Theatre of War
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Nájdených 520 záznamov (zobrazujem 101 až 120)
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Peninsular War Atlas (Revised)The Peninsular War saw some of the bloodiest fighting of the Napoleonic Wars. Despite the exposure given to this theatre the soldiers who fought there have received little public recognition. As the bicentennial commemorations of this war draw to a climax in 2014, this magnificent book has been re-r... |
49,97 € |
Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943 je oceňovaná real-time stratégia, ktorá sa zaoberá udalosťami roku 1943 v Tunisku v Severnej Afrike počas konfliktu 2. svetovej vojny. Jednotky Afrika Corps sa zotavujú zo zničujúce porážky v bitke pri El-Alameinu, avšak teraz, podporované talianskou armádou, sa snaží z... |
1,00 € |
Multivocal Archaeologies of the Pacific War, 1941-45: Collaboration, Reconciliation, and Renewal (Raffield Ben)This volume draws together the ground-breaking work of researchers and archaeological practitioners, working in multiple countries, to explore and understand the material and cultural impacts of the Pacific War. The combat taking place in the Pacific region during the years 1941-45 was characterize... |
46,00 € |
Theatre of War 2 Africa 1943Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943 pokrýva udalosti roku 1943 v Tunisku v Severnej Afrike. Nemecké Afrika Korps sa zotavuje zo zničujúce porážky a následného ústupu po Druhej bitke pri El-Alameinu - teraz posilnená a podporovaná Talianskou armádou - sa pripravuje zase raz skrížiť zbrane sa Spojenci. Jedn... |
2,34 € |
50 Women in Theatre (Croft Susan)Since 1660 when actresses first began performing on the English stage, women have forged bright careers in theatre, while men called the shots. Four hundred years of women playwrights, from Aphra Behn to Caryl Churchill, yet plays by women make up less than a quarter of staged productions in the UK,... |
28,36 € |
Shakespeare at War: A Material History (Lidster Amy)Presenting engaging, thought-provoking stories across centuries of military activity, this book demonstrates just how extensively Shakespeares cultural capital has been deployed at times of national conflict. Drawing upon scholarly expertise in Shakespeare and War Studies, first-hand experience from... |
26,40 € |
Hood & His Texas Brigade During the American Civil WarA famous Confederate commander and the elite force that bore his name The American Civil War, which split the nation's small officer cadre in two, inevitably ensured many young officers from both Union and Confederate states would reach high rank. Some of those men earned abiding fame. One of the su... |
23,02 € |
Theatre of War 2: Battle for Caen | PC SteamTheater of War 2: Battle for Caen je rozširujúci balík pre kritikmi uznávanú hru Theatre of War 2: Kursk 1943, historickú taktickú vojnovú hru v reálnom čase. V Battle for Caen budú hráči ovládať jednotky britskej 11. obrnenej divízie počas operácie Epsom a Goodwood, ktorá sa uskutočnila od 26... |
1,96 € |
Ballet in the Cold War: A Soviet-American Exchange (Searcy Anne)In 1959, the Bolshoi Ballet arrived in New York for its first ever performances in the United States. The tour was part of the Soviet-American cultural exchange, arranged by the governments of the US and USSR as part of their Cold War strategies. This book explores the first tours of the exchange, b... |
62,36 € |
Theatre of War: Collection | PC SteamTheatre of War je hra vytvorená firmou 1C (tvorcovia legendárneho IL-2 Sturmovik a séria Pacific Fighters). Ide o taktickú real-time stratégiu, ktorá predstavuje najdôležitejšie bitky 2. svetovej vojny. Vlastnosti hry: Absolútna úroveň realizmu Viac ako 40 wiernie odwzorowane misje Viac... |
14,98 € |
Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943Theatre of War 2: Afrika 1943 zachytáva udalosti z roku 1943 v Tunisku v severnej Afrike. Nemecká Afrika Korps, posilnená a teraz podporovaná talianskou armádou, sa zotavuje zo strát po drvivej porážke a následnom ústupe po druhej bitke pri El-Alameine a opäť sa pripravuje na to, aby so spojencami p... |
4,90 € |
The Whalebone Theatre (Quinn Joanna)NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLER - A TODAY SHOW #ReadWithJenna BOOK CLUB PICK - A transporting, irresistible debut novel that takes its heroine, Cristabel Seagrave, from a theatre made of whalebones to covert operations during World War II--a story of love, family, bravery, lost innocence, and self-transf... |
14,60 € |
Theatre of War 3: Korea (PC) DIGITALPrežite udalosti prvého ozbrojeného konfliktu z obdobia Studenej vojny, Kórejskej vojny, tiež známe ako Zabudnutá vojna. Hráč sa jej zúčastní v dvoch kampaniach, oboch zasadených do 50. rokov 20. storočia: za Severnú Kóreu (25. jún - 20. august) a Ameriku (15. septembra - 8. október). Všetci vojnoví... |
3,38 € |
COMMANDO GALLANTRY AWARDS of WORLD WAR II. (Brown G. a.)A comprehensive record of the gallantry of a force that numbered some 10,000 at its peak and fought in virtually every theatre of war in actions ranging from small engagements to pitched battles. Here, with appropriate historical background and sketch maps, are the details of 10 VCs, 32 DSOs, 135 MC... |
28,32 € |
Theatre of War Collection (PC)Theatre of War je hra vytvořená firmou 1C (tvůrci legendárního IL-2 Sturmovik a série Pacific Fighters). Jedná se o taktickou real-time strategii, která představuje nejdůležitější bitvy 2. světové války.Theatre of War Collection obsahuje:Theatre of WarTheatre of War 2 - Battle for CaenTheatre of War... |
6,99 € |
Peninsular War Atlas (Revised)The Peninsular War saw some of the bloodiest fighting of the Napoleonic Wars. Despite the exposure given to this theatre the soldiers who fought there have received little public recognition. As the bicentennial commemorations of this war draw to a climax in 2014, this magnificent book has been re-r... |
49,97 € |
Theatre of War (PC)Theatre of Warje hra vytvořená firmou 1C (tvůrci legendárního IL-2 Sturmovik a série Pacific Fighters). Jedná se o taktickou real-time strategii, která představuje nejdůležitější bitvy 2. světové války.Vlastnosti hry:Absolutn&iacu... |
2,99 € |
Bomber War: A Ladybird Expert Book (Holland James)Part of the new Ladybird Expert series, The Bomber War is an accessible, insightful and authoritative introduction to the airborne Allied fight against Nazi Germany. - How did aeroplane technology change the theatre of war? - How did the Blitz affect Britains ability to fight? - How did the Allies ... |
7,48 € |
War Horse (Morpurgo Michael)Before the Steven Spielberg film, before the National Theatre production, there was the classic childrens novel - War Horse.From the nations favourite storyteller, Michael |
8,04 € |
Theatre of War (PC)Vojnová 3D RTS, ktorá sa zaoberá celým obdobím vojny od prepadnutia Poľska Nemeckom až po pád Berlína v roku 1945. Hra je plne založená na skutočných udalostiach i realitách. Akcia sa odohráva v reálnych miestach vytvorených s pomocí dobových topografických máp. Histórií do posledného bodu odpovedaj... |
4,90 € |
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