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Nájdených 443 záznamov (zobrazujem 21 až 40)
Cena vrátane DPH
Yongnuo LUX100 Kit LED Lamp - WB (3200 K - 5600 K) YN3634The Yongnuo LUX100 LED lamp is a compact and versatile light source, ideal for filmmakers and photographers. With the "Kit" variant, you additionally get a bracket with NP-F battery slots, a diffuser that narrows the light beam to 55o, and a sturdy carrying case. The lamp is equipped with LED COB te... |
156,00 € |
Blesk pre makro fotografiu Yongnuo YN24EX pre Canon YN0229Yongnuo YN24EX is a specialist lamp designed for macro photography, equipped with two moving heads that emit strobe light and continuous. YN24EX offers huge opportunities configuration, so that the lighting can be perfectly adapted to any situation. Mobile lamp heads are connected to the control uni... |
222,00 € |
Objektiv Yongnuo YN 4/3 25 mm F/1,7Objektiv Yongnuo YN 4/3 25 mm F/1,7 Popis produktu není dostatečný? Našli jste chybu? Napište na objednávky@euroking.cz děkujeme |
135,95 € |
Makro blesk YONGNUO Ring flash YN-24EX GN24/79, TTL CanonProfesionálny externý makro blesk YONGNUO MR24 je nástupcom staršieho modelu YN14EX. YN24EX má dvojnásobný výkon a ponúka väčšiu variabilitu nastavenia. Blesk môžete ľahko ovládať aj cez menu fotoaparátu, čo ušetrí čas pri nastavovaní základných funkcií. Makro blesky sú určené nielen pre makro foto... |
313,77 € |
Súprava makro prstencového blesku Yongnuo YN-14EX II TTL pre Canon YN2014The Yongnuo YN14EX II is the second version of the popular ring flash designed for macro photography. The flash works perfectly with Canon system cameras, offering E-TTL flash automation support, manual mode and LED backlighting for easy focusing. Wide compatibility The YN14EX II consists of two com... |
153,00 € |
Trvalé LED svetlo Yongnuo YN160 - III, 3200 - 5500 KLED trvalé svetlo spoločnosti YONGNUO s 300 LED- diódami a svetelným výkonom až 1 488 LM, ktorý môžete plynulo regulovať. Toto svetlo nahrádza klasické trubicové alebo žiarovkové svetlá, oproti ktorým je efektívnejšie ale aj odolnejšie a trvácnejšie. Výhodou tohto svetla je aj stálosť vyžarovaného s... |
82,48 € |
Trvalé LED svetlo YONGNUO YN900 L, 5500KLED trvalé svetlo spoločnosti YONGNUO s deviatimi stovkami LED diód a svetelným výkonom až 7 200 LM, ktorý môžete plynule regulovať. Toto svetlo nahrádza klasické trubicové alebo žiarovkové svetlá, oproti ktorým je efektívnejšie ale aj odolnejšie a trvácnejšie. Výhodou tohto svetla je aj stálosť vyž... |
253,17 € |
Yongnuo flash lampa LED Yongnuo YN128 II - WB (3200 K -5500 K) |
55,55 € |
Yongnuo Ring Light LED YN308 – WB (3200 K – 5500 K) YN0910The Yongnuo YN308 is a large LED ring light designed for creative lighting in the studio and in the field. The light panel is formed by 308 high-performance LEDs, half of which emit light with a colour temperature of 3200 K and the other half with a temperature of 5500 K. Thanks to the functionality... |
113,00 € |
Yongnuo YN968N II TTL Speedlite pre fotoaparáty Nikon YN2305Yongnuo YN968N II TTL Speedlite pre fotoaparáty Nikon Pre pokročilú funkčnosť využíva spoločnosť Yongnuo rádiový systém 2,4 GHz pre prevádzku master a slave, ako aj optickú podporu TTL slave pre systémy Nikon a Canon. Rádiová funkcia podporuje systémy Yongnuo YN622N (master/slave) a YN560 (slave), ... |
178,01 € |
LED svetlo Yongnuo YN160 III - WB (5500 K)The company in the third installment of the Yongnuo YN-160 flash decided to enter the building to its other products. The housing is slender, lets you use the battery to power the Sony NP-F series and 8V AC adapter. Additionally, the LED is used with a refractive Color rendering CRI 95+. built-in LE... |
53,49 € |
Yongnuo YN4104The Yongnuo LUX100 RGB LED lamp is a compact and versatile light source, ideal for filmmakers and photographers. In the "Kit" variant, you additionally get a bracket with NP-F battery slots, a diffuser that narrows the light beam to 55º, and a carrying case. The lamp is equipped with COB LED technol... |
197,50 € |
LED lampa Yongnuo YNRay180 - WB (5600 K) YN3199The Yongnuo YNRay180 is an LED spot light offering high quality light with a constant colour temperature of 5600K. The LED COB technology used in this model allows to achieve a luminous flux of 24480 lm and maximum light intensity of 65655 lx (at a distance of 1 m). The lamp offers stepless power ad... |
266,00 € |
Objektív Yongnuo YN 35 mm f / 2,0 pre Canon EF YN0366Objektív Yongnuo YN 35 mm f / 2,0 pre Canon EF Yongnuo YN 35mm f/2.0 je pevný objektív s veľkou clonou určený pre fotoaparáty s plnoformátovým snímačom a Canon EF bajonetom. Tento objektív je obľúbený medzi novinármi a fotoreportérmi, pretože jeho 35mm ohnisková vzdialenosť umožňuje zachytiť subjek... |
133,00 € |
Softbox Yongnuo YN85Q YN3767The Yongnuo YN85Q softbox is a versatile light modifier that will work well for film and photography. It is a larger alternative to the Yongnuo YN65Q model. The 85 cm diameter design resembles a lantern in its shape. The ultra-lightweight metal frame makes the accessory extremely lightweight (1.35 k... |
68,01 € |
Yongnuo i-TTL YN-622 IIYongnuo YN622NII jedenego is the successor of the most advanced radio triggers for system lamps and studio lighting. It enables remote control of individual lamps or groups of lamps. With the 2.4 GHz range, the range of the device reaches 100m. The changes compared to its predecessor: - added USB po... |
104,49 € |
Vysielač Yongnuo YN560-TX Pro pre NikonYN560-TX Pro Je prelomový rádiový ovládač od Yongnuo na diaľkové ovládanie reportérskych lámp. Táto vývojová verzia YN560-TX II istým spôsobom zjednocuje staršie bezdrôtové spúšťacie systémy RF602/603/605 a YN622 II. Zariadenie okrem iného umožňuje ovládanie svietidiel v piatich skupinách, pre nas... |
98,90 € |
Yongnuo YN360 – LED svetlo RGB, WB (3200 K – 5500 K) |
101,48 € |
Yongnuo YN360 mini LED lampa – RGB, WB (2700 K – 7500 K) YN3095The Yongnuo YN360 Mini is a smaller version of the well-known sword-shaped LED lamp. The lamp offers adjustable power, colour temperature and many colour combinations from the RGB colour space. In addition to the standard modes, the lamp has a number of special effects to achieve stunning Hollywood ... |
118,01 € |
Objektív Yongnuo YN 35 mm f/1,4 pre Canon EF YN1477Yongnuo YN 35 mm f / 1.4 bright, full-frame lens with either focal length, intended to cooperate with the Canon cameras equipped with fastening EF. Practical focal lens has a focal length of 35 mm, often used by photographers wedding, street, journalists and photographers. Due to the relatively wide... |
578,00 € |
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