bungo stray dogs
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Bungo Stray Dogs, Vol. 6As Ryuunousuke Akutagawa and Nathaniel Hawthorne engage in a life-or-death battle, Chuuya Nakahara has information about The Guild's plot to destroy the Armed Detective Agency. H.P. Lovecraft and John Steinbeck also reveal their powerful abilities. |
13,30 € |
Bungó Stray Dogs 03 Toulaví literáti - Kafka AsagiriAutor : Kafka Asagiri, Popis : Kjóka Izumi tak dlouho bojovala v područí mafie, až si sáhla na život… Acušimu se ji ovšem povedlo zachránit a zve ji na tofu, aby z ní dostal cenné informace. Akutagawa následně rozjíždí podlý plán, a náš měňavec tak konečně padá do jejich rukou. Zajatý Dazai se mezit... |
8,78 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs, Vol. 21The world is in crisis as a vampiric plague spreads across the globe! With nations falling left and right, a powerful skill weapon is transported to Japan, bringing the Decay of the Angel’s plan to its final stage. However, Fukuchi fails to account for one thing—his own team!The Hunting Dogs are on ... |
12,10 € |
Yen Press Bungo Stray Dogs 8O komikse (Manga) v slovenčine: Nezvyčajný nápad Atsushiho vytvoriť spojenectvo s mafiou vyústil v summit medzi bossom zločinu Ougai Morim a prezidentomArmed Detective Yukichim Fukuzawaom. Keď však rokovania zlyhali, Dazai nemá inú možnosť, než sa sám infiltrovať do nepriateľského územia, aby zaist... |
13,43 € |
Yen Press Bungo Stray Dogs: Wan! 3O komikse (Manga) v slovenčine: Je to ďalší pokojný deň v Jokohame, aleArmed Detective Agency aPort Mafia sú stále zaneprázdnené. Či už ide o Dazaiho, ktorý predvádza svoje najlepšie magické triky, o mafiu, ktorá sa snaží nájsť dvojníka pre šéfa, alebo o dve organizácie, ktoré organizujú spoločný š... |
13,43 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs 21Sie tragen feine Anzüge. Brutale Fälle sind ihr Spezialgebiet. Und irgendwie haben sie alle eine Schraube locker: Das Büro der wehrhaften Detektive greift ein, wenn die Polizei nicht weiter weiß. Zum Beispiel wenn ein weißer Tiger durch die Straßen streift, der größer ist als ein Kleinlaster...Band ... |
6,80 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs: Beast 1 - Kafka Asagiri, Shiwasu Hoshikawa (ilustrátor), Sango Harukawa (ilustrátor)A PATH THAT COULD HAVE BEEN… In the world of Bungo Stray Dogs, Ryuunosuke Akutagawa is infamous for being one of the Port Mafia’s most dangerous members. But what if his past had turned out differently...? When Dazai decides to pass on taking in an orphaned Akutagawa, the boy winds up being recruite... |
12,00 € |
Yen Press Bungo Stray Dogs 23As Gogol’s deadly game continues, Dostoyevsky summons an ally to aid him in his escape—Chuuya, now a vampire! Dazai will have to say his farewells to his onetime partner if he wants to come through this life and death struggle in one peace. And meanwhile, Tetchou and Kenji clash at the airport…?! |
9,00 € |
Bungó Stray Dogs 02 Toulaví literáti - Kafka AsagiriAutor : Kafka Asagiri, Popis : Po hrozivém souboji proti Akutagawovi se Nakadžima probouzí zpátky v kanceláři a rozhodne se potají odejít, aby dál neohrožoval svoje kolegy. Mafie ovšem přesto za detektivy posílá jeden ze svých úderných oddílů jménem Černé ještěrky, který vede Rjúró Hirocu. Na scén... |
8,78 € |
Yen Press Bungo Stray Dogs 18O komikse (Manga) v slovenčine: Celé majestátne Sky Casino sa obráti protiHunting Dogs, keď odhalia teroristickú zápletku, ktorá roztrasie samotné základy sveta. Ich jedinou nádejou je chytiť generálneho manažéra kasína, Sigmu, muža bez minulosti! Medzitým Atsushi a Kyouka bojujú z tieňov, aby doká... |
14,39 € |
10,30 € |
11,70 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs, Vol. 22 (Asagiri Kafka)The fate of the Armed Detective Agency--and the entire world--falls upon Ayas shoulders as she makes her escape. Meanwhile, deep within the Meursault prison, Gogol sets the stage for Dazai and Dostoyevsky to compete in a deadly jailbreak game. Which prisoner will be the one to |
12,44 € |
CREW Bungó Stray Dogs - Toulaví literáti 2O komikse (manga) v slovenčine: Po hrozivom súboji proti Akutagawovi sa Nakadžima prebúdza späť v kancelárii a rozhodne sa potajomky odísť, aby ďalej neohrozoval svojich kolegov. Mafia však napriek tomu za detektívov posiela jeden zo svojich úderných oddielov menom Čierne jašterice, ktorý vedie Rjú... |
10,55 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs, Vol. 17With most of the Armed Detective Agency captured, Atsushi and Kyouka stage a jailbreak to secure the assistance of the man with the power to erase evidence: Mushitarou Oguri.Equipped with his knowledge of the Decay of the Angel (and the assistance of a mysteriousbenefactor), the pair sets their sigh... |
14,61 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs, Vol. 12With the heads of the Agency and the Port Mafia on the brink of death due to a "cannibal" virus, the vicious rivalry between the groups rears its head once more! As the fearsome Akutagawa and former assassin Kyouka face off in a fatal battle, a rare confrontation between the cocky Chuuya and genius ... |
12,80 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs, Vol. 8Atsushi's far-fetched idea to form an alliance with the Mafia results in a summit between crime boss Ougai Mori and Armed Detective president Yukichi Fukuzawa. But when negotiations fail, Dazai has no choice but to infiltrate enemy territory alone to secure Q. There, Dazai runs into some unexpected ... |
13,40 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs, Vol. 12 (Asagiri Kafka)With the heads of the Agency and the Port Mafia on the brink of death due to a cannibal virus, the vicious rivalry between the groups rears its head once more As the fearsome Akutagawa and former assassin Kyouka face off in a fatal battle, a rare confrontation between the cocky Chuuya and genius det... |
10,24 € |
Yen Press Bungo Stray Dogs 4O komikse (manga) v slovenčine: Objaví sa americká skupina používateľov schopností známa ako 'Gild', ktorú vedie bohatý Francis Scott Fitzgerald, ktorý má namierené naArmed Detective Agency! Dokáže ho prezident agentúry Fukuzawa zastaviť...!? Nie, ak sa tomu postaví členka Gildy Lucy Montgomery! ... |
14,39 € |
Bungo Stray Dogs, Vol. 16 (Asagiri Kafka)Atsushi is working with his previous foe, F. Scott Fitzgerald, in order to use the Eyes of God surveillance system to find clues. In the forest, Yosano is approached by the Port Mafia with a request to join them. What is the past that Yosano has tried to keep hidden? |
10,00 € |
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