close. However, while they may have def... |
11,60 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs, Vol. 5As Kyouka fights her past demons, the threat of a three-way war between the Armed Detective Agency, the Guild, and the Port Mafia looms. With each side fortifying their defenses, who will seize the initiative and land the first crushing blow? After an attack by the Guild's fellowcrafts, the Agency's... |
13,00 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs, Vol. 15The Armed Detective Agency have become criminals, and the Military Police's mightiest special task force is after them |
13,30 € |
Yen Press Bungo Stray Dogs 22O komikse (manga) v slovenčine: Osud sveta a Armed Detective Agency stojí na malých pleciach Ay, keď sa s Bramom vyberá na útek. Medzitým, hlboko vo väznici Meursault, Gogol vtrhne do bloku s najvyšším stupňom stráženia, aby pripravil Dazaiho a Dostojevského na súťaž v smrteľnej hre na útek z väzen... |
14,39 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs 6: Beast - Kafka Asagiri, Sango Harukawa (ilustrátor)What if the Port Mafia’s Hellhound, Ryuunosuke Akutagawa, had joined the Armed Detective Agency? Likewise, what if Atsushi Nakajima belonged to the Port Mafia? In the parallel world of Bungo Stray Dogs: Beast, fledgling detective Akutagawa’s desperate mission to rescue his younger sister from the Po... |
13,00 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple, Vol. 3Although Atsushi has defeated Beast Beneath the Moonlight, his power is not restored. To regain his ability, he will need to confront himself...and his past! Meanwhile, at the hands of Fyodor, Shibusawa experiences death once more as he recalls his lost memories... |
10,20 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs 2: Osamu Dazai and the Dark Era - Kafka AsagiriBefore joining the Armed Detective Agency, Osamu Dazai was the youngest executive with the Port Mafia, the most notorious underground crime syndicate in all of Yokohama. When one of their colleagues suddenly goes missing, Dazai and fellow Port Mafia member Sakunosuke Oda are tasked with conducting a... |
11,80 € |
BUNGO STRAY DOGS V23As Gogol's deadly game continues, Dostoyevsky summons an ally to aid him in his escape-Chuuya, now a vampire! Dazai will have to say his farewells to his onetime partner if he wants to come through this life and death struggle in one peace. And meanwhile, Tetchou and Kenji clash at the airport...?! |
11,70 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs, Vol. 11The Armed Detective Agency receives an anonymous request--and it's asking for Kyouka's help by name. But during her investigation with Atsushi, ex-Guild member Montgomery keeps mysteriously getting in their way! And as another old for defies death while seeking a triumphant return, a newer enemy--th... |
13,20 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs 12Sie tragen feine Anzüge. Brutale Fälle sind ihr Spezialgebiet. Und irgendwie haben sie alle eine Schraube locker: Das Büro der wehrhaften Detektive greift ein, wenn die Polizei nicht weiter weiß. Zum Beispiel wenn ein weißer Tiger durch die Straßen streift, der größer ist als ein Kleinlaster...Band ... |
6,80 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs 11Sie tragen feine Anzüge. Brutale Fälle sind ihr Spezialgebiet. Und irgendwie haben sie alle eine Schraube locker: Das Büro der wehrhaften Detektive greift ein, wenn die Polizei nicht weiter weiß. Zum Beispiel wenn ein weißer Tiger durch die Straßen streift, der größer ist als ein Kleinlaster...Band ... |
6,80 € |
12,70 € |
Nájdených 664 výsledkov |