Theatre of War
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Nájdených 520 záznamov (zobrazujem 41 až 60)
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World War II US Navy Special Warfare UnitsWith the need for large-scale amphibious landings to decide the outcome of World War II the US Navy developed several types of specialized unit to reconnoitre potential landing areas, degrade the enemy's ability to resist, and assist the landing forces on to the beaches. The Scouts and Raiders were ... |
19,10 € |
Theatre of War: Collection (PC) DIGITALPC Theatre of War je hra vytvorená firmou 1C (tvorcovia legendárneho IL-2 Sturmovik a séria Pacific Fighters). Jedná sa o taktickú real-time stratégiu, ktorá predstavuje najdôležitejšie bitky 2. svetovej vojny 78% Theatre of war je jedna z historicky najpresnejších vojnových stratégií. Detailné spra... |
1,39 € |
Sound and Music for the Theatre: The Art and Technique of Design (Kaye Deena)Covering every phase of a theatrical production, this fourth edition of Sound and Music for the Theatre traces the process of sound design from initial concept through implementation in actual performances. The book discusses the early evolution of sound design and how it supports the play, from r... |
46,00 € |
Thucydides' Peloponnesian WarAn ancient conflict brought vividly to life by its greatest historian For those familiar with contemporary works of military history there may be something disconcerting about a book written over 2,000 years ago. The Athenian Thucydides was however an historian very much in the modern mould, who wro... |
27,24 € |
Theatre of War (PC) DIGITAL SteamTheatre of Warje hra vytvorená firmou 1C (tvorcovia legendárneho IL-2 Sturmovik a séria Pacific Fighters). Jedná sa o taktickú real-time stratégiu, ktorá predstavuje najdôležitejšie bitky 2. svetovej vojny. Vlastnosti hry: Absolútna úroveň realizmu Viac ako 40 misií Elementy RPG: vojaci získavajú sk... |
2,34 € |
The Crimean War and Cultural Memory: The War France Won and Forgot (Godfrey Sima)The Crimean War (1854-56) is widely considered the first modern war with its tactical use of railways, telegraphs, and battleships, its long-range rifles, and its notorious trenches - precursors of the Great War. It is also the first media war: the first to know the impact of a correspondent on the ... |
58,64 € |
American Civil War CommandersThe American Civil War was one of the last wars in which generals often led from the front, risking death at the head of their men. It was a war of larger-than-life characters, generals who earned colourful reputations and strong opinions among their soldiers and colleagues. This book outlines the c... |
22,92 € |
Theatre of War 3: Korea (PC) DIGITALPrežite udalosti prvého ozbrojeného konfliktu z obdobia Studenej vojny, Kórejskej vojny, tiež známe ako Zabudnutá vojna. Hráč sa jej zúčastní v dvoch kampaniach, oboch zasadených do 50. rokov 20. storočia: za Severnú Kóreu (25. jún - 20. august) a Ameriku (15. septembra - 8. október). Všetci vojnoví... |
3,38 € |
American Civil War CommandersThe American Civil War was one of the last wars in which generals often led from the front, risking death at the head of their men. It was a war of larger-than-life characters, generals who earned colourful reputations and strong opinions among their soldiers and colleagues. These men were not stamp... |
22,92 € |
The Whalebone Theatre - Joanna Quinnová'THE BOOK OF THE SUMMER' Sunday Times'A tour de force' Sarah Winman, author of Still LifeThis is the story of an old English manor house by the sea, with crumbling chimneys, draping ivy and a library full of dusty hardbacks. It's the story of the three children who grow up there, and the adventures ... |
14,75 € |
Theatre of War 2: Centauro | PC SteamTento rozširujúci balík je venovaný 131. obrnenej divízii Centauro a bitkám, ktorých sa zúčastnila v severnej Afrike od decembra 1942 do polovice mája 1943. 131. obrnená divízia Centauro (v taliančine: 131ª Divisione Corazzata „Centauro“) bola obrnená divízia talianskej armády počas druhej svetovej... |
1,96 € |
Our Pre-War, A generation in the storm (Brasillach Robert)Our pre-war period was not everyones pre-war period, I know that. It was first of all that of a small group of friends, sometimes distant from the time when they lived, but I imagine that through the details of their individual existence they were able to preserve some fairly common assets. I am not... |
22,12 € |
Russian Aces of World War 1Although the Russian Imperial Army Air Service consisted of no more than four BAGs (Boevaya Aviatsionniy Gruppa - battle aviation groups), each controlling three or four smaller AOIs (Aviatsionniy Otryad Istrebitelei - fighter aviation detachments) equipped with a variety of aircraft types, its figh... |
21,61 € |
Submarines of World War II: 1939-45From the very beginning of World War II, the German U-boats proved their worth, attacking Atlantic shipping and imposing a trangulating blockade on Allied supply lines that seriously degraded Britain’s ability to wage war. In the Pacific theatre, US |
20,80 € |
Royal Air Force Bomber Command Losses of the Second World War Volume 1 1939-40 2nd editionThis monumental series has become an essential work of reference for both aviation historians and genealogists. The series covers individual aircraft losses in the European Theatre and identifying units, aircraft, crews and the circumstances behind each loss, day-by-day. Since Volume 1 was first pub... |
37,10 € |
Theatre Of War 2: Africa 1943 (Voucher - Kód na stiahnutie) (PC) (Digitální platforma: Steam, Jazyk hry: EN) |
2,30 € |
Shakespeare at War: A Material History (Lidster Amy)Presenting engaging, thought-provoking stories across centuries of military activity, this book demonstrates just how extensively Shakespeares cultural capital has been deployed at times of national conflict. Drawing upon scholarly expertise in Shakespeare and War Studies, first-hand experience from... |
26,40 € |
Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943 je oceňovaná real-time stratégia, ktorá sa zaoberá udalosťami roku 1943 v Tunisku v Severnej Afrike počas konfliktu 2. svetovej vojny. Jednotky Afrika Corps sa zotavujú zo zničujúce porážky v bitke pri El-Alameinu, avšak teraz, podporované talianskou armádou, sa snaží z... |
1,00 € |
Theatre of War (PC)Theatre of Warje hra vytvořená firmou 1C (tvůrci legendárního IL-2 Sturmovik a série Pacific Fighters). Jedná se o taktickou real-time strategii, která představuje nejdůležitější bitvy 2. světové války.Vlastnosti hry:Absolutn&iacu... |
2,99 € |
The Great War Western Front Victory EditionThe Victory Edition includes:The Great War: Western Front Full Game DownloadDigital Field Guide (Digital Download)Original Soundtrack Featuring 31 Tracks from Frank Klepacki (Digital Download)Five Wallpapers (Digital Download) The Great War: Western Front is the definitive World War 1 strategy game ... |
14,06 € |
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