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steven pinker

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Nájdených 282 záznamov (zobrazujem 61 až 80)
Cena vrátane DPH
Enlightenment Now (Pinker Steven)

Enlightenment Now (Pinker Steven)

1146 recenzií

15,20 €
458 Sk

Sense of Style (Pinker Steven)

Sense of Style (Pinker Steven)

What is the secret of good prose? Does writing well even matter in an age of instant communication? Should we care? This book tells about the modern art of writing, and shows us why we all need a sense of

1146 recenzií

11,16 €
336 Sk

Racionalita - Pinker Steven

Racionalita - Pinker Steven

Prečo je ľudstvo po celé stáročia napriek ohromnému technickému a inteligenčnému pokroku také náchylné veriť falošným poplašným správam, nezmyselným konšpiráciám a dokonca aj samozvaným liečiteľom – šarlatánom? Racionálne premýšľanie je ako šípka hodená správnym smerom a Pinkerov triezvy, humorný po...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

9897 recenzií

15,90 €
479 Sk

Osvícenství tady a teď - Obhajoba rozumu, vědy, humanismu a pokroku - Pinker Steven

Osvícenství tady a teď - Obhajoba rozumu, vědy, humanismu a pokroku - Pinker Steven

V knize navazující na úspěšné starší dílo Lepší andělé naší přirozenosti si psycholog, lingvista a vědecký popularizátor Steven Pinker vytyčil ambiciózní cíl: Oživit neprávem zapomínané i zatracované osvícenské ideály rozumu, vědy, humanismu a pokroku, znovu je zformulovat v jazyce a pojmech 21. sto...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

9897 recenzií

36,31 €
1 094 Sk

Better Angels of Our Nature (Pinker Steven)

Better Angels of Our Nature (Pinker Steven)

Can violence really have declined? The images of conflict we see daily on our screens from around the world suggest this is an almost obscene claim to be making. In this title, the author shows violence within and between societies - both murder and

1146 recenzií

18,52 €
558 Sk

The Darker Angels of Our Nature: Refuting the Pinker Theory of History & Violence (Dwyer Philip)

The Darker Angels of Our Nature: Refuting the Pinker Theory of History & Violence (Dwyer Philip)

In The Better Angels of Our Nature Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker argued that modern history has witnessed a dramatic decline in human violence of every kind, and that in the present we are experiencing the most peaceful time in human history. But what do top historians think about Pinkers readi...

1146 recenzií

27,36 €
824 Sk

An Analysis of Steven Pinkers The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence has Declined (Smortchkova Joulia)

An Analysis of Steven Pinkers The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence has Declined (Smortchkova Joulia)

Reasoning is the critical thinking skill concerned with the production of arguments: making them coherent, consistent, and well-supported; and responding to opposing positions where necessary. The Better Angels of Our Nature offers a step-by-step class in precisely these skills. Author Steven Pinker...

1146 recenzií

8,16 €
246 Sk

Words And Rules (Pinker Prof Steven)

Words And Rules (Pinker Prof Steven)

One of the worlds science superstars presents a brilliantly illuminating, entertaining and cutting-edge account of how language actually

1146 recenzií

13,16 €
396 Sk

Buď svetlo - Pinker Steven

Buď svetlo - Pinker Steven

Naozaj sa svet ženie do záhuby? Je myšlienka pokroku dávno prekonaná? V tejto výborne ...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

6595 recenzií

6,90 €
208 Sk

Rationality (Pinker Steven)

Rationality (Pinker Steven)

1146 recenzií

10,24 €
308 Sk

The Sense of Style: The Thinking Persons Guide to Writing in the 21st Century (Pinker Steven)

The Sense of Style: The Thinking Persons Guide to Writing in the 21st Century (Pinker Steven)

Charming and erudite, from the author of Enlightenment Now, The wit and insight and clarity he brings . . . is what makes this book such a gem. Why is so much writing so bad, and how can we make it better? Is the English language being corrupted by texting and social media? Do the kids t...

1146 recenzií

18,40 €
554 Sk

Extra Life: A Short History of Living Longer (Johnson Steven)

Extra Life: A Short History of Living Longer (Johnson Steven)

Offers a useful reminder of the role of modern science in fundamentally transforming all of our lives. --President Barack Obama (on Twitter) An important book. --Steven Pinker, The New York Times Book Review The surprising and important story of how humans gained what amounts to an extra life, fr...

1146 recenzií

15,96 €
481 Sk

Blank Slate (Pinker Steven)

Blank Slate (Pinker Steven)

Recently many people have assumed that we are shaped by our environment: a blank slate waiting to be inscribed by upbringing and culture, with innate abilities playing little part. This title shows that this view denies the heart of our being: human

1146 recenzií

12,64 €
381 Sk

Language Instinct (Pinker Steven)

Language Instinct (Pinker Steven)

1146 recenzií

11,92 €
359 Sk

Words and Rules

Words and Rules

"In Words and Rules, Steven Pinker answers questions about the miraculous human ability called language, and does it in the gripping, witty style of his other bestsellers. Here Pinker explains the myst"

274 recenzií

16,47 €
496 Sk

Two Heads - Uta Frith, Alex Frith, Chris Frith, Bloomsbury Publishing PLC

Two Heads - Uta Frith, Alex Frith, Chris Frith, Bloomsbury Publishing PLC

A brilliantly illustrated journey through the wonders and mysteries of the human brain - from a renowned husband-and-wife team of cognitive neuroscientists. 'Charming and addictively accessible' Steven Pinker'Original, authoritative and beautiful' Brian Cox'The most wonderful adventure' Robin Ince P...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

9897 recenzií

21,38 €
644 Sk



'It will change the way you remember the 20th century and read the news in the 21st' Steven Pinker'A clarion call to preserve law and order across our planet' Philippe Sands'A fascinating and important book ... given the state of the world, The Internationalists has come along at the right moment' M...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

5312 recenzií

15,17 €
457 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

Books do Furnish a Life

Books do Furnish a Life

'Richard Dawkins is a thunderously gifted science writer.' Sunday Times 'It may be a collection of shorter parts, but the book is in no sense Dawkins made simple. It amounts to a substantive whole which offers a unitary panoramic view across his entire intellectual life.' Spectator Including convers...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

12568 recenzií

13,95 €
420 Sk


Your Move: What Board Games Teach Us about Life (Kay Jonathan)

Your Move: What Board Games Teach Us about Life (Kay Jonathan)

The great board game revolution is here-- What do these games tell us about our society, our relationships, and ourselves? Games, Jonathan Kay and Joan Moriarity show in this lively and insightful book, are not just fun and games: they allow us to explore the complexities of the world, from evolutio...

1146 recenzií

14,08 €
424 Sk



El proyecto más reciente de Stefan Sagmeister anima a pensar a largo plazo y nos recuerda que muchas cosas en el mundo están mejorando.Concebido inicialmente en 2020, cuando el mundo entraba en una situación de bloqueo pandémico, Stefan Sagmeister ha creado un libro que examina el estado del mundo a...

Obchod overený zákazníkmi

5312 recenzií

36,64 €
1 104 Sk

Najlacnejšie knihy

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