iiyama TF1515MC-B2
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Nájdených 39 záznamov (zobrazujem 1 až 20)
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15 "iiyama TF1515MC-B2: TN, XGA, Capacitive, 10P, 350cd / m2, VGA, DP, HDMI, čierny TF1515MC-B215 "Open Frame PCAP 10 point touch screen equipped with touch through glass function The ProLite TF1515MC-B2 (15 inch) uses PCAP touch technology and is built into an eye-catching bezel with edge-to-edge glass. Thanks to a glass overlay covering the screen and a Rugged bezel, it Guarantees high dura... |
458,55 € |
15'' iiyama TF1515MC-B2: TN, XGA, capacitive, 10P, 350cd/m2, VGA, DP, HDMI, čierny TF1515MC-B215'' Open Frame PCAP 10 point touch screen equipped with touch through glass function The ProLite TF1515MC-B2 (15 inch) uses PCAP touch technology and is built into an eye-catching bezel with edge-to-edge glass. Thanks to a glass overlay covering the screen and a rugged bezel, it guarantees high dur... |
453,93 € |
15" iiyama TF1515MC-B2: TN, XGA, capacitive, 10P, 350cd/m2, VGA, DP, HDMI, černý (TF1515MC-B2)15" Open Frame PCAP 10 point touch screen equipped with touch through glass function The ProLite TF1515MC-B2 (15 inch) uses PCAP touch technology and is built into an eye-catching bezel with edge-to-edge glass. Thanks to a glass ove... |
467,28 € |
15" iiyama TF1515MC-B2: TN, XGA, capacitive, 10P, 350cd/m2, VGA, DP, HDMI, čierny TF1515MC-B215" Open Frame PCAP 10 point touch screen equipped with touch through glass function The ProLite TF1515MC-B2 (15 inch) uses PCAP touch technology and is built into an eye-catching bezel with edge-to-edge glass. Thanks to a glass overlay covering the screen and a rugged bezel, it guarantees high dur... |
447,69 € |
IIYAMA, IIYAMA TF1515MC-B215" Open Frame PCAP 10 point touch screen equipped with touch through glass function The ProLite TF1515MC-B2 (15 inch) uses PCAP touch technology and is built into an eye-catching bezel with edge-to-edge glass. Thanks to a glass overlay covering the screen and a rugged bezel, it guarantees high dur... |
479,61 € |
15" iiyama TF1515MC-B2: TN, XGA, capacitive, 10P, 350cd/m2, VGA, DP, HDMI, černý15" Open Frame PCAP 10 point touch screen equipped with touch through glass function The ProLite TF1515MC-B2 (15 inch) uses PCAP touch technology and is built into an eye-catching bezel with edge-to-edge glass. Thanks to a glass overlay covering the screen and a rugged bezel, it guarantees high dur... |
471,72 € |
15" iiyama TF1515MC-B2: TN, XGA, capacitive, 10P, 350cd/m2, VGA, DP, HDMI, černý15" Open Frame PCAP 10 point touch screen equipped with touch through glass function The ProLite TF1515MC-B2 (15 inch) uses PCAP touch technology and is built into an eye-catching bezel with edge-to-edge glass. Thanks to a glass overlay covering the screen and a rugged bezel, it guarantees high dur... |
467,35 € |
15" iiyama TF1515MC-B2: TN, XGA, capacitive, 10P, 350cd/m2, VGA, DP, HDMI, čierny15" Open Frame PCAP 10 point touch screen equipped with touch through glass function The ProLite TF1515MC-B2 (15 inch) uses PCAP touch technology and is built into an eye-catching bezel with edge-to-edge glass. Thanks to a glass overlay covering the screen and a rugged bezel, it guarantees high dura... |
462,98 € |
15" iiyama TF1515MC-B2: TN, XGA, capacitive, 10P, 350cd/m2, VGA, DP, HDMI, čiernyiiyama ProLite TF1515MC-B2: 15" dotykový monitor ProLite TF1515MC-B2 je 15-palcový monitor od spoločnosti iiyama. Využíva technológiu PCAP dotyku a je zabudovaný do atraktívneho rámčeka s okrajom po okraji zo skla. Vďaka sklenenej vrstve pokrývajúcej obrazovku a robustnému rámčeku je ideálny pre v... |
467,89 € |
15"" iiyama TF1515MC-B2: TN, XGA, capacitive, 10P, 350cd/m2, VGA, DP, HDMI, černý* 15 Open Frame PCAP 10 point touch screen equipped with touch through glass function The ProLite TF1515MC-B2 (15 inch) uses PCAP touch technology and is built into an eye-catching bezel with edge-to-edge glass. Thanks to a glass overlay covering the screen and a rugged bezel, it guarantees high d... |
534,98 € |
15" iiyama TF1515MC-B2: TN, XGA, capacitive, 10P, 350cd/m2, VGA, DP, HDMI, čierny PR1-TF1515MC-B215" Open Frame PCAP 10 point touch screen equipped with touch through glass function The ProLite TF1515MC-B2 (15 inch) uses PCAP touch technology and is built into an eye-catching bezel with edge-to-edge glass. Thanks to a glass overlay covering the screen and a rugged bezel, it guarantees high dur... |
449,87 € |
iiyama ProLite TF1515MC-B2 - 38.1 cm (15") - 1024 x 768 pixels - XGA - LED - 8 ms - Black (TF1515MC-B2)iiyama (TF1515MC-B2) ProLite TF1515MC-B2 - 38.1 cm (15") - 1024 x 768 pixels - XGA - LED - 8 ms - Black |
435,00 € |
iiyama 15" 4:3 Projective Capacitive 10P Touch Bezel Free / Open Frame TF1515MC-B2Dotykový monitor IIYAMA ProLite Desktop PCAP pre kioskové aplikácie ak zástavbe s uhlopriečkou 15" TN 4:3 displej s 1024 x 768, povrch displeja je Lesklý, jas displeja ~0000 Ponúkne redukciu modrého svetla a blikania, úsporu energie aj kompatibilitu s VESA držiakmi. |
463,90 € |
iiyama TF1515MCMonitor ProLite TF1515MC-B2 (38 cm) je viacdotykový monitor využívajúci kapacitnú technológiu, ktorá zaručuje odolnosť proti poškriabaniu. Okrem toho akékoľvek škrabance na obrazovke nemajú vplyv na dotykovú funkciu. Predná strana monitora je z jedného hladkého skla a má stupeň krytia IP65, čo zname... |
444,33 € |
iiyama TF1515MCMonitor dotykový vstavaný iiyama ProLite TF1515MC-B2 15" IP65 - Výrobca: iiyama - Kategória: Vstavané dotykové monitory Štandard VESA Obrazovku je možné upevniť na akýkoľvek držiak/montážne rameno podľa štandardu VESA. Obrázok - Uhlopriečka: 15" - Panel : TN LED - Format obrázka: 4:3 - Ja... |
492,23 € |
iiyama ProLite TF1515MC-B2, 38,1 cm (15" ), projektovaná kapacita, 10 TP, černáiiyama ProLite TF1515MC-B2, 38.1 cm (15''), Projected Capacitive, 10 TP, černá (TF1515MC-B2) touch monitor (zero-bezel, open-frame, 4:3), 38.1 cm (15''), touch technology: Projected Capacitive, multi touch (10 points), 1024×768 pixels, VESA mount (100×100 mm), 8ms, brightness: 315cd, contrast: 800:1... |
426,00 € |
iiyama TF1515MC15" Open Frame PCAP 10 point touch screen equipped with touch through glass function The ProLite TF1515MC-B2 (15 inch) uses PCAP touch technology and is built into an eye-catching bezel with edge-to-edge glass. Thanks to a glass overlay covering the screen and a rugged bezel, it guarantees high dur... |
453,92 € |
iiyama TF1515MCSkladnejší LCD monitor iiyama s uhlopriečkou 15" s HD (1024 × 768) rozlíšením je vhodný na elementárne kancelárske činnosti zahŕňajúce písanie textov alebo napríklad prehliadanie internetu. Lesklý povrch displeja prináša živšie farby a výraznejší kontrast, ale v intenzívnom osvetlení môže vykazovať ... |
487,90 € |
15'' iiyama TF1515MC-B2: TN, XGA, capacitive, 10P, 350cd/m2, VGA, DP, HDMI, čierny TF1515MC-B215'' Open Frame PCAP 10 point touch screen equipped with touch through glass function The ProLite TF1515MC-B2 (15 inch) uses PCAP touch technology and is built into an eye-catching bezel with edge-to-edge glass. Thanks to a glass overlay covering the screen and a rugged bezel, it guarantees high dur... |
471,63 € |
15'' iiyama TF1515MC-B2: TN, XGA, capacitive, 10P, 350cd/m2, VGA, DP, HDMI, černý15" Open Frame PCAP 10 point touch screen equipped with touch through glass function The ProLite TF1515MC-B2 (15 inch) uses PCAP touch technology and is built into an eye-catching bezel with edge-to-edge glass. Thanks to a glass overlay covering the screen and a rugged bezel, it guarantees high dur... |
447,36 € |
Nájdených 39 výsledkov |