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Nájdených 443 záznamov (zobrazujem 81 až 100)
Cena vrátane DPH
Yongnuo Flash Lampa LED Yongnuo YN508 - WB (5500 K) |
107,49 € |
Controller + Flash Trigger Yongnuo YN622C-KIT for CanonYongnuo YN622C-Kit. This set consisting of radio control TTL Yongnuo 622C-TX and trigger YN-622C. Yongnuo 622C-TX is a wireless 2.4 GHz radio controller allows complete control over the flashes i-TTL triggers connected to the YN-622C. Coded transmission ensures effective range without interference u... |
104,49 € |
Yongnuo Radio Controller Yongnuo YN-622N-TX |
57,17 € |
Yongnuo YN360G Smart Tracking Holder, 360 stupňová rotácia Auto Face/Teles/Object... YN2759The Yongnuo YN360G is a intelligent automatic head that will direct the movements of your smartphone, camera or camcorder mounted on it so that you are always in the centre of the frame. You can also use it with directional microphones and lightweight LED lights. Simply place the device of your choi... |
64,00 € |
Yongnuo YN 50 mm f/1.8 DF DSM lens for Sony EThe Yongnuo YN 50mm f/1.8 DF DSM is a full-frame lens featuring high brightness and an extremely versatile focal length. The device is designed to work with cameras equipped with the Sony E bayonet. The classic "fifty" is an ideal choice for portraits, as well as for landscape, street and reportage ... |
377,50 € |
Rádiový ovládač Yongnuo YN560-TX II pre Nikon YN1529The Yongnuo YN560-TX II is a radio controller for remote flash triggering and parameter control of Yongnuo RF602 and RF603 compatible flashes (YN560 III, YN560 IV, YN660, YN860Li). In cooperation with flashes equipped with a built-in compatible receiver, the controller enables wireless: flash trigge... |
64,00 € |
Yongnuo YN300 IV RGB LEDYongnuo YN300 IV is a technologically advanced LED lamp, offering precise light temperature adjustment from 3200 - 5600 K and emitting countless colors from the RGB color space. In addition to standard modes, the YN300 IV features a variety of special effects, such as lightning, sunrise and police c... |
144,49 € |
Softbox Yongnuo YN45-1 YN3770The Yongnuo YN45-1 softbox is a compact and powerful light modifier with a diameter of 45 cm, designed to work with Yongnuo YN300 series lights. It provides soft, eye-pleasing lighting. It will get rid of harsh shadows that can adversely affect the quality of your photos and videos. Its silver-finis... |
33,00 € |
Newell Flash Yongnuo YN300 Air LED lampa - WB (3200K - 5500K) |
48,50 € |
Yongnuo P360 Pro Max LED Lamp - RGB, WB (2000 K - 10000 K) YN3635Výkonný a univerzálny LED panel pre profesionálov Yongnuo P360 Pro Max je výkonný a profesionálny LED panel (52,8 x 52,8 cm), ideálny pre filmové a fotografické natáčanie. S 4992 LED diódami umožňuje dosiahnuť intenzitu svetla až 9450 luxov zo vzdialenosti 1 metra. Zariadenie umožňuje nastavenie fa... |
1 956,00 € |
Yongnuo YN300 Air II LED |
65,05 € |
Yongnuo Studio Lamp Yongnuo YN6000 LED Lamp - WB (3200K - 5600K)Yongnuo Studio Lamp Yongnuo YN6000 LED Lamp - WB (3200K - 5600K) Omlouváme se, průběžně pracujeme na lepším popisu |
199,47 € |
Yongnuo YN-300 Air 3200-5500K |
39,40 € |
Makro blesk YONGNUO Ring flash YN-14EX GN14, TTL CanonProfesionálny, digitálny externý systémový makro blesk YONGNUO ring flash je určený pre makro fotografiu alebo ako doplnok pre vytváranie kruhových odleskov v očiach. Blesk vyniká vysokou kvalitou spracovania, výkonnou bleskovou hlavou a unikátnym systémom TTL / ETTL podporujúci fotoaparáty CANON, k... |
135,28 € |
Yongnuo Studio Lamp LED Yongnuoo YN-600 AIR 3200 5500K |
95,59 € |
Yongnuo YN690EX-RT flash for Canon YN4107The Yongnuo YN690EX-RT is a versatile flash offering an ultra-short burner charging time of just 1 second. With a powerful, replaceable 2,000 mAh battery with built-in USB-C port, the unit will allow up to 600 flashes on a single charge. With a large LCD screen, precise positioning adjustment and a ... |
202,00 € |
Objektív Yongnuo YN 35mm f/1.4 DF UWM pre Canon EF YN2532The Yongnuo YN 35mm f/1.4 DF UWM is a refreshed version of a lens designed for full frame cameras with the Canon EF bayonet. The new model has been enhanced with an ultrasonic autofocus motor for quiet and precise operation of this system. The lens has a 35mm focal length, popular with journalists, ... |
511,00 € |
Trvalé LED svetlo YONGNUO YN-600 L - II, 5500KLED trvalé svetlo spoločnosti YONGNUO so šiestimi stovkami LED diód a svetelným výkonom až 4 680 LM, ktorý môžete plynule regulovať. Toto svetlo nahrádza klasické trubicové alebo žiarovkové svetlá, oproti ktorým je efektívnejšie ale aj odolnejšie a trvácnejšie. Výhodou tohto svetla je aj stálosť vyž... |
195,94 € |
LED svetlo Yongnuo YN204 - WB (3200 K - 5500 K)Yongnuo YN204 je stredne veľké stropné kamerové svetlo využívajúce SMD LED diódy. Vytvára vysoko kvalitné svetlo s nastaviteľnou teplotou farieb a širokým uhlom vyžarovania. Vysoký výkon a široký uhol vyžarovania Použitie moderných LED diód SMD umožňuje generovať svetlo s vysokým výkonom a širokým u... |
79,00 € |
Kruhové LED svetlo Yongnuo YN128 II - WB (3200 K-5500 K)The Yongnuo YN128 II is a medium-sized ring LED flash with infinitely adjustable light colour temperature, a built-in mirror and a phone holder. The lamp panel consists of 128 LEDs, half of which emit light at a colour temperature of 3200 K and the other half at 5500 K. Thanks to the functionality o... |
53,49 € |
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